vins-mono是基于单目和imu融合的SLAM方法,是最近尝试的一种鲁棒性很强的算法。不同于msckf,它采用的紧耦合方式是构造误差函数进行非线性优化。它具有三个ros node,分别是图像特征提取、传感器信息融合、位姿图的更新。对于图像特征选择的是lk光流,这是一种比较“随意”的特征匹配法,比orb特征点耗费时间少,所应对的是较快速变化的自身以及场景。
在实践的过程中,我使用的是realsense d435i,这个imu凑合着能用(但静止时加速度不是9.8也很费解了),而且最开始由于犯懒也懒得标定相机和imu之间的关系,于是使用它提供的在线标定方法,效果也比较好。它的原理其实很简单,是利用相机的sfm方法定位位姿,与imu的预积分进行比对,再利用一个优化方法求解最佳的相对位姿。但是键盘侠还是说得轻巧,这一节仔细学习一下在线初始化的实现。
ros::Subscriber sub_imu = n.subscribe(IMU_TOPIC, 2000, imu_callback, ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay());
ros::Subscriber sub_image = n.subscribe("/feature_tracker/feature", 2000, feature_callback);
ros::Subscriber sub_restart = n.subscribe("/feature_tracker/restart", 2000, restart_callback);
ros::Subscriber sub_relo_points = n.subscribe("/pose_graph/match_points", 2000, relocalization_callback);
void process()
while (true)
std::vector, sensor_msgs::PointCloudConstPtr>> measurements;
std::unique_lock lk(m_buf);//收集两帧图像之间的imu数据并唤醒开始处理
con.wait(lk, [&]
return (measurements = getMeasurements()).size() != 0;
for (auto &measurement : measurements)
auto img_msg = measurement.second;
double dx = 0, dy = 0, dz = 0, rx = 0, ry = 0, rz = 0;
for (auto &imu_msg : measurement.first)
double t = imu_msg->header.stamp.toSec();
double img_t = img_msg->header.stamp.toSec() + estimator.td;
if (t <= img_t)
if (current_time < 0)
current_time = t;
double dt = t - current_time;
ROS_ASSERT(dt >= 0);
current_time = t;
dx = imu_msg->linear_acceleration.x;
dy = imu_msg->linear_acceleration.y;
dz = imu_msg->linear_acceleration.z;
rx = imu_msg->angular_velocity.x;
ry = imu_msg->angular_velocity.y;
rz = imu_msg->angular_velocity.z;
estimator.processIMU(dt, Vector3d(dx, dy, dz), Vector3d(rx, ry, rz));//处理imu数据,包括预积分,协方差矩阵的计算
//printf("imu: dt:%f a: %f %f %f w: %f %f %f\n",dt, dx, dy, dz, rx, ry, rz);
double dt_1 = img_t - current_time;
double dt_2 = t - img_t;
current_time = img_t;
ROS_ASSERT(dt_1 >= 0);
ROS_ASSERT(dt_2 >= 0);
ROS_ASSERT(dt_1 + dt_2 > 0);
double w1 = dt_2 / (dt_1 + dt_2);
double w2 = dt_1 / (dt_1 + dt_2);
dx = w1 * dx + w2 * imu_msg->linear_acceleration.x;
dy = w1 * dy + w2 * imu_msg->linear_acceleration.y;
dz = w1 * dz + w2 * imu_msg->linear_acceleration.z;
rx = w1 * rx + w2 * imu_msg->angular_velocity.x;
ry = w1 * ry + w2 * imu_msg->angular_velocity.y;
rz = w1 * rz + w2 * imu_msg->angular_velocity.z;
estimator.processIMU(dt_1, Vector3d(dx, dy, dz), Vector3d(rx, ry, rz));
//printf("dimu: dt:%f a: %f %f %f w: %f %f %f\n",dt_1, dx, dy, dz, rx, ry, rz);
// set relocalization frame
sensor_msgs::PointCloudConstPtr relo_msg = NULL;
while (!relo_buf.empty())//处理重定位
relo_msg = relo_buf.front();
if (relo_msg != NULL)
vector match_points;
double frame_stamp = relo_msg->header.stamp.toSec();
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < relo_msg->points.size(); i++)
Vector3d u_v_id;
u_v_id.x() = relo_msg->points[i].x;
u_v_id.y() = relo_msg->points[i].y;
u_v_id.z() = relo_msg->points[i].z;
Vector3d relo_t(relo_msg->channels[0].values[0], relo_msg->channels[0].values[1], relo_msg->channels[0].values[2]);
