vtk6.2.0 + qt5.5.1 + xcode9.0 + cmake3.9.1 configuration and compiling

I haven't take a try in building a vtk project in my Mac book pro yet. When all the softwares are prepared, let's do it.
Cmake GUI will helps me a lot but there is a thorny problem. Cmake reminds the user :Qt5WebKitWidgets are not found. When I uninstall the Qt5.7 and install Qt5.5.1, this problem is resolved. The Current Generator is selected as Xcode and you can choose Unix Makefiles also.
After Generating is done, we will use xcode to compile the vtk sourcecode. It can not be compiled for the first opening as there is no scheme in the project. we will press the No Scheme and Add a new scheme for install, the Build button is enabled. And Then build the vtk project for about 10 minutes.

Errors in Qt5.7.jpg
Generate a new Scheme.jpg

Generate a new project with Xcode

copy the cxx file and CmakeList.txt to a directory, then use cmake gui to generate the Xcode project file ,the result will come out

你可能感兴趣的:(vtk6.2.0 + qt5.5.1 + xcode9.0 + cmake3.9.1 configuration and compiling)