代码阅读-deformable DETR (一)

因为相对transformer做一些改动看看效果,所以接下来这几天先来看看deformable DETR的代码实现。




Various positional encodings for the transformer.
import math
import torch
from torch import nn
from util.misc import NestedTensor


class NestedTensor(object):
    def __init__(self, tensors, mask: Optional[Tensor]):
        self.tensors = tensors
        self.mask = mask


class PositionEmbeddingSine(nn.Module):
    This is a more standard version of the position embedding, very similar to the one
    used by the Attention is all you need paper, generalized to work on images.
    def __init__(self, num_pos_feats=64, temperature=10000, normalize=False, scale=None):
        self.num_pos_feats = num_pos_feats  #每一个点的编码长度
        self.temperature = temperature
        self.normalize = normalize
        if scale is not None and normalize is False:
            raise ValueError("normalize should be True if scale is passed")
        if scale is None:
            scale = 2 * math.pi
        self.scale = scale

    def forward(self, tensor_list: NestedTensor):
        x = tensor_list.tensors
        mask = tensor_list.mask
        assert mask is not None
        not_mask = ~mask
        y_embed = not_mask.cumsum(1, dtype=torch.float32)  # 列累加和,唯一的位置表示数字
        x_embed = not_mask.cumsum(2, dtype=torch.float32) # 行累加和
        if self.normalize:
            eps = 1e-6
            y_embed = (y_embed - 0.5) / (y_embed[:, -1:, :] + eps) * self.scale
            x_embed = (x_embed - 0.5) / (x_embed[:, :, -1:] + eps) * self.scale

        dim_t = torch.arange(self.num_pos_feats, dtype=torch.float32, device=x.device)  # 特征维度上的索引值
        dim_t = self.temperature ** (2 * (dim_t // 2) / self.num_pos_feats) 

        pos_x = x_embed[:, :, :, None] / dim_t
        pos_y = y_embed[:, :, :, None] / dim_t
        pos_x = torch.stack((pos_x[:, :, :, 0::2].sin(), pos_x[:, :, :, 1::2].cos()), dim=4).flatten(3)
        pos_y = torch.stack((pos_y[:, :, :, 0::2].sin(), pos_y[:, :, :, 1::2].cos()), dim=4).flatten(3)
        pos = torch.cat((pos_y, pos_x), dim=3).permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
        return pos


position embedding



class PositionEmbeddingLearned(nn.Module):
    Absolute pos embedding, learned.
    def __init__(self, num_pos_feats=256):
        self.row_embed = nn.Embedding(50, num_pos_feats)
        self.col_embed = nn.Embedding(50, num_pos_feats)

    def reset_parameters(self):

    def forward(self, tensor_list: NestedTensor):
        x = tensor_list.tensors
        h, w = x.shape[-2:]
        i = torch.arange(w, device=x.device)
        j = torch.arange(h, device=x.device)
        x_emb = self.col_embed(i)
        y_emb = self.row_embed(j)
        pos = torch.cat([
            x_emb.unsqueeze(0).repeat(h, 1, 1),
            y_emb.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, w, 1),
        ], dim=-1).permute(2, 0, 1).unsqueeze(0).repeat(x.shape[0], 1, 1, 1)
        return pos


def build_position_encoding(args):
    N_steps = args.hidden_dim // 2
    if args.position_embedding in ('v2', 'sine'):
        # TODO find a better way of exposing other arguments
        position_embedding = PositionEmbeddingSine(N_steps, normalize=True)
    elif args.position_embedding in ('v3', 'learned'):
        position_embedding = PositionEmbeddingLearned(N_steps)
        raise ValueError(f"not supported {args.position_embedding}")
    return position_embedding

backbone.py文件里主要有一个torchvision.model._utils.IntermediateLayerGetter, 这个函数主要是从模型中设置输出的层,代码如下:

class IntermediateLayerGetter(nn.ModuleDict):
    Module wrapper that returns intermediate layers from a model
    # 有一个强假设,即模块在使用时与模型中注册顺序相同
    It has a strong assumption that the modules have been registered
    into the model in the same order as they are used.
    # 这表示forward中的module不能使用两次
    This means that one should **not** reuse the same nn.Module
    twice in the forward if you want this to work.
    # 另外,只能query model中直接注册的层,而不能使用间接的层,比如resnet中层可能为layer1.1.conv1等,此时只能query layer1, 而不能使用layer1.1
    Additionally, it is only able to query submodules that are directly
    assigned to the model. So if `model` is passed, `model.feature1` can
    be returned, but not `model.feature1.layer2`.

        model (nn.Module): model on which we will extract the features
        # 模型:用于被选择层的model,比如resnet
        return_layers (Dict[name, new_name]): a dict containing the names
            of the modules for which the activations will be returned as
            the key of the dict, and the value of the dict is the name
            of the returned activation (which the user can specify).
        # 字典,设定被选择的层,name是model的层名, new_name是重新命名的层
    def __init__(self, model, return_layers):
        if not set(return_layers).issubset([name for name, _ in model.named_children()]):
            raise ValueError("return_layers are not present in model")
        orig_return_layers = return_layers
        return_layers = {k: v for k, v in return_layers.items()}
        layers = OrderedDict()
        for name, module in model.named_children():
            layers[name] = module
            if name in return_layers:
                del return_layers[name]
            if not return_layers:
        super(IntermediateLayerGetter, self).__init__(layers)
        self.return_layers = orig_return_layers
    def forward(self, x):
        out = OrderedDict()
        for name, module in self.named_children():
            x = module(x)
            if name in self.return_layers:
                out_name = self.return_layers[name]
                out[out_name] = x
        return out


m = torchvision.models.resnet50(pretrained=True)
new_m = torchvision.models._utils.IntermediateLayerGetter(m,{'layer1': '1', 'layer2': '2'})
out = new_m(torch.rand(1, 3, 224, 224))
print([(k, v.shape) for k, v in out.items()])



def build_backbone(args):
    position_embedding = build_position_encoding(args)  # 位置编码,每个位置对应一个向量, NxdxHxW
    train_backbone = args.lr_backbone > 0  # 是否固定训练好的参数
    return_interm_layers = args.masks or (args.num_feature_levels > 1)  # 返回的中间层, True的话返回2,3,4层
    backbone = Backbone(args.backbone, train_backbone, return_interm_layers, args.dilation)
    model = Joiner(backbone, position_embedding)  # 返回每个中间层的输出,和对应的pos编码
    return model


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