Quaterniond relo_q(relo_msg->channels[0].values[3], relo_msg->channels[0].values[4], relo_msg->channels[0].values[5], relo_msg->channels[0].values[6]);
Matrix3d relo_r = relo_q.toRotationMatrix();
int frame_index;
frame_index = relo_msg->channels[0].values[7];
estimator.setReloFrame(frame_stamp, frame_index, match_points, relo_t, relo_r);
ROS_DEBUG("processing vision data with stamp %f \n", img_msg->header.stamp.toSec());
TicToc t_s;
map>>> image;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < img_msg->points.size(); i++)
int v = img_msg->channels[0].values[i] + 0.5;
int feature_id = v / NUM_OF_CAM;
int camera_id = v % NUM_OF_CAM;
double x = img_msg->points[i].x;
double y = img_msg->points[i].y;
double z = img_msg->points[i].z;
double p_u = img_msg->channels[1].values[i];
double p_v = img_msg->channels[2].values[i];
double velocity_x = img_msg->channels[3].values[i];
double velocity_y = img_msg->channels[4].values[i];
ROS_ASSERT(z == 1);
Eigen::Matrix xyz_uv_velocity;
xyz_uv_velocity << x, y, z, p_u, p_v, velocity_x, velocity_y;
image[feature_id].emplace_back(camera_id, xyz_uv_velocity);
estimator.processImage(image, img_msg->header);
double whole_t = t_s.toc();
printStatistics(estimator, whole_t);
std_msgs::Header header = img_msg->header;
header.frame_id = "world";
pubOdometry(estimator, header);
pubKeyPoses(estimator, header);
pubCameraPose(estimator, header);
pubPointCloud(estimator, header);
pubTF(estimator, header);
if (relo_msg != NULL)
//ROS_ERROR("end: %f, at %f", img_msg->header.stamp.toSec(), ros::Time::now().toSec());
if (estimator.solver_flag == Estimator::SolverFlag::NON_LINEAR)
void Estimator::processIMU(double dt, const Vector3d &linear_acceleration, const Vector3d &angular_velocity)
if (!first_imu)
first_imu = true;
acc_0 = linear_acceleration;
gyr_0 = angular_velocity;
if (!pre_integrations[frame_count])
pre_integrations[frame_count] = new IntegrationBase{acc_0, gyr_0, Bas[frame_count], Bgs[frame_count]};
if (frame_count != 0)
pre_integrations[frame_count]->push_back(dt, linear_acceleration, angular_velocity);
//if(solver_flag != NON_LINEAR)
tmp_pre_integration->push_back(dt, linear_acceleration, angular_velocity);
int j = frame_count;
Vector3d un_acc_0 = Rs[j] * (acc_0 - Bas[j]) - g;
Vector3d un_gyr = 0.5 * (gyr_0 + angular_velocity) - Bgs[j];
Rs[j] *= Utility::deltaQ(un_gyr * dt).toRotationMatrix();
Vector3d un_acc_1 = Rs[j] * (linear_acceleration - Bas[j]) - g;
Vector3d un_acc = 0.5 * (un_acc_0 + un_acc_1);
Ps[j] += dt * Vs[j] + 0.5 * dt * dt * un_acc;
Vs[j] += dt * un_acc;
acc_0 = linear_acceleration;
gyr_0 = angular_velocity;
void midPointIntegration(double _dt,
const Eigen::Vector3d &_acc_0, const Eigen::Vector3d &_gyr_0,
const Eigen::Vector3d &_acc_1, const Eigen::Vector3d &_gyr_1,
const Eigen::Vector3d &delta_p, const Eigen::Quaterniond &delta_q, const Eigen::Vector3d &delta_v,
const Eigen::Vector3d &linearized_ba, const Eigen::Vector3d &linearized_bg,
Eigen::Vector3d &result_delta_p, Eigen::Quaterniond &result_delta_q, Eigen::Vector3d &result_delta_v,
