

英文 中文
Say when. 够了就说
Yeah, you'll never guess who's here. 对你肯定猜不到谁在这里
Think '90s. 往90年代想
No, BoJack Horseman from Horsin' Around. 不《胡闹的小马》里的马男波杰克
No, I mean, he got a little fatter, 没有虽然变胖了
but it's definitely him. 不过绝对是他
He looks really sad. It's hilarious. 他看起来好忧伤真好笑
Get over here now. 赶快来啊
卡洛琳公主 工作
I told you, I don't know where it is. 我说了我不知道它在哪
Don't put things in my butt if you want them back. 你要是还想要就别塞我屁股里啊
And hold for Princess Carolyn, please. 请等待卡洛琳公主接听
Thanks, Laura. 谢谢劳拉
BoJack, it's your favorite agent. 波杰克我是你最爱的经纪人
Yeah, some agent, you couldn't even get me in the room for War Horse. 真了不起你都不能让我去试镜《战马》
There were, like, ten horses in that movie. 那电影里起码有十匹马
I didn't need to be the warhorse. 我都没要当主角
Listen, dummy, I want to make sure you're all set 听着傻蛋我要确认你准备好

for your first day with Diane tomorrow. 明天跟戴安的首次合作了
Is she gonna ask me a bunch of personal questions? 她会问我一堆私人问题吗
The woman we're paying to ghostwrite your memoir? 我们雇她代笔写你的回忆录哎
Yeah, probably. 当然会问
Okay, all right, there's no need to get... 好吧你不用...
What, catty? Are you gonna say catty? 什么阴险吗你要说阴险吗
- I was not gonna say catty. - Oh, what were you gonna say? -我没要说阴险-那你要说什么
I was gonna say catty because you're a cat. 我说阴险因为你是只猫
Goodbye, BoJack. 再见波杰克
Laura, I know you're listening. You got it, right? 劳拉我知道你在听你懂的对不对
Laura, do not respond to him. Goodbye, BoJack. 劳拉别理他再见波杰克
She got it. 她懂的
Oh, my God. Take another one. 天呐再照一张
Take another one. 再照一张
Excuse me, I just wanted you to know 不好意思我想跟你们说
that you ruined someone else's night tonight, 你们今晚毁了别人美好的夜晚
and I hope you have enough decency 希望你们还有自尊
to at least feel a little bit crappy about it. 至少良心会觉得有一点不安
Excuse me? 你说什么
I was actually already in a bad mood, 我心情已经很不好了
but I thought maybe for one night, 但我觉得或许能有一晚
I could go out to a bar and try to forget about myself, 可以去酒吧喝两杯忘了自己的烦心事
but now because of you and your friends, 但现在因为你和你这群朋友
I feel more self-conscious than ever. 我觉得更别扭了
If we were bothering you so much, 我们要是这么烦你
why didn't you just leave? 你就走呗
Because I didn't think of that, and now I feel stupid. 因为我没想到会这样我真是太蠢了
Look, I have a right to be here. 我有权在这里
Maybe because you're skinny and maybe 'cause you're pretty, 可能你又瘦长得又好看
you're used to getting away with things, 已经习惯随心所欲了
but I want you to know that your actions 但我想让你知道你的行为
have an effect on others, and I hate you, 已经影响到了其他人我讨厌你
and you are a horrible person, 你是个烂人
and you not understanding that you're a horrible person 而且你对自己是烂人浑然不知
doesn't make you less of a horrible person. 并不能让你好多少
You think I'm pretty? 你觉得我好看吗
Well, that was another in a long series 众多让我后悔的人生选择中
of regrettable life choices. 又多了一个
What'd you say? 你说什么

