
The awakening did not take place overnight. Actually, it had been happening all along. Only we had not recognized it.


Remember that we had been gathering and stringing our pearls of remembrance since the beginning. Eventually, we began to perceive a change. First, we started to honor our uniqueness. We embraced the fact that we were different and learned to enjoy our sense of aloneness.


As we accepted being alone, we discovered that we need not be lonely. In our solitude, we learned to enter the mysterious Zone of Silence. Here we found the key to many new worlds of revelation.


Silence proved to be one of our greatest teachers.


It embraced us, wrapping us in a profound sense of contentment and peace. We were initiated into new levels of awareness which had previously been unknown to us. We not only became used to the silence, but found that we required steady doses of it to maintain our inner equilibrium and connection to the ONE. Silence became one of our truest allies.


Next, we started working on self-love. This proved to be one of the most formidable tasks of all, for long had we been locked into guilt and denial, feeling unworthy of love and happiness, or else we would not have found ourselves on this planet at all. We would have been home where we belonged, where we had always yearned to be. Thus, we had to learn to relinquish our sense of punishment and abandonment.


Instead of constantly pouring out love to others as a distraction to avoid facing our own internal turmoil, we had to learn to love ourselves.


Turning our attention to nourishing and honoring ourselves without guilt, without feeling selfish, was a major challenge.


We were so afraid of being judged harshly by others as egocentric or spoiled, that usually we did what people told us to do and thought what they told us to think, instead of listening to what we knew to be true. This caused more self-judgement, making it even more difficult to love ourselves. With the passing of time and much effort on our parts, we finally began to accept ourselves. Gradually, we started genuinely liking ourselves.


Self acceptance was so tremendously liberating that it became increasingly easier to express our true feelings and inner knowing. And surprisingly enough, the more aligned we were to our deepest Truth and the more openly we lived our Truth––the less criticism did we encounter. Not only were we beginning to feel good about ourselves, but others seemed to appreciate us more too!

自我接受极大地解放了我们,让我们愈发容易地表达我们内在的感受和知识。而且出乎意料的是,我们越是与自己内在的真理相校准,我们就越是能活出我们的光彩 — 我们也遇到更少的评判。我们开始对自己的感觉变得越来越好,而且其他人看起来也很欣赏我们!

It’s funny how long we held fast to the judgement that it was dangerous to openly be ourselves on this planet. Now, we are finally discovering that it is the only safe way to be.

