关于春天的五首小诗Five ancient Chinese poems about spring

1. Spring Morning

- by Meng Haoran (689-740) of Tang Dynasty (618-907)

This spring morning in bed I'm lying,

Not to awake till the birds are crying.

After one night of wind and showers,

How many are the fallen flowers?


2.Written in a Village South of the Capital

- by Cui Hu (772 - 846) of Tang Dynasty

In this house on this day last year, a pink face vied

In beauty with the pink peach blossoms side by side.

I do not know today where the pink face has gone;

In the vernal breeze still smile pink peach blossoms full-blown.


3. Happy Rain on a Spring Night (Excerpts)

- by Du Fu (712-770) of Tang Dynasty

Good rain knows its time right;

It will fall when comes spring.

With wind it steals in night;

Mute, it moistens each thing.


4.Dreaming of the Southern Shore

- by Bai Juyi (772-846) of Tang Dynasty

Fair Southern shore,

With scenes I adore.

At sunrise riverside flowers redder than fire,

In spring green waves grow as blue as sapphire,

Which I can't but admire.


5. Love Seeds

- by Wang Wei (701-761) of Tang Dynasty

Red berries grow in the southern land.

How many load in spring the trees!

Gather them till full is your hand;

They would revive fond memories.


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