Eigen::Vector3d &result_linearized_ba, Eigen::Vector3d &result_linearized_bg, bool update_jacobian)
//ROS_INFO("midpoint integration");
Vector3d un_acc_0 = delta_q * (_acc_0 - linearized_ba);
Vector3d un_gyr = 0.5 * (_gyr_0 + _gyr_1) - linearized_bg;
result_delta_q = delta_q * Quaterniond(1, un_gyr(0) * _dt / 2, un_gyr(1) * _dt / 2, un_gyr(2) * _dt / 2);
Vector3d un_acc_1 = result_delta_q * (_acc_1 - linearized_ba);
Vector3d un_acc = 0.5 * (un_acc_0 + un_acc_1);
result_delta_p = delta_p + delta_v * _dt + 0.5 * un_acc * _dt * _dt;
result_delta_v = delta_v + un_acc * _dt;
result_linearized_ba = linearized_ba;
result_linearized_bg = linearized_bg;
Vector3d w_x = 0.5 * (_gyr_0 + _gyr_1) - linearized_bg;
Vector3d a_0_x = _acc_0 - linearized_ba;
Vector3d a_1_x = _acc_1 - linearized_ba;
Matrix3d R_w_x, R_a_0_x, R_a_1_x;
R_w_x<<0, -w_x(2), w_x(1),
w_x(2), 0, -w_x(0),
-w_x(1), w_x(0), 0;
R_a_0_x<<0, -a_0_x(2), a_0_x(1),
a_0_x(2), 0, -a_0_x(0),
-a_0_x(1), a_0_x(0), 0;
R_a_1_x<<0, -a_1_x(2), a_1_x(1),
a_1_x(2), 0, -a_1_x(0),
-a_1_x(1), a_1_x(0), 0;
MatrixXd F = MatrixXd::Zero(15, 15);
F.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = Matrix3d::Identity();
F.block<3, 3>(0, 3) = -0.25 * delta_q.toRotationMatrix() * R_a_0_x * _dt * _dt +
-0.25 * result_delta_q.toRotationMatrix() * R_a_1_x * (Matrix3d::Identity() - R_w_x * _dt) * _dt * _dt;
F.block<3, 3>(0, 6) = MatrixXd::Identity(3,3) * _dt;
F.block<3, 3>(0, 9) = -0.25 * (delta_q.toRotationMatrix() + result_delta_q.toRotationMatrix()) * _dt * _dt;
F.block<3, 3>(0, 12) = -0.25 * result_delta_q.toRotationMatrix() * R_a_1_x * _dt * _dt * -_dt;
F.block<3, 3>(3, 3) = Matrix3d::Identity() - R_w_x * _dt;
F.block<3, 3>(3, 12) = -1.0 * MatrixXd::Identity(3,3) * _dt;
F.block<3, 3>(6, 3) = -0.5 * delta_q.toRotationMatrix() * R_a_0_x * _dt +
-0.5 * result_delta_q.toRotationMatrix() * R_a_1_x * (Matrix3d::Identity() - R_w_x * _dt) * _dt;
F.block<3, 3>(6, 6) = Matrix3d::Identity();
F.block<3, 3>(6, 9) = -0.5 * (delta_q.toRotationMatrix() + result_delta_q.toRotationMatrix()) * _dt;
F.block<3, 3>(6, 12) = -0.5 * result_delta_q.toRotationMatrix() * R_a_1_x * _dt * -_dt;
F.block<3, 3>(9, 9) = Matrix3d::Identity();
F.block<3, 3>(12, 12) = Matrix3d::Identity();
//cout<<"A"<(0, 0) = 0.25 * delta_q.toRotationMatrix() * _dt * _dt;
V.block<3, 3>(0, 3) = 0.25 * -result_delta_q.toRotationMatrix() * R_a_1_x * _dt * _dt * 0.5 * _dt;
V.block<3, 3>(0, 6) = 0.25 * result_delta_q.toRotationMatrix() * _dt * _dt;
V.block<3, 3>(0, 9) = V.block<3, 3>(0, 3);
V.block<3, 3>(3, 3) = 0.5 * MatrixXd::Identity(3,3) * _dt;
V.block<3, 3>(3, 9) = 0.5 * MatrixXd::Identity(3,3) * _dt;
V.block<3, 3>(6, 0) = 0.5 * delta_q.toRotationMatrix() * _dt;
V.block<3, 3>(6, 3) = 0.5 * -result_delta_q.toRotationMatrix() * R_a_1_x * _dt * 0.5 * _dt;
V.block<3, 3>(6, 6) = 0.5 * result_delta_q.toRotationMatrix() * _dt;
V.block<3, 3>(6, 9) = V.block<3, 3>(6, 3);
V.block<3, 3>(9, 12) = MatrixXd::Identity(3,3) * _dt;
V.block<3, 3>(12, 15) = MatrixXd::Identity(3,3) * _dt;
//step_jacobian = F;
//step_V = V;
jacobian = F * jacobian;//更新误差的线性化雅可比矩阵
