

英文 中文
You ready? 准备好了吗
Well, now, that's a stupid question. 这问题问得太蠢了吧
07 A.M. Examiner Hatch. 早上七点哈奇审讯员
Subject -- Elizabeth Scott Keen. 审问对象伊丽莎白·斯科特·基恩
Here we go. 现在开始
Before Monday of last week, 在上周一之前
did you have, or have you ever had, 你是否有或曾经有

- personal contact with Raymond Reddington? - No. -私下与雷蒙德·雷丁顿接触-没有
Did Reddington notify you 雷丁顿在前往联调局自首前
- before he surrendered himself to the FBI? - No. -是否有通知过你-没有
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? 你是否曾经被判过罪
Convicted? Not yet. 被判罪还没呢
Please answer "Yes" or "No." 请回答是或否
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? 你是否曾经被判过罪
You're wasting valuable time. 你在浪费宝贵时间
Does Elizabeth Keen know why you surrendered yourself? 伊丽莎白·基恩是否知道你为何自首
He's telling our people he wants immunity, 他和我们说他想要豁免权
that he's willing to cooperate, give us names. 作为条件他愿意合作把人名给我们
- What names? - He's got a list, -什么人名-他有个名单
alleges he can deliver us high-value criminal targets 宣称如果司法部给予他豁免权的话
if the Justice Department grants him immunity. 他能为我们提供高价值罪犯目标
What's his legal status? 他现在有合法身份吗
The man sold secrets to the Hofstad network, to the Syrians. 他曾卖情报给霍夫施塔恐怖组织和叙利亚人
He's not getting immunity. 他不可能得到豁免权
Talk to me about containment. 说说对策
Who knows we've got him? 谁知道他在我们手上
Including us in this room... a total of 26 people. 算上这间屋子里的人一共26人
Remember, he's been off the grid for over 20 years. 要知道他转入地下二十多年了
Yet he seems to know things even you don't. 然而他却知道连你都不知道的事
About this, uh, Elizabeth Keen -- 关于这个伊丽莎白·基恩
Says her father has some kind of criminal record? 据说她父亲有犯罪记录
- Yes. - Before Monday of last week, -是的-上周一之前
did you have, or have you ever had, 你是否有或曾经有
personal contact with Elizabeth Keen? 跟伊丽莎白·基恩私下接触过
No. 没有
He's lying. 他在说谎
Does Raymond Reddington know, 雷蒙德·雷丁顿是否认识
or has he ever known, your husband? 或曾经认识你的丈夫
His name's Tom Keen. School teacher, 4th grade. 他叫汤姆·基恩小学四年级老师
He's currently in a medically induced coma, 他目前处于药物控制性昏迷之中
was nearly killed last week during an altercation 上周被卷入基恩接办的一个案子
on a case Keen was working. 差点丧命
He gonna survive? 他能挺过来吗
The situation is uncertain. 目前情况不明朗
You're confident that the husband's 你确定她丈夫与雷丁顿
not involved with Reddington? 没有接触吗

