

btcd是bitcoin的go语言实现,它严格遵循了Bitcoin Core的规则。btcd和Bitcoin Core的重要不同是,btcd不包含钱包功能,这是有意为之。这意味着不能直接用btcd付钱、收钱。这些功能在btcwallet项目中实现。

One of the major problems with wallet and chain functionality integrated in the same process is multi-user support. For example, when using bitcoind or bitcoin-qt, two users sharing the same computer must each maintain their own block chain. This results in duplicated effort and wasted disk space, as the block chain is public data and should be sharable. Due to this, btcd is designed to provide chain services for separate wallet processes. These processes then are able to request updates to the chain and submit transactions to the network without having to deal with all the complexities of chain management.






addmgr :进行peer地址的管理, 主要是一些本地的工作,不涉及直接的网络连接或传输;10min保存一次IP地址到文件中
blockchain :实现比特币区块处理和链选择规则;./fullblocktests : 提供一组用于测试共识验证规则的块测试
btcec :实现对比特币脚本所需的椭圆曲线密码函数的支持
btcjson :为底层的json-rpc命令和返回值提供一个扩展api
chaincfg :比特币的参数配置,包括地址头,genesis哈希等
connmgr :进行peer之间连接的管理。发现新的peer节点,建立连接;对等节点关闭,关闭连接。连接别人的列表,被别人连接的列表。建立连接是需要对方peer的地址,这依赖于addrManager中管理的地址。
database : 为比特币区块链提供数据库接口。基于leveldb,参考boltdb,开发了上层的api
mempool : 比特币交易池
mining : PoW挖矿
netsync : 同步管理器,用于统一处理各个节点发送和接收到的数据,以便同步区块链和同步交易。
peer : 实现了P2P网络中peer之间维持连接及收发wire协议消息的机制。
rpcclient : 实现一个强大且易于使用的支持websocket的比特币json-rpc客户端
txscript : 实现比特币交易脚本语言
wire : 实现bitcoin网络协议,定义理论peers之间的协议消息,消息格式及包的封装和解析等。








由btcwallet开始,对交易的流程进行分析。以sendToAddress RPC为例:

// sendToAddress处理了一个sendtoaddressRPC,它创建了一个交易花掉一个钱包对应的UTXO
// 剩下的钱将返回钱包的一个新的地址
func sendToAddress(icmd interface{}, w *wallet.Wallet) (interface{}, error) {
	cmd := icmd.(*btcjson.SendToAddressCmd)

	// Transaction comments are not yet supported.  Error instead of
	// pretending to save them.
	if !isNilOrEmpty(cmd.Comment) || !isNilOrEmpty(cmd.CommentTo) {
		return nil, &btcjson.RPCError{
			Code:    btcjson.ErrRPCUnimplemented,
			Message: "Transaction comments are not yet supported",

	amt, err := btcutil.NewAmount(cmd.Amount)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Check that signed integer parameters are positive.
	if amt < 0 {
		return nil, ErrNeedPositiveAmount

	// Mock up map of address and amount pairs.
	pairs := map[string]btcutil.Amount{
		cmd.Address: amt,

	// sendtoaddress always spends from the default account, this matches bitcoind
	return sendPairs(w, pairs, waddrmgr.KeyScopeBIP0044, waddrmgr.DefaultAccountNum, 1,

sendToAddress处理了一个sendtoaddress RPC命令,这个命令是由用户发出的。它创建了一个新的交易,花掉属于一个钱包的一些UTXOs并付钱给另一个地址。既没有给付款地址,也没有给矿工打包费的钱将被送回钱包内的一个新的地址。执行成功后将返回创建的交易的TxID。


cmd := icmd.(*btcjson.SendToAddressCmd)


// SendToAddressCmd defines the sendtoaddress JSON-RPC command.
type SendToAddressCmd struct {
	Address   string
	Amount    float64
	Comment   *string
	CommentTo *string

继续看amt, err := btcutil.NewAmount(cmd.Amount)完成了什么工作:

// NewAmount创建了一个代表bitcoin数的数额,以Satoshi为单位
func NewAmount(f float64) (Amount, error) {
	// The amount is only considered invalid if it cannot be represented
	// as an integer type.  This may happen if f is NaN or +-Infinity.
	switch {
	case math.IsNaN(f):
	case math.IsInf(f, 1):
	case math.IsInf(f, -1):
		return 0, errors.New("invalid bitcoin amount")

	return round(f * SatoshiPerBitcoin), nil


// Amount represents the base bitcoin monetary unit (colloquially referred
// to as a `Satoshi').  A single Amount is equal to 1e-8 of a bitcoin.
type Amount int64


