2067: [蓝桥杯2023初赛] 幸运数

小蓝认为如果一个数含有偶数个数位,并且前面一半的数位之和等于后面一半的数位之和,则这个数是他的幸运数字。 例如 2314
是一个幸运数字,因为它有 4 个数位,并且 2 + 3 = 1 + 4 。 现在请你帮他计算从 1 至 100000000
之间共有多少个不同的幸运数字。 本题的结果为一个整数,在提交答案时只输出这个整数,输出多余的内容将无法得分。




def sum_combinations(n):
    Generate all possible combinations of numbers with n digits where the sum of the digits is s.
    if n == 1:
        return {i: [str(i)] for i in range(10)}
    prev_combinations = sum_combinations(n - 1)
    combinations = {}
    for s in range(9 * n + 1):
        combinations[s] = []
        for i in range(10):
            if s - i in prev_combinations:
                for prev in prev_combinations[s - i]:
                    combinations[s].append(str(i) + prev)
    return combinations

def count_lucky_numbers(n):
    Count the lucky numbers between 1 and 10**n.
    half_n = n // 2
    if n % 2 != 0:
        return 0  # If the number of digits is odd, return 0 as there can't be any lucky numbers.

    # Generate all combinations for half the number of digits
    half_combinations = sum_combinations(half_n)
    # Now, for each possible sum of half the digits, we pair the combinations
    # of the first half with the second half.
    count = 0
    for s in range(9 * half_n + 1):
        if s in half_combinations:
            count += len(half_combinations[s]) ** 2

    return count

# Count lucky numbers up to 100000000 (which has 8 digits)

