
1、十三届全国人大二次会议:The Second Session of 13th National People's Congress (NPC)

2、人民大会堂:the Great Hall of the Poeple


4、采取一系列措施放松货币条件:take s number of measures to ease nonetary conditions

5、扩展——量化宽松的货币政策:Ouantitative Easing Monetary Plicy

6、减税降费:cut taxes and fees

7、经济(增长)放缓:economic slowdown

8、取消房地产限制:lift property curbs

9、降低基准利率:cut benchmark interest rates

10、单刀直入:go streight to the point

11、开诚布公:beat about (around) the bush


13、主要经济指数:major economic indecator


15、调低经济增长预期:adjust downward the forecast for economic growth rate

16、党中央:the  CPC Central Committee

17、中国特色社会主义:Socialism with Chinaese Characteristic

18、供给侧结构性改革:the supply-side structural reforms

19、国际贸易保护主义:trade protectionism in the international environment

20、国内生产总值总量:GDP aggreate

21、高基数、大总量:on top of very large base figure

22、来之不易:be no mean feat

23、超发货币:excessive money supply

24、财政赤字率:fiscal deficit / fiscal deficit-to-GDP ratio


26、萝卜快了不洗泥:an indiscriminate and expedeint approach

27、激发市场活力:boost the vitality of the market

28、市场主体:market entity

29、政贵有恒:keep the policies stable and ensure the continuity

30、培育新动能:foster new drivers of growth

31、简政:steamline administration

32、放宽市场准入:broaden market access

33、警戒线:warning line

34、存款准备金率:required reserve ratio/reserve requirement ratio

35、放松银根:ease manetary policy

36、立中当前:stay firmly grounded in realities

37、着眼未来:take a long-term view

38、保持中国经济长期向好趋势:maitain the sound momentum of the economic development for the long run