covariance = F * covariance * F.transpose() + V * noise * V.transpose();//利用状态转移矩阵(线性化后的雅克比矩阵)更新协方差矩阵,而噪声矩阵是事先定好的各种噪声
当initial flag为真时,需进行在线初始化,这个过程操作上非常简单,需要我们拿着相机上下左右晃动使其接收到足够的视差和imu波动,随后便get到相机位姿开始自定位。初始化部分也是在process函数中完成的。
bool Estimator::initialStructure()
TicToc t_sfm;
//check imu observibility
map::iterator frame_it;
Vector3d sum_g;
for (frame_it = all_image_frame.begin(), frame_it++; frame_it != all_image_frame.end(); frame_it++)
double dt = frame_it->second.pre_integration->sum_dt;
Vector3d tmp_g = frame_it->second.pre_integration->delta_v / dt;
sum_g += tmp_g;
Vector3d aver_g;
aver_g = sum_g * 1.0 / ((int)all_image_frame.size() - 1);//计算平均加速度
double var = 0;
for (frame_it = all_image_frame.begin(), frame_it++; frame_it != all_image_frame.end(); frame_it++)
double dt = frame_it->second.pre_integration->sum_dt;
Vector3d tmp_g = frame_it->second.pre_integration->delta_v / dt;
var += (tmp_g - aver_g).transpose() * (tmp_g - aver_g);
//cout << "frame g " << tmp_g.transpose() << endl;
var = sqrt(var / ((int)all_image_frame.size() - 1));
//ROS_WARN("IMU variation %f!", var);
if(var < 0.25)
ROS_INFO("IMU excitation not enouth!");
//return false;
// global sfm
Quaterniond Q[frame_count + 1];
Vector3d T[frame_count + 1];
map sfm_tracked_points;
vector sfm_f;
for (auto &it_per_id : f_manager.feature)
int imu_j = it_per_id.start_frame - 1;
SFMFeature tmp_feature;
tmp_feature.state = false;
tmp_feature.id = it_per_id.feature_id;
for (auto &it_per_frame : it_per_id.feature_per_frame)
Vector3d pts_j = it_per_frame.point;
tmp_feature.observation.push_back(make_pair(imu_j, Eigen::Vector2d{pts_j.x(), pts_j.y()}));
Matrix3d relative_R;
Vector3d relative_T;
int l;
if (!relativePose(relative_R, relative_T, l))
ROS_INFO("Not enough features or parallax; Move device around");
return false;
GlobalSFM sfm;
if(!sfm.construct(frame_count + 1, Q, T, l,
relative_R, relative_T,
sfm_f, sfm_tracked_points))
ROS_DEBUG("global SFM failed!");
marginalization_flag = MARGIN_OLD;
return false;
//solve pnp for all frame
map::iterator frame_it;
map::iterator it;
frame_it = all_image_frame.begin( );
for (int i = 0; frame_it != all_image_frame.end( ); frame_it++)
// provide initial guess
cv::Mat r, rvec, t, D, tmp_r;
if((frame_it->first) == Headers[i].stamp.toSec())
frame_it->second.is_key_frame = true;
frame_it->second.R = Q[i].toRotationMatrix() * RIC[0].transpose();
frame_it->second.T = T[i];
if((frame_it->first) > Headers[i].stamp.toSec())
Matrix3d R_inital = (Q[i].inverse()).toRotationMatrix();
Vector3d P_inital = - R_inital * T[i];
cv::eigen2cv(R_inital, tmp_r);
cv::Rodrigues(tmp_r, rvec);
cv::eigen2cv(P_inital, t);
frame_it->second.is_key_frame = false;
vector pts_3_vector;
vector pts_2_vector;
for (auto &id_pts : frame_it->second.points)
int feature_id = id_pts.first;
for (auto &i_p : id_pts.second)
it = sfm_tracked_points.find(feature_id);
if(it != sfm_tracked_points.end())
Vector3d world_pts = it->second;
cv::Point3f pts_3(world_pts(0), world_pts(1), world_pts(2));
Vector2d img_pts = i_p.second.head<2>();
cv::Point2f pts_2(img_pts(0), img_pts(1));
