
除了我们常看的gmx manual以外,官网上还有很多信息,多看看对理解gmx有好处,以下我把官网上的信息大致列出来,大家看看有没有感兴趣的专题:

Gromacs 总共分为以下几栏

About Gromacs
Developer Zone //如果要改源码,要读这一部分
Documentation //对gmx有一个深入的了解
GPU acceleration //从4.6版本开始,用了新的gpu架构,里面有测试的参数
Gromacs papers //初始文献
Jobs //招聘
Project ideas //提出的未来的项目
Support //help,里面有举办的培训班信息,比较实用,按专题分类


  • Acceleration and parallelization
  • Cut-off schemes
  • Errors
  • FAQs
  • Floating Point Arithmetic
  • How-tos
    • Adding a Residue to a Force Field
    • Analysing Trajectory Information
    • Beginners
    • Carbon Nanotube
    • Changing a 3 Point Water Model to a 4 Point Water Model
    • Checkpointing Jobs
    • Constant pH Simulation
    • Diffusion Constant
    • Dihedral PCA
    • Dihedral Restraints
    • Distance Restraints
    • Doing Restarts
    • Essential Dynamics
    • Extending Simulations
    • Free Energy Calculations
    • Plotting Data
    • Build a Linux Cluster
    • Making Disulfide Bonds
    • Membrane Simulations
    • Micelle Clustering
    • Mixed Solvents
    • Multiple Chains
    • Multiple Topology Entries
    • Non-Water Solvation
    • Normal Mode Analysis
    • Parameterization of novel molecules
    • pKa calculations
    • Polymers
    • Position Restraints
    • Potential of Mean Force
    • QMMM
    • Reading XTC From Fortran
    • Reducing Trajectory Storage Volume
    • REMD
    • Removing fastest degrees of freedom
    • Single-Point Energy
    • Speeding Up Simulations
    • Steps to Perform a Simulation
    • Tabulated Potentials
    • Water Solvation
    • Tool Changes for 5.0
    • Trajectory Visualization
    • Using Commands in Scripts
    • Using VMD plugins to read trajectory formats not native to GROMACS
  • Include File Mechanism
  • Installation Instructions 4.5
    • BlueGene
    • Cmake
    • Compiling QMMM
    • Cygwin
    • GROMACS-OpenMM
    • Intel(R) Cluster Ready Reference
    • Quick and Dirty Installation
    • Windows
  • Installation Instructions 4.6
  • Installation Instructions 5.0
  • Manual
  • Performance checklist
  • Terminology
    • Average Structure
    • Blowing Up
    • Energy Conservation
    • Constraints and Restraints
    • Molecular Dynamics Simulations
    • Periodic Boundary Conditions
    • Pressure
    • Reproducibility
    • Thermostats
  • Tutorials
    • Another Lysozyme Tutorial
    • Free energy of solvation tutorial
    • GROMACS USA Workshop and Conference 2013
      • An introduction to free energy calculations: Michael Shirts, Session 2A
      • An introduction to replica exchange simulations: Mark Abraham, Session 1B
      • Computing potentials of mean force: Justin Lemkul, Session 2A
      • Free energy calculation capabilities in GROMACS: Michael Shirts, Session 1B
      • How long do I need to run my simulations? A guide to thinking about convergence and sampling: Peter Kasson, Session 1B
      • Large-scale automated ensemble simulation with GROMACS & Copernicus: Iman Pouya, Session 2B
      • Membrane Simulations: Justin Lemkul, Session 1A
      • Parallelization schemes and GPU acceleration: Szilard Pall, Session 2B
      • Topology preparation, "What's in a log file", basic performance improvements: Mark Abraham, Session 1A