// Mock up map of address and amount pairs.
	pairs := map[string]btcutil.Amount{
		cmd.Address: amt,


// sendPairs创建并发送付款交易,成功后将返回交易的哈希。
func sendPairs(w *wallet.Wallet, amounts map[string]btcutil.Amount,
	keyScope waddrmgr.KeyScope, account uint32, minconf int32,
	feeSatPerKb btcutil.Amount) (string, error) {

	outputs, err := makeOutputs(amounts, w.ChainParams())
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	tx, err := w.SendOutputs(
		outputs, &keyScope, account, minconf, feeSatPerKb,
		wallet.CoinSelectionLargest, "",
	if err != nil {
		if err == txrules.ErrAmountNegative {
			return "", ErrNeedPositiveAmount
		if waddrmgr.IsError(err, waddrmgr.ErrLocked) {
			return "", &ErrWalletUnlockNeeded
		if _, ok := err.(btcjson.RPCError); ok {
			return "", err

		return "", &btcjson.RPCError{
			Code:    btcjson.ErrRPCInternal.Code,
			Message: err.Error(),

	txHashStr := tx.TxHash().String()
	log.Infof("Successfully sent transaction %v", txHashStr)
	return txHashStr, nil


// makeOutputs根据地址到金额的映射创建了一个交易输出的slice。这些交易输出将被放到新创建的交易中。
// 交易的输出描述了交易的目的地和比特币的数额。
func makeOutputs(pairs map[string]btcutil.Amount, chainParams *chaincfg.Params) ([]*wire.TxOut, error) {
	outputs := make([]*wire.TxOut, 0, len(pairs))
	for addrStr, amt := range pairs {
		addr, err := btcutil.DecodeAddress(addrStr, chainParams)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot decode address: %s", err)

		pkScript, err := txscript.PayToAddrScript(addr)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create txout script: %s", err)

		outputs = append(outputs, wire.NewTxOut(int64(amt), pkScript))
	return outputs, nil

addr, err := btcutil.DecodeAddress(addrStr, chainParams)将用字符串表示的地址封装为表示地址的Address对象。
pkScript, err := txscript.PayToAddrScript(addr)创建了一个将钱支付到地址addr的脚本,其代码如下:

// PayToAddrScript创建一个将交易输出付款到特定地址的脚本
func PayToAddrScript(addr btcutil.Address) ([]byte, error) {
	const nilAddrErrStr = "unable to generate payment script for nil address"

	switch addr := addr.(type) {
	case *btcutil.AddressPubKeyHash:
		if addr == nil {
			return nil, scriptError(ErrUnsupportedAddress,
		return payToPubKeyHashScript(addr.ScriptAddress())

	case *btcutil.AddressScriptHash:
		if addr == nil {
			return nil, scriptError(ErrUnsupportedAddress,
		return payToScriptHashScript(addr.ScriptAddress())

	case *btcutil.AddressPubKey:
		if addr == nil {
			return nil, scriptError(ErrUnsupportedAddress,
		return payToPubKeyScript(addr.ScriptAddress())

	case *btcutil.AddressWitnessPubKeyHash:
		if addr == nil {
			return nil, scriptError(ErrUnsupportedAddress,
		return payToWitnessPubKeyHashScript(addr.ScriptAddress())
	case *btcutil.AddressWitnessScriptHash:
		if addr == nil {
			return nil, scriptError(ErrUnsupportedAddress,
		return payToWitnessScriptHashScript(addr.ScriptAddress())

	str := fmt.Sprintf("unable to generate payment script for unsupported "+
		"address type %T", addr)
	return nil, scriptError(ErrUnsupportedAddress, str)


// payToPubKeyHashScript创建一个脚本付款到公钥的哈希
func payToPubKeyHashScript(pubKeyHash []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	return NewScriptBuilder().AddOp(OP_DUP).AddOp(OP_HASH160).

