; multi-segment executable file template.
data segment
; add your data here!
StringA db 'AbcdreStrdfjoStr$'
StringB db 'Str$'
StringBLength db 0
StringALength db 0
StringACurrentIndex dw 0
StringBCurrentIndex dw 0
insertIndexString db 8 dup('$')
inputInsertStringTips db 'Please Input a index that you want to insert from B to A : $'
insertIndex db 0;
menuMsg db 'Please choose operation:','$'
option1Msg db '1. search StringB from StringA,','$'
option2MSg db '2. insert StringB to StringA special place,','$'
option3Msg db '3. delete all StringB in StringA','$'
enterChoiceMsg db 'Please Input Choice from 1 to 3: ','$'
invalidChoiceMsg db 'invalid choice,please reinput','$'
inputPostitionMsg db 'Please input the place you want to insert: ','$'
resultMsg db 'result: ','$'
resultArray db 10 dup(0)
notFoundMsg db 'StringB not found in StringA!','$'
newline db 0ah,0dh,'$'
matchArray db 10 dup(0)
matchNum db 0;
stack segment
dw 128 dup(0)
code segment
;在 StringA 中删除 StringB
deleteStringBInStringA proc
push ax;
push bx;
push cx;
push dx;
push si;
push di;
; 遍历字符串 A
lea si, StringA
;需要定义一个循环变量来记录 StringA 遍历的位置一遍和si做加法的到index
mov al, [si]
lea di, StringB
mov bl, [di]
xor cx, cx
cmp al, '$'
je returnToMainProFromDelete
jmp deleteLoopInStringB
sub si, cx
cmp cx, 0
je outputOnce
mov dl, [si]
mov ah,02h
int 21h
inc si
cmp cl, 1
je normalProgram
loop outputNotMatch
mov al, [si]
mov dl, [si]
mov ah, 02h
int 21h
inc si
lea di, StringB
mov al, [si]
mov bl, [di]
cmp al, '$'
je returnToMainProFromdelete
jmp deleteLoopInStringB
cmp bl, '$'
je deleteMatchStringB
cmp al, bl
jne notDeleteMatch
inc si
inc di
inc cl
mov al, [si]
mov bl, [di]
jmp deleteLoopInStringB
lea di, StringB
mov al, [si]
jmp traversalDeleteStringB
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
deleteStringBInStringA ENDP
insertStringBToStringA PROC
; 用户把 StringB 插入到 StringA 的特定位置
; 状态保存
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
lea dx, newline
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
lea dx, resultMsg
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
; 思路: 一个寄存器存储该插入位置的地址,当到达那个位置的时候,开始打印 StringB 打印完StringB 后继续打印StringA
lea si, StringA;
xor cx, cx
mov cl, [insertIndex];
add cx, si;
mov al, [si]
cmp al, '$'
je returnToMainProFromInsert
cmp si, cx
je outputStringB:
mov dl, al,
mov ah, 02h
int 21h
inc si
jmp traversalOutputStringA
lea di, StringB
mov bl, [di]
cmp bl, '$'
je outputStringA
mov dl, bl
mov ah, 02h
int 21h
inc di
jmp innerOutputStringBLoop
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
insertStringBToStringA ENDP
printNumber PROC ; 子程序用于打印十进制数字
;要打印的数字存储在 ax 中
push ax ; 保存寄存器状态
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov bx, ax ; 因为要打印换行以及结果提示暂存 数字至 bx
lea dx, newline
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
lea dx, resultMsg
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
mov ax, bx
mov bx, 10 ; BX = 10
xor cx, cx ; CX = 0,用于计数
xor dx, dx ; DX = 0
div bx ; AX = AX / BX, DX = AX % BX
push dx ; 将余数压栈
inc cx ; 增加计数
test ax, ax ; 检查商是否为0
jnz NumLoop ; 如果不为0,继续循环
pop dx ; 弹出栈顶元素到 DX
add dl, '0' ; 将数字转换为字符
mov ah, 2 ; AH = 2,用于显示单个字符
int 21h ; 输出字符
loop PrintLoop ; 循环打印数字
lea dx, newline
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
pop dx ; 恢复寄存器状态
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
printNumber ENDP
findAdnPrintIndices proc
push ax;
push bx;
push cx;
push dx;
push si;
push di;
; 遍历字符串 A
lea si, StringA
;需要定义一个循环变量来记录 StringA 遍历的位置一遍和si做加法的到index
mov al, [si]
lea di, StringB
mov bl, [di]
cmp al, '$'
je returnToMainProFromFindIndices
jmp loopInStringB
inc si
lea di, StringB
mov al, [si]
mov bl, [di]
cmp al, '$'
je returnToMainProFromFindIndices
jmp loopInStringB
cmp bl, '$'
je MatchStringB
cmp al, bl