cv::Mat K = (cv::Mat_(3, 3) << 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);
if(pts_3_vector.size() < 6)
cout << "pts_3_vector size " << pts_3_vector.size() << endl;
ROS_DEBUG("Not enough points for solve pnp !");
return false;
if (! cv::solvePnP(pts_3_vector, pts_2_vector, K, D, rvec, t, 1))
ROS_DEBUG("solve pnp fail!");
return false;
cv::Rodrigues(rvec, r);
MatrixXd R_pnp,tmp_R_pnp;
cv::cv2eigen(r, tmp_R_pnp);
R_pnp = tmp_R_pnp.transpose();
MatrixXd T_pnp;
cv::cv2eigen(t, T_pnp);
T_pnp = R_pnp * (-T_pnp);
frame_it->second.R = R_pnp * RIC[0].transpose();
frame_it->second.T = T_pnp;
if (visualInitialAlign())
return true;
ROS_INFO("misalign visual structure with IMU");
return false;
bool Estimator::visualInitialAlign()
TicToc t_g;
VectorXd x;
//solve scale
bool result = VisualIMUAlignment(all_image_frame, Bgs, g, x);
ROS_DEBUG("solve g failed!");
return false;
// change state
for (int i = 0; i <= frame_count; i++)
Matrix3d Ri = all_image_frame[Headers[i].stamp.toSec()].R;
Vector3d Pi = all_image_frame[Headers[i].stamp.toSec()].T;
Ps[i] = Pi;
Rs[i] = Ri;
all_image_frame[Headers[i].stamp.toSec()].is_key_frame = true;
VectorXd dep = f_manager.getDepthVector();
for (int i = 0; i < dep.size(); i++)
dep[i] = -1;
//triangulat on cam pose , no tic
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_CAM; i++)
ric[0] = RIC[0];
f_manager.triangulate(Ps, &(TIC_TMP[0]), &(RIC[0]));
double s = (x.tail<1>())(0);
for (int i = 0; i <= WINDOW_SIZE; i++)
pre_integrations[i]->repropagate(Vector3d::Zero(), Bgs[i]);
for (int i = frame_count; i >= 0; i--)
Ps[i] = s * Ps[i] - Rs[i] * TIC[0] - (s * Ps[0] - Rs[0] * TIC[0]);
int kv = -1;
map::iterator frame_i;
for (frame_i = all_image_frame.begin(); frame_i != all_image_frame.end(); frame_i++)
Vs[kv] = frame_i->second.R * x.segment<3>(kv * 3);
for (auto &it_per_id : f_manager.feature)
it_per_id.used_num = it_per_id.feature_per_frame.size();
if (!(it_per_id.used_num >= 2 && it_per_id.start_frame < WINDOW_SIZE - 2))
it_per_id.estimated_depth *= s;
Matrix3d R0 = Utility::g2R(g);
double yaw = Utility::R2ypr(R0 * Rs[0]).x();
R0 = Utility::ypr2R(Eigen::Vector3d{-yaw, 0, 0}) * R0;
g = R0 * g;
//Matrix3d rot_diff = R0 * Rs[0].transpose();
Matrix3d rot_diff = R0;
for (int i = 0; i <= frame_count; i++)
Ps[i] = rot_diff * Ps[i];
Rs[i] = rot_diff * Rs[i];
Vs[i] = rot_diff * Vs[i];
ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("g0 " << g.transpose());
ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("my R0 " << Utility::R2ypr(Rs[0]).transpose());
return true;
bool VisualIMUAlignment(map &all_image_frame, Vector3d* Bgs, Vector3d &g, VectorXd &x)
solveGyroscopeBias(all_image_frame, Bgs);
if(LinearAlignment(all_image_frame, g, x))
return true;
return false;
① 校准bias
void solveGyroscopeBias(map &all_image_frame, Vector3d* Bgs)
Matrix3d A;
Vector3d b;
Vector3d delta_bg;
map::iterator frame_i;
map::iterator frame_j;
for (frame_i = all_image_frame.begin(); next(frame_i) != all_image_frame.end(); frame_i++)
frame_j = next(frame_i);
MatrixXd tmp_A(3, 3);
VectorXd tmp_b(3);