// payToWitnessPubKeyHashScript creates a new script to pay to a version 0
// pubkey hash witness program. The passed hash is expected to be valid.
func payToWitnessPubKeyHashScript(pubKeyHash []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	return NewScriptBuilder().AddOp(OP_0).AddData(pubKeyHash).Script()

// payToScriptHashScript creates a new script to pay a transaction output to a
// script hash. It is expected that the input is a valid hash.
func payToScriptHashScript(scriptHash []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	return NewScriptBuilder().AddOp(OP_HASH160).AddData(scriptHash).

// payToWitnessPubKeyHashScript creates a new script to pay to a version 0
// script hash witness program. The passed hash is expected to be valid.
func payToWitnessScriptHashScript(scriptHash []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	return NewScriptBuilder().AddOp(OP_0).AddData(scriptHash).Script()

// payToPubkeyScript creates a new script to pay a transaction output to a
// public key. It is expected that the input is a valid pubkey.
func payToPubKeyScript(serializedPubKey []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	return NewScriptBuilder().AddData(serializedPubKey).



// SendOutputs创建并发送了付款交易。币的选择由钱包负责,钱包将选择属于一个给定key范围和账户的输入
// 如果key范围未指明,属于一个账户的所有输入都可能被选择。
func (w *Wallet) SendOutputs(outputs []*wire.TxOut, keyScope *waddrmgr.KeyScope,
	account uint32, minconf int32, satPerKb btcutil.Amount,
	coinSelectionStrategy CoinSelectionStrategy, label string) (
	*wire.MsgTx, error) {

	// 确保将要创建的交易的输出遵守比特币网络的共识规则
	for _, output := range outputs {
		err := txrules.CheckOutput(
			output, txrules.DefaultRelayFeePerKb,
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	// 创建交易并广播到网络。交易将被加到数据库中,这是为了确保发生重启后能够重新进行广播,直到它被确认
	createdTx, err := w.CreateSimpleTx(
		keyScope, account, outputs, minconf, satPerKb,
		coinSelectionStrategy, false,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// If our wallet is read-only, we'll get a transaction with coins
	// selected but no witness data. In such a case we need to inform our
	// caller that they'll actually need to go ahead and sign the TX.
	if w.Manager.WatchOnly() {
		return createdTx.Tx, ErrTxUnsigned

	txHash, err := w.reliablyPublishTransaction(createdTx.Tx, label)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Sanity check on the returned tx hash.
	if *txHash != createdTx.Tx.TxHash() {
		return nil, errors.New("tx hash mismatch")

	return createdTx.Tx, nil




// CreateSimpleTx创建一个已经签名的交易,花掉至少有minconf个确认的UTXOs。
// 只有属于给定key范围及账户的UTXO会被选择,除非key范围未指定。找零和适合的交易费将自动包含。
func (w *Wallet) CreateSimpleTx(keyScope *waddrmgr.KeyScope, account uint32,
	outputs []*wire.TxOut, minconf int32, satPerKb btcutil.Amount,
	coinSelectionStrategy CoinSelectionStrategy, dryRun bool) (
	*txauthor.AuthoredTx, error) {

	req := createTxRequest{
		keyScope:              keyScope,
		account:               account,
		outputs:               outputs,
		minconf:               minconf,
		feeSatPerKB:           satPerKb,
		coinSelectionStrategy: coinSelectionStrategy,
		dryRun:                dryRun,
		resp:                  make(chan createTxResponse),
	w.createTxRequests <- req
	resp := <-req.resp
	return resp.tx, resp.err


// txCreator负责交易输入的选择以及交易的创建。输入选择需要被序列化,
// 否则有可能选择了已经花费了的UTXO,进而创建一个双花交易。除了选择UTXO,
// 这个方法也负责对交易进行签名,这是因为我们不希望陷入创建交易导致而输入被用完的情况。
// 在这种情况下,由于没有足够的可用的输入,可以让多个请求都失败,而不是其中一个请求失败。
func (w *Wallet) txCreator() {
	quit := w.quitChan()
	for {
		select {
		case txr := <-w.createTxRequests:
			// If the wallet can be locked because it contains
			// private key material, we need to prevent it from
			// doing so while we are assembling the transaction.
			release := func() {}
			if !w.Manager.WatchOnly() {
				heldUnlock, err := w.holdUnlock()
				if err != nil {
					txr.resp <- createTxResponse{nil, err}

				release = heldUnlock.release

			tx, err := w.txToOutputs(
				txr.outputs, txr.keyScope, txr.account,
				txr.minconf, txr.feeSatPerKB,
				txr.coinSelectionStrategy, txr.dryRun,

			txr.resp <- createTxResponse{tx, err}
		case <-quit:
			break out

txToOutputs根据outputs []*wire.TxOut创建一个经过签名的交易。其完成的工作如下:

