On Writing Well -Day17 (Ch17)


Part I | Principles

1. The Transaction

2. Simplicity

3. Clutter (Writing clean English Sentence)

4. Style (Preserving your identity)

5. The audience (Who am I writing for)

6. Words (The only tools you’ve got)

7. Usage (What is good usage)

Part II | Methods

8. Unity (Anchor of good writing)

9. The lead and the ending

10. Bits and pieces

Part II | Forms

11. Nonfiction as Literature

12. Writing About People: The Interview

13. Writing About Places: The travel article

14. Writing About Yourself: The Memoir

15. Science and Technology

16. Business Writing:Writing in Your Job

17. Sports


Words and Expressions:

1. The cure is worse than the ailment.

N-COUNT 疾病;病痛;(尤指)微恙

An ailment is an illness, especially one that is not very serious.

The pharmacist can assist you with the treatment of common ailments.


2. many a baseball fan who flunked simple arithmetic in school can perform prodigies of instant calculation in the ballpark.

VERB 在(考试)中不及格;未通过(某一课程)

If you flunk an exam or a course, you fail to reach the required standard.

【语法信息】:V n

【语域标签】:mainly AM 主美


Your son is upset because he flunked a history exam.


3. It has a certain mounting hilarity.


Hilarity is great amusement and laughter.

4.No other player visible to my generation has concentrated within himself so much of the sport’s poignance ...



Poignancy is the quality that something has when it affects you deeply and makes you feel very sad.

The film contains moments of almost unbearable poignancy...


There is a certain poignancy about Eric.


5. the players are strung as tightly as their high-tech racquets.

下列含义时,racquet = racket.

1.N-COUNT (网球、壁球、羽毛球等用的)球拍

A racket is an oval-shaped bat with strings across it. Rackets are used in tennis, squash, and badminton.

【搭配模式】:oft n N

Tennis rackets and balls are provided.


2.N-UNCOUNT 硬球壁球

Rackets is a game which is similar to squash but which is played with a hard ball.

6. In football and basketball the pay is sky-high, and so are the sulks.

VERB 生闷气;面有愠色;闷闷不乐

If you sulk, you are silent and bad-tempered for a while because you are annoyed about something.



He turned his back and sulked.


Sulk is also a noun.

He went off in asulk...


Now she must be tired of my sulks.





What keeps most sportswriters from writing good English is the misapprehension that they shouldn't be trying to.


what makes them special is their humanity.


They only want the clearest picture of what happened.


Those are the values to look for when you write about sport: people and places, time and transition.


Zinser这段话完全代表了我的心声Remember that athletes are men and women who become part of our lives during the season, acting out our dreams or filling some other need for us, and we want that bond to be honored. Hold the hype and give us heroes who are believable.


Hang around the track and the stable, the stadium and the rink.
Observe closely.
Interview in depth.
Listen to old-timers.
Ponder the changes.
Write well.


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