Eigen::Quaterniond q_ij(frame_i->second.R.transpose() * frame_j->second.R);
tmp_A = frame_j->second.pre_integration->jacobian.template block<3, 3>(O_R, O_BG);
tmp_b = 2 * (frame_j->second.pre_integration->delta_q.inverse() * q_ij).vec();
A += tmp_A.transpose() * tmp_A;
b += tmp_A.transpose() * tmp_b;
delta_bg = A.ldlt().solve(b);//用ldlt分解求Ax=b方程,解出的值作为bias的变化值进行累加
ROS_WARN_STREAM("gyroscope bias initial calibration " << delta_bg.transpose());
for (int i = 0; i <= WINDOW_SIZE; i++)
Bgs[i] += delta_bg;
for (frame_i = all_image_frame.begin(); next(frame_i) != all_image_frame.end( ); frame_i++)
frame_j = next(frame_i);
frame_j->second.pre_integration->repropagate(Vector3d::Zero(), Bgs[0]);
bool LinearAlignment(map &all_image_frame, Vector3d &g, VectorXd &x)
int all_frame_count = all_image_frame.size();
int n_state = all_frame_count * 3 + 3 + 1;
MatrixXd A{n_state, n_state};
VectorXd b{n_state};
map::iterator frame_i;
map::iterator frame_j;
int i = 0;
for (frame_i = all_image_frame.begin(); next(frame_i) != all_image_frame.end(); frame_i++, i++)
frame_j = next(frame_i);
MatrixXd tmp_A(6, 10);
VectorXd tmp_b(6);
double dt = frame_j->second.pre_integration->sum_dt;
tmp_A.block<3, 3>(0, 0) = -dt * Matrix3d::Identity();
tmp_A.block<3, 3>(0, 6) = frame_i->second.R.transpose() * dt * dt / 2 * Matrix3d::Identity();
tmp_A.block<3, 1>(0, 9) = frame_i->second.R.transpose() * (frame_j->second.T - frame_i->second.T) / 100.0;
tmp_b.block<3, 1>(0, 0) = frame_j->second.pre_integration->delta_p + frame_i->second.R.transpose() * frame_j->second.R * TIC[0] - TIC[0];
//cout << "delta_p " << frame_j->second.pre_integration->delta_p.transpose() << endl;
tmp_A.block<3, 3>(3, 0) = -Matrix3d::Identity();
tmp_A.block<3, 3>(3, 3) = frame_i->second.R.transpose() * frame_j->second.R;
tmp_A.block<3, 3>(3, 6) = frame_i->second.R.transpose() * dt * Matrix3d::Identity();
tmp_b.block<3, 1>(3, 0) = frame_j->second.pre_integration->delta_v;
//cout << "delta_v " << frame_j->second.pre_integration->delta_v.transpose() << endl;
Matrix cov_inv = Matrix::Zero();
//cov.block<6, 6>(0, 0) = IMU_cov[i + 1];
//MatrixXd cov_inv = cov.inverse();
MatrixXd r_A = tmp_A.transpose() * cov_inv * tmp_A;
VectorXd r_b = tmp_A.transpose() * cov_inv * tmp_b;
A.block<6, 6>(i * 3, i * 3) += r_A.topLeftCorner<6, 6>();
b.segment<6>(i * 3) += r_b.head<6>();
A.bottomRightCorner<4, 4>() += r_A.bottomRightCorner<4, 4>();
b.tail<4>() += r_b.tail<4>();
A.block<6, 4>(i * 3, n_state - 4) += r_A.topRightCorner<6, 4>();
A.block<4, 6>(n_state - 4, i * 3) += r_A.bottomLeftCorner<4, 6>();
A = A * 1000.0;
b = b * 1000.0;
x = A.ldlt().solve(b);//联立方程求解重力、速度、尺度
double s = x(n_state - 1) / 100.0;
ROS_DEBUG("estimated scale: %f", s);
g = x.segment<3>(n_state - 4);
ROS_DEBUG_STREAM(" result g " << g.norm() << " " << g.transpose());
if(fabs(g.norm() - G.norm()) > 1.0 || s < 0)//重力和尺度不能相差真值太多
return false;
RefineGravity(all_image_frame, g, x);//在球面上再次优化重力向量
s = (x.tail<1>())(0) / 100.0;
(x.tail<1>())(0) = s;
ROS_DEBUG_STREAM(" refine " << g.norm() << " " << g.transpose());
if(s < 0.0 )
return false;
return true;