  1. requireChainClient用于标志一个方法只有在wallet对象的RPC服务器设置后才能完成,调用它确保设置了RPC服务器;
  2. 开启了数据库中的一个事务,其完成的工作如下:
  3. 获取地址管理器桶ReadWriteBucket(一个数据库内等级制的结构,它可以执行读写操作)和找零源ChangeSource(为交易创建提供找零输出脚本)
  4. 在UTXO中找到所有合乎资格的交易(具体地,是否达到了最小确认数conf要求,UTXO是否被锁定,是否与给定的账户关联)
  5. 根据传入的coinSelectionStrategy对UTXOs进行选择(包括CoinSelectionLargestCoinSelectionRandom策略),以选定的UTXOs作为输入源;
  6. 调用NewUnsignedTransaction根据确定的交易输出outputs,每kb交易费用feeSatPerKb,输入源inputSource,找零源changeSource创建一个未签名的交易;
  7. 调用AddAllInputScripts对生成的交易进行签名;
  8. 如果有找零,请求后端在确认该交易后告知找零交易;


// reliablyPublishTransaction是publishTransaction的一个超集,
// 它包含了发布一个交易、更新相关的数据库状态、如果该交易被后端拒绝从数据库移除该交易需要的原语逻辑。
func (w *Wallet) reliablyPublishTransaction(tx *wire.MsgTx,
	label string) (*chainhash.Hash, error) {

	chainClient, err := w.requireChainClient()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// As we aim for this to be general reliable transaction broadcast API,
	// we'll write this tx to disk as an unconfirmed transaction. This way,
	// upon restarts, we'll always rebroadcast it, and also add it to our
	// set of records.
	txRec, err := wtxmgr.NewTxRecordFromMsgTx(tx, time.Now())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Along the way, we'll extract our relevant destination addresses from
	// the transaction.
	var ourAddrs []btcutil.Address
	err = walletdb.Update(w.db, func(dbTx walletdb.ReadWriteTx) error {
		addrmgrNs := dbTx.ReadWriteBucket(waddrmgrNamespaceKey)
		for _, txOut := range tx.TxOut {
			_, addrs, _, err := txscript.ExtractPkScriptAddrs(
				txOut.PkScript, w.chainParams,
			if err != nil {
				// Non-standard outputs can safely be skipped because
				// they're not supported by the wallet.
			for _, addr := range addrs {
				// Skip any addresses which are not relevant to
				// us.
				_, err := w.Manager.Address(addrmgrNs, addr)
				if waddrmgr.IsError(err, waddrmgr.ErrAddressNotFound) {
				if err != nil {
					return err
				ourAddrs = append(ourAddrs, addr)

		if err := w.addRelevantTx(dbTx, txRec, nil); err != nil {
			return err

		// If the tx label is empty, we can return early.
		if len(label) == 0 {
			return nil

		// If there is a label we should write, get the namespace key
		// and record it in the tx store.
		txmgrNs := dbTx.ReadWriteBucket(wtxmgrNamespaceKey)
		return w.TxStore.PutTxLabel(txmgrNs, tx.TxHash(), label)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// We'll also ask to be notified of the transaction once it confirms
	// on-chain. This is done outside of the database transaction to prevent
	// backend interaction within it.
	if err := chainClient.NotifyReceived(ourAddrs); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return w.publishTransaction(tx)


  1. 调用requireChainClient检查共识RPC服务器是否被设置;
  2. 将未被确认的交易写到磁盘,以确保重启后被重复广播;
  3. 请求当交易上链后被通知;
  4. 调用publishTransaction将未被确认的交易发到钱包目前对应的运行btcd的服务器。



// SendRawTransaction sends a raw transaction via bitcoind.
func (c *BitcoindClient) SendRawTransaction(tx *wire.MsgTx,
	allowHighFees bool) (*chainhash.Hash, error) {

	return c.chainConn.client.SendRawTransaction(tx, allowHighFees)