I was tweeting about all the weird stuff you do in bed. 我正在发推说你那些奇怪的性癖呢
Good morning. 早上好
Why are you here? 你怎么在这里
I slept here. 我在你家过夜了
Yeah, but why are you still here? 是但你怎么还没走
Breakfast. 吃早饭啊
That better not be my last Toaster Strudel. 那最好不是我最后一个速冻点心
No, there were three left. 不还剩三个
Well, get out of here. 赶快走
My memoirist is gonna show up soon, 帮我写回忆录的人要来了
and I don't need you... 我不需要你...
- What's your name? - Pam. -你叫什么-帕姆
I don't need you Pam-ing up the place when she gets here. 她来的时候我不需要你在这里乱转悠
- Hey, BoJack. - Ah! Why are you here? -你好波杰克-你怎么在这里
- You told me to come at 9:00. - That doesn't sound like me. -你让我九点来的-不像是我说的话啊
I have your email right here. 我这有你发来的邮件
"Diane, why don't you come over Tuesday morning at 9:00? "戴安不如你周二早上九点过来吧
Also, you should bring this email with you 而且要带着这封邮件来
because I might not remember it because I just took 因为我可能会不记得我才吃了
a bunch of horse tranquilizers, ha ha. 一些马用镇静剂哈哈
Also, please don't put in my book 还有别把我
that I use horse tranquilizers, ha ha. 用镇静剂这事写进书里哈哈
I just use a small dose to help me fall asleep at night 我只用了一点用来助眠的
and then a much, much larger dose 然后又用了很多
to get me through the day. 帮我熬过白天
Also, I'm drunk. 而且我喝醉了
Also, I'm alone, so alone, so, so alone. 而且我就一个人好孤独
Please don't put that in my book, 请别把这个写进我的书里
book, book, book 'em, dildo. 书书书个鸡巴
Does it taste like magenta in here?" 尝起来跟女人的下面一样吗"
Then I think you fell asleep on the keyboard 然后我觉得你可能在键盘上睡着了
because it just says the letter "B" 27 times. 因为这后面连打了27个b
That does sound like me. 的确像我干的
Well, anyway, this is my businessperson... 总之这位是我的生意伙伴
Excuse me? 你说什么
Here to help me with some business needs. 来帮我解决生意问题的
- All very above board. - Uh, what'd you say? -一切都光明正大-你说什么
No need to mention her in the book either, 书里也不用提到她
unless it's a business book. 除非你写的是商业书
Ha ha, classic BoJack. 典型的波杰克风格
Why are you here? 你来干什么
Oh, funny story, I'm filming a reality show later, 说来有趣我后面要拍一部真人秀
so I thought I'd drop by with the old tennis ball and chain. 所以就想着来顺便拜访下我女友
That is neither funny nor a story 这既不好笑也不是故事
nor a reason for you to drop by. 更不是你过来的理由
Aw, he just wanted to come over and brag 他就是想来炫耀下
about his reality show. 自己的真人秀
Get this, I am starring in a pilot presentation 你看我要演出一部名人
for a celebrity reality show. 真人秀的试播集
It's pretty cutting edge, huh? 多潮啊是不是
Yeah, if it's 2003. 2003年的潮吧
Ha ha. Don't tell VH1 that. 可别跟VH1台这么说
Seriously, though, please don't tell VH1 that. 真的别跟VH1台说
We are calling it Peanutbutter and Jelly. 我们叫它《花生酱和果酱》
Get it? 懂没
- Because I'm Mr. Peanutbutter. - Okay, who's Jelly? -因为我是花生酱先生-那谁是果酱
No, no, no. It's like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 不不不就像花生酱和果酱三明治
It's wordplay. 是文字游戏
You may have too forgiving a definition of the word "Wordplay." 你真懂什么叫"文字游戏"吗
Well, it's a working title. 名字还在想呢
Well, it could be working harder, and that's wordplay. 那就使劲想想啊这才叫"文字游戏"
How'd you even get in here? 你们怎么进来的
Your roommate let us in. 你室友开的门
Mi casa es su casa. 我家就是你们家[西语]
And that is the last of the Toaster Strudels, 那是我最后一块速冻点心
and now my morning is ruined. 现在我的早上彻底毁了
Could you guys keep it down, okay? 你们能小声一点吗
I'm kind of on a date right now. 我正在约会
Okay, I'm gonna go get breakfast, 我出去买早饭
and when I get back, I want everyone out of my house 等我回来你们最好都离开我家
except for you and you and... 除了你你还有...
- who are you again? - The girl you had sex with. -你是谁来着-跟你上床的姑娘
Right. You definitely should have already been gone. 对你早就该走了
I really shouldn't eat chocolate 我真的不能吃巧克力
'cause it can literally kill me. 因为吃了真的会死
Oh, I know. 我知道
- But I love chocolate. - Story of my life. -但我超爱巧克力-谁不是呢
Hey, excuse me. 不好意思
Yes, I am BoJack Horseman, star of Horsin' Around. 对我就是《胡闹的小马》里的马男波杰克
Yeah, okay, I don't care. 好吧我不关心这个
Those are my muffins. 那盒松饼是我的
I'm sorry, I... I don't understand. 抱歉我没听懂
Did you bring them into the store with you? 它们是你带进店里的吗
No, but I was going to buy them. 不但我准备买
That's the last box, and I had dibs on them. 那是最后一盒了我先看上的
Really? You had dibs? 是吗你先看上的
Yeah, dibs. 对我先的
I just put them down for a second while I went to the bathroom. 我只是把它放下来去了个洗手间
Look, I don't even want the muffins. 我根本没想买松饼
I was just looking at them, but I got to say, 我不过是拿起来看看但我要说
if you put muffins down, they're not your muffins. 如果你把松饼放下了那就不属于你了
So what, I was supposed to take them 那要怎样我是应该
into the bathroom with me? 带着它们一起上厕所吗
You didn't even put the muffins in a cart. 这些松饼你都没放在你的购物车里
You just left them out here. 你就随随便便把它们放在外面了
Yeah, in the produce section. 是啊但这里是农产品区啊
Clearly, muffins aren't supposed to be in the produce section. 松饼显然不属于农产品
That wasn't a sign to you that maybe someone else had dibs? 这没有让你意识到这盒松饼可能是有主的吗
Look, I don't want to get into a whole thing here. 我根本就不想搅合到这事里面来
Then give me the muffins. 那就把松饼给我
No, 'cause maybe now I want the muffins. 不给我现在有点想买松饼呢