jne notMatch
inc si
inc di
mov al, [si]
mov bl, [di]
jmp loopInStringB
;计算当前的索引值并且打印,此时要注意保存 al 里面的值以及si 当前的值
mov [StringACurrentIndex], si;
lea si, StringA
mov ax, [StringACurrentIndex]
sub ax, si
sub ax, 3
call printNumber
mov si, [StringACurrentIndex]
mov al, [si]
;把di变量重新复制然后到 tranvelsalStringB循环里面去
lea di, StringB
jmp traversalStringB
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
findAdnPrintIndices ENDP
; set segment registers:
mov ax, data
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
; 计算每一个字符串的长度
lea si, StringA
mov al, [si]
cmp al, '$'
je calcStringBLength
mov bl, [StringALength]
inc bl
inc si
mov [StringALength], bl
jmp calcStringALength
lea si, StringB
mov al, [si]
cmp al, '$'
je printMenu
mov bl, [StringBLength]
inc bl
inc si
mov [StringBLength], bl
jmp calcStringBLengthLoop
; add your code here
; print menu
mov ah, 09h
lea dx, menuMsg
int 21h
lea dx, newline
int 21h
; print option1
mov ah, 09h
lea dx, option1Msg
int 21h
lea dx, newline
int 21h
;print option2
mov ah, 09h
lea dx, option2Msg
int 21h
lea dx, newline
int 21h
;print option3
mov ah, 09h
lea dx, option3Msg
int 21h
lea dx, newline
int 21h
lea dx, newline
int 21h
; notice user to input choice
lea dx, enterChoiceMsg
int 21h
; get user input
mov ah, 01h
int 21h
sub al, '0'
cmp al, 1
je option1
cmp al, 2
je option2
cmp al, 3
je option3
; if the input choices are all invalid end program
lea dx, newline
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
lea dx, invalidChoiceMsg
int 21h
jmp endProgram
; newline to get beautiful screen
mov ah, 09h
lea dx, newline
int 21h
;search StringB's place in StringA
call findAdnPrintIndices
lea dx, newline
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
jmp endProgram
mov ah, 09h
lea dx, newline
int 21h
; 输入要插入的位置 insertIndex
; 思路: 通过得到要插入的位置,逐个输出 StringA 然后到达要插入的位置的时候 输出 StringB 然后接着输出 StringA
lea dx, inputInsertStringTips
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
lea dx, insertIndexString
mov ah, 0ah
int 21h
lea si, insertIndexString;
; 清空 cx
xor cx, cx
; 把输入的字符串转为数字
inc si;
mov cl, [si]
inc si;
; 清空 ax 的值
xor ax, ax
mov al, 0;
mov dl, 10
mov bl, [si]
sub bl, '0'
mul dl
add al, bl
inc si;
loop getNumberLoop;
mov bl, [StringALength]
cmp al,bl
jg endProgram
mov [insertIndex], al;
call insertStringBToStringA;
jmp endProgram
mov ah, 09h
lea dx, newline
int 21h
mov ah, 09h
lea dx, resultMsg
int 21h
call deleteStringBInStringA
lea dx, newline
int 21h
jmp endProgram
mov ah, 4ch
int 21h
end start ; set entry point and stop the assembler.
printNumber PROC ; 子程序用于打印十进制数字
push ax ; 保存寄存器状态
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov bx, 10 ; BX = 10
xor cx, cx ; CX = 0,用于计数
xor dx, dx ; DX = 0
div bx ; AX = AX / BX, DX = AX % BX
push dx ; 将余数压栈
inc cx ; 增加计数
test ax, ax ; 检查商是否为0
jnz NumLoop ; 如果不为0,继续循环
pop dx ; 弹出栈顶元素到 DX
add dl, '0' ; 将数字转换为字符
mov ah, 2 ; AH = 2,用于显示单个字符
int 21h ; 输出字符
loop PrintLoop ; 循环打印数字
pop dx ; 恢复寄存器状态
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
printNumber ENDP
; multi-segment executable file template.
data segment
; add your data here!
pkey db "PeaseInput the insert Index : $"
insertIndex db 7 dup('$')
stack segment
dw 128 dup(0)
code segment
; set segment registers:
mov ax, data
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
; add your code here
lea dx, pkey
mov ah, 9
int 21h ; output string at ds:dx
; wait for any key....
lea dx, insertIndex;
mov ah, 0ah;
int 21h
lea si, insertIndex;
; 清空 cx
xor cx, cx
; 把输入的字符串转为数字
inc si;
mov cl, [si]
inc si;
; 清空 ax 的值
xor ax, ax
mov al, 0;
mov dl, 10
mov bl, [si]
sub bl, '0'
mul dl
add al, bl
inc si;
loop getNumberLoop;
mov ax, 4c00h ; exit to operating system.
int 21h
end start ; set entry point and stop the assembler.