// SendRawTransaction submits the encoded transaction to the server which will
// then relay it to the network.
func (c *Client) SendRawTransaction(tx *wire.MsgTx, allowHighFees bool) (*chainhash.Hash, error) {
	return c.SendRawTransactionAsync(tx, allowHighFees).Receive()


// SendRawTransactionAsync returns an instance of a type that can be used to get
// the result of the RPC at some future time by invoking the Receive function on
// the returned instance.
// See SendRawTransaction for the blocking version and more details.
func (c *Client) SendRawTransactionAsync(tx *wire.MsgTx, allowHighFees bool) FutureSendRawTransactionResult {
	txHex := ""
	if tx != nil {
		// Serialize the transaction and convert to hex string.
		buf := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, tx.SerializeSize()))
		if err := tx.Serialize(buf); err != nil {
			return newFutureError(err)
		txHex = hex.EncodeToString(buf.Bytes())

	// Due to differences in the sendrawtransaction API for different
	// backends, we'll need to inspect our version and construct the
	// appropriate request.
	version, err := c.BackendVersion()
	if err != nil {
		return newFutureError(err)

	var cmd *btcjson.SendRawTransactionCmd
	switch version {
	// Starting from bitcoind v0.19.0, the MaxFeeRate field should be used.
	case BitcoindPost19:
		// Using a 0 MaxFeeRate is interpreted as a maximum fee rate not
		// being enforced by bitcoind.
		var maxFeeRate int32
		if !allowHighFees {
			maxFeeRate = defaultMaxFeeRate
		cmd = btcjson.NewBitcoindSendRawTransactionCmd(txHex, maxFeeRate)

	// Otherwise, use the AllowHighFees field.
		cmd = btcjson.NewSendRawTransactionCmd(txHex, &allowHighFees)

	return c.sendCmd(cmd)


// sendCmd发送一个给出的命令到相关联的服务器,它将返回一个回复通道,回复将在某个时间点发送到该通道上。
// 它可以处理websocket和http post方法两种,具体取决于客户的配置。
func (c *Client) sendCmd(cmd interface{}) chan *response {
	rpcVersion := btcjson.RpcVersion1
	if c.batch {
		rpcVersion = btcjson.RpcVersion2
	// Get the method associated with the command.
	method, err := btcjson.CmdMethod(cmd)
	if err != nil {
		return newFutureError(err)

	// Marshal the command.
	id := c.NextID()
	marshalledJSON, err := btcjson.MarshalCmd(rpcVersion, id, cmd)
	if err != nil {
		return newFutureError(err)

	// Generate the request and send it along with a channel to respond on.
	responseChan := make(chan *response, 1)
	jReq := &jsonRequest{
		id:             id,
		method:         method,
		cmd:            cmd,
		marshalledJSON: marshalledJSON,
		responseChan:   responseChan,


	return responseChan


// sendRequest将给定的json请求发送到相关联的服务器,并且用提供的回复通道进行回复。
func (c *Client) sendRequest(jReq *jsonRequest) {
	// Choose which marshal and send function to use depending on whether
	// the client running in HTTP POST mode or not.  When running in HTTP
	// POST mode, the command is issued via an HTTP client.  Otherwise,
	// the command is issued via the asynchronous websocket channels.
	if c.config.HTTPPostMode {
		if c.batch {
			if err := c.addRequest(jReq); err != nil {
		} else {

	// Check whether the websocket connection has never been established,
	// in which case the handler goroutines are not running.
	select {
	case <-c.connEstablished:
		jReq.responseChan <- &response{err: ErrClientNotConnected}

	// Add the request to the internal tracking map so the response from the
	// remote server can be properly detected and routed to the response
	// channel.  Then send the marshalled request via the websocket
	// connection.
	if err := c.addRequest(jReq); err != nil {
		jReq.responseChan <- &response{err: err}
	log.Tracef("Sending command [%s] with id %d", jReq.method,


  • 如果是HTTPPostMode,(如果是批处理命令,通过调用addRequest将传递的jsonRequest与其id相关联。这允许将来自远程服务器的响应解组为适当的类型,并在收到时发送到指定的通道。)调用c.sendPost(jReq)通过HTTP POST方法将请求发到服务器。具体地,sendPost设置好HTTP请求后,将请求发送到c.sendPostChan通道中,由sendPostHandler对请求进行处理。
  • 用已经建立的websocket连接发送请求。具体地,将请求发送到clientsendChan中,由wsOutHandler进行处理。