The truth is we don't have any idea 说实话我们完全不了解
who Reddington may be involved with. 雷丁顿可能跟谁有联系
Then why should we trust him? 那我们怎么能信任他
You're asking the wrong questions. 你问的都是不相关的问题
I'm trying to help you with a matter of some urgency. 我在尝试帮你们解决紧急事件
It's your choice whether you listen to me or not, 信不信随便你
but there will be an incident at 11:00 this morning 但今天上午十一点在迪凯特工业园区
at the Decatur Industrial Park. 有事情会发生
I would send ambulances. 要我现在就会派救护车过去
We need to move quickly. 需要马上行动
He's a prisoner. 他是名囚犯
He has no legal position to negotiate from. 他现在的法律地位没资格跟我们谈判
Charge him under the Patriot Act. 根据《爱国者法案》起诉他
- See what he has to say then. - He'll only speak with Keen. -看他还能怎么办-他只跟基恩探员对话
It's not up to him. We decide who he speaks -- 这由不得他我们来决定...
I don't think you understand 我觉得你好像还不明白
how delicately the situation needs to be handled. 目前的情况需要我们非常巧妙地去处理
Reddington has brokered some of the most comprehensive 雷丁顿在过去二十年里
international criminal activity in the past 20 years. 安排过很多重大国际犯罪活动
He has access to targets we don't even know exist. 他能接触到我们甚至都不知道其存在的目标
Now, he's telling us there may be some kind of an event 他跟我们说迪凯特工业园区
about to happen at the Decatur Industrial Park. 可能会有事发生
I don't think you understand. 我看是你不明白
You don't run the criminal division of Main Justice. I do. 负责司法部刑事部门的人不是你是我
The attorney general is not going to accept a deal. 司法部长是不会接受什么协议的
Reddington is a criminal, 雷丁顿是个犯罪分子
and we're gonna take credit for catching him. 抓住他是我们的功劳
Our office will lay out the charges. 我们会安排指控的
I hope you understand that from time t-- 我希望你能理解...
There is... no... deal. 没条件可谈
Am I clear? 明白了吗
Yes. 是的
And have you been truthful 你是否尽你所能
to the best of your knowledge? 诚实回答了所有问题
So, what do we got? 有什么发现吗
Swept the entire yard. 检查了整个园区
Got multiple teams working the property, K-9 units. 各个部门队伍都在还有警犬队
Nothing. I mean, look around. 但什么都没有你看看
I got two city blocks of hiding places, 这里有两个街区可以用来藏东西
and I don't even know what the hell 而我甚至不知道
I'm supposed to be looking for. 到底应该找什么
I need more information. What's the specific tip? 我需要更多信息具体一点的提示
Who did it come from? 是谁提供的信息
We got an informant who's dicking us around. 是个把我们耍得团团转的线人
Says we're gonna need rescue units here at 11:00. 他说这里十一点时会需要救援队
It's already 11:20. 可现在已经十一点二十了
Give it another 20 minutes and wrap it up. 再找二十分钟然后收队
I want bomb squads, medics. I want everybody out. 防爆队医务人员全部撤离
We've got a problem. 出问题了
A passenger train just blew through. 一列火车刚刚驶过
Come again? What was that? 再说一遍什么
I said you have a passenger train 我说有列客运火车
coming in your direction. 正向你的方向驶去
It's over speed. 列车超速了
Clear the area. Get everyone out. 让全部人员撤离
Clear! Clear out! 快撤撤退
Get your men out of here! Clear! 让你的人都离开马上
Those things I found under the floor, 我在地板下面发现的那些东西
they're not yours, right? 不是你的对吧
He put them there -- 是他放在那里的
The gun and the passports. 那把枪和护照
Tell me Reddington did this, and not... 告诉我是雷丁顿干的不是...
I wish you were here so you could explain yourself. 真希望你现在能醒过来解释给我听
60 people have been confirmed dead 今早在迪凯特工业园区
and dozens injured after a passenger train derailed 一列火车脱轨导致六十人死亡
this morning at the Decatur Industrial Park. 并有多人受伤
60 people are dead because of you. 因为你死了六十个人
60 people are dead 死了六十个人
because you don't return my calls, Harold. 都是因为你不答应我的要求哈罗德
If you want to save lives and catch the bad guys, 如果你想抓住坏人拯救生命
pay attention. 集中点精神
They're not going to make your deal. 他们不会同意你的条件的
That's unfortunate. 真是太不幸了
The next name on my list is an absolute snake. 我名单上的下一个名字绝对是个狡猾的人
The train. How did you know? 关于那辆火车你怎么知道的
I know lots of things. But the train I didn't. 我知道很多事情但火车的事我不知道
I knew the time, the place, 我知道时间和地点
but the train was a big surprise. 但火车实在出乎我意料
We've ruled out terrorism. 我们排除了恐怖分子的可能性
Look at the list of casualties, Harold. 看看人员伤亡的名单哈罗德
You'll find some councilwoman from Albany. 你会找到某个从奥尔巴尼来的女议员
Apparently she's been tangling 显然她一直与一些
with some rather cunning, powerful people. 相当狡猾并有势力的人有瓜葛
You're saying the derailment was an assassination? 你是说火车出轨是一次刺杀行动吗
I'm not saying anything... 我什么也不会说的
unless it's to Elizabeth Keen. 除非听的人是伊丽莎白·基恩
Tell me about the train wreck. 告诉我有关火车失事的情况
If you had any idea how far I've traveled 你不知道我为了再见你一次
to see you again, Lizzy. 费了多大劲莉兹
My name's "Liz," Not "Lizzy." 我叫莉斯不是莉兹
To you, I'm Agent Keen. 对你而言我是基恩探员
Now, I've heard all your demands, 我已经知道你所有的要求了
but I don't think you've heard mine, 但你还不知道我的
so let me tell you how this is gonna work. 我现在就告诉你该怎么做
I ask the questions, you answer them. 我提问题你回答
Screw with me, and I walk. 再惹我我马上走
Understood? 明白了吗
How is Tom? 汤姆怎么样了
They're never gonna give you immunity. 他们是绝对不会给你豁免权的
Not a chance. 根本不可能
Oh, I think they will. 我认为他们会

