2018.5.4【Day289】今日所读:《Beauty and the Beast》P58-115


        Maybe it's the first time that I've ever read English novels so fast.

        Attracted by the storyline, I read it with all my heart. Truely moved by Belle, I missed my own father and my mother a lot. There is a way that they express their feelings for their own children. It is silence, especially for Chinese. They looked after me in every way, which ignited my fire sometimes because I wanted freedom.

        Now, I've been a grown-up while they become older and slower. Papa's been gone for ten years.  Mom have done a lot for this family by herself. I owe her a debt of gratitude which I shall never be able to repay. Belle did this for her Papa which is the greatest way to repay, I think.

你可能感兴趣的:(2018.5.4【Day289】今日所读:《Beauty and the Beast》P58-115)