双语——记者克里斯托弗(Christopher the Reporter)

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Christopher the Reporter


【单词】Reporter 原型:reporter 名词 [ri-'pawr-ter, -'pohr-][rɪ'pɔːtə] n. 记者

【专有名词】Christopher n. 克里斯多佛(男子名)

When Christopher Lee was a young man, he had a dream to become an English professor.


【单词】dream 名词 [dreem][driːm] n. 梦;梦想 v. 做梦;梦想

【单词】professor 名词 [pruh-'fes-er][prə'fesə] n. 教授;老师

【专有名词】Lee 人名/人物 [lee][liː] 李(姓氏).

He worked hard at this by first going to a community college after high school before transferring to the University of California, Los Angeles.


【单词】transferring 原型:transfer 动词现在进行式或动名词 [verb trans-'fur, 'trans-fer; noun, adjective 'trans-fer][træns'fɜː] v. 转移;调任;转乘;转学 n. 迁移;移动;换车;汇兑

【专有名词】University [yoo-nuh-'vur-si-tee][ˌjuːnɪ'vɜːsəti] n. 大学

【专有名词】California 地名 [kal-uh-'fawrn-yuh, -'fawr-nee-uh][ˌkælɪ'fɔːnjə, -'fɔːniːə] n. 加利福尼亚;加州 Californian

【专有名词】Los Angeles 地名 [lɔs'ændʒələs] n. 洛杉矶(美国城市)

At UCLA, Chris earned his bachelor's degree in English, but he still needed his Master's degree to teach at college.


【单词】earned 原型:earn 动词过去式 [urn][ɜːn] vt. 赚得;赢得;获得

【单词】bachelor 名词 ['bach-uh-ler, 'bach-ler]['bætʃələ] n. 单身汉;学士

【单词】teach 动词原形 [teech][tiːtʃ] vt. 教;教导;教授;教训 vi. 给予指导

【专有名词】UCLA UCLA abbr. (美国)加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校(=University of California at Los Angeles)

【专有名词】English ['ing-glish or, often, -lish]['ɪŋɡlɪʃ] n. 英语;英国人 adj. 英语的;英国人的;英国的

【专有名词】Master ['mas-ter, 'mah-ster]['mɑːstə(r)] n. 主人;硕士;专家

Chris met George while taking a class at his old community college.


【专有名词】George [jawrj][dʒɔ:dʒ] n. 乔治(男子名)

George was a news reporter, who told Chris how much he enjoyed his job.


【单词】reporter 名词 [ri-'pawr-ter, -'pohr-][rɪ'pɔːtə] n. 记者

【单词】enjoyed 原型:enjoy 动词过去式 [en-'joi][ɪn'dʒɔɪ] v. 享受;喜欢

Chris became very interested in his story.


It turned out George was also an English major, but he turned to journalism because he wanted to be published.


【单词】journalism 名词 ['jur-nl-iz-uh m]['dʒɜːnəlɪzəm] n. 新闻工作;新闻业;新闻写作

【单词】published 原型:publish 动词过去分词 ['puhb-lish]['pʌblɪʃ] v. 出版;发行;公开发表

George said to Chris one day, "Chris, I've known lots of English majors who want to be published, but never got that chance.


In journalism, you can get published, and get published often."


【单词】published 原型:publish 过去分词做形容词 ['puhb-lish]['pʌblɪʃ] v. 出版;发行;公开发表

Chris thought about his words and asked him how he became a journalist.


【单词】journalist 名词 ['jur-nl-ist]['dʒɜːnəlɪst] n. 记者;新闻工作者

George laughed and said, "Start with Journalism 101."


【单词】laughed 原型:laugh 动词过去式 [laf, lahf][lɑːf] v. 发笑;笑;嘲笑 n. 笑声;笑;笑料

【专有名词】Journalism ['jur-nl-iz-uh m]['dʒɜːnəlɪzəm] n. 新闻工作;新闻业;新闻写作

Chris took his advice, and soon he fell in love with writing in journalism style.


【短语】fall in love 坠入爱河;例句:The prince fall in love with a fair young maiden. 王子爱上了一位美丽的年轻少女。

Its short, precise method of writing appealed to Chris.


【单词】precise 形容词 [pri-'sahys][prɪ'saɪs] adj. 精确的;恰好的;准确的;严格的

Journalists deal only in facts.


【单词】Journalists 原型:journalist 名词复数形式 ['jur-nl-ist]['dʒɜːnəlɪst] n. 记者;新闻工作者

It is not like English writing.


You don't paint pictures in journalism; you report facts.


【单词】paint 动词原形 [peynt][peɪnt] v. 油漆;绘画 n. 油漆;颜料;绘画作品

There is a measure of creativity involved with writing in a journalistic style, but it is unlike English.


【单词】measure 名词 ['mezh-er]['meʒə] n. 措施;量度;尺寸;程度;办法 v. 测量;比较;给予;权衡

【单词】creativity 名词 [kree-ey-'tiv-i-tee, kree-uh-][ˌkriːeɪ'tɪvəti] n. 创造力;创造

【单词】involved 原型:involve 动词过去分词 [in-'volv][ɪn'vɒlv] vt. 包含;使忙于;牵涉;使卷入;使陷入

【单词】journalistic 形容词 [jur-nl-'is-tik][ˌdʒɜːnə'lɪstɪk] adj. 新闻业的

【单词】unlike 介词、从属连词 [uhn-'lahyk][ˌʌn'laɪk] adj. 不同的,不相似的 prep. 不像,与…不同;与 ... 平时不同

Soon, Chris earned his certificate, and went on to earn his Master's degree in journalism.


【单词】certificate 名词 [noun ser-'tif-i-kit; verb ser-'tif-i-keyt][sə'tɪfɪkət] n. 执照;证(明)书 vt. 认可;批准;发证书给

【单词】earn 动词原形 [urn][ɜːn] vt. 赚得;赢得;获得

He now works for a large, daily newspaper.


【单词】daily 形容词 ['dey-lee]['deɪli] adj. 每日的;日常的 adv. 每日;天天 n. 日报 (复)dailies:工作样片.

【单词】newspaper 名词 ['nooz-pey-per, 'nyooz-, 'noos-, 'nyoos-]['njuːzpeɪpə] n. 报纸;新闻纸

He is very grateful to his old friend George, who introduced him to journalism.


【语法】sb., who ...,是定语从句,who后面的从句用来修饰前面的人物;

【单词】grateful 形容词 ['greyt-fuhl]['ɡreɪtfl] adj. 感激的;令人愉快的

【单词】introduced 原型:introduce 动词过去式 [in-truh-'doos, -'dyoos][ˌɪntrə'djuːs] vt. 介绍;引进;采用;提出;提倡;放入

He has now been published more than 200 times.


【语法】more than 形容词或副词比较级 + than,是“比...更...”的意思;例句:He is younger than me. 他比我(更)年轻。He runs faster than me. 他比我跑得(更)快。

【语法】形容词或副词比较级 + than,是“比...更...”的意思;例句:He is younger than me.他比我(更)年轻。He runs faster than me. 他比我跑得(更)快。

【短语】more than 比...(更)多,例句:More than two employees have been concerned in this affair. 这件事情牵涉到两个以上的职员。

George changed the course of Christopher's life.


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