
#1 Hem and Haw felt so depressed because the cheese was gone. They could not believe the truth in such a long period. During this time, the two mice, Sniff and Scurry continued finding the cheese and fortunately, there was a bigger cheese station N. Wondering whether there was another cheese station outside, Haw decided to wear the sport shoes again and to start an adventure. However, he was persuaded by Hem and gave up. They became irritated and angry.

The two guessed there would be cheese behind the wall, so they took tools and made a hole on the wall. Although they worked harder and harder, no cheese was there.

Finally Haw determined to go out and find other stations without Hem and left Hem some words to remind him, expecting him to change.

#2 I find there are many interesting details in this part. From Hem’s scoff at two mice to his suspicion on the situation, from Haw’s decision to his change and so on, I find the story is just like a miniature model of human’s spirit and psychology.

Hem and Haw are two kind of people. The former tends to think and analyze while the latter is a good practitioner. The former is an egoist while the latter is willing to explore the “world”(the maze).

But the part moving me most is two people’s trail on digging the wall. In my opinion, it is a common action when a sudden change happens.

Whatever we learn, our teacher or coach always told us never to keep practicing in a wrong way. When playing badminton, players need to hit the ball in a correct pose. After a long time away the sport, I almost forgot the basic skills. But it is still easy for me to catch the ball while at the same time I was used to the wrong way.

When my coach pointed it out, it was really hard to change because as long as I changed my way, I would miss the ball. I became bored and anxious and kept practicing again and again without thinking. Of course, it took such a long time(maybe half a year) for me to enter in the right way.
