看经典 学英语| Cinderella《灰姑娘》

Hi, everyone, welcome to the Moon Space!

The story of Cinderella is very famous in the world. Now I tell you about it roughly.Once upon a time, there was a man who had a kind,beautiful woman as his wife. They loved each other deeply.

They had a daughter who was gentle, good and lovely. However, the girl's mother died because of illness and her father married another wife, who was proud and bad-tempered. She had been married before and had two daughters, quite as unpleasant as their mom, and they got jealous Cinderella about her beauty.

The stepmother quickly showed her nasty nature. She hated Cinderella because she wasn't her own daughter.

There were always the hardest jobs for Cinderella,cleaning the dishes, the tables and sweeping the floors. 

One day, the family heard the news: That the prince would invite all the girls in suitable ages to the palace and enjoy a ball, to choose a girl as his wife. That's really a big surprise. 

Although, they were all eager to attend, but Cinderella's stepmother forced Cinderella to do all the housework, besides, she asked her to fetch their evening dresses, prepare for the decoration accessories. Even worse, she directly refused to take Cinderella to the party. The girl cried sadlly when she knew this. 

What would happen to Cinderella? How did she fall in love with prince? Let's watch the video to learn more.     超链接:Cinderella 灰姑娘卡通剧 英文









Cinderella 灰姑娘卡通剧 英文

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