

英文 中文
Must be good to be home again, sir. 回家的感觉一定不错吧先生
Well, we'll see about that. 一会就知道了
Good afternoon. 下午好
I'm here to see Assistant Director Harold Cooper. 我是来见助理司长哈罗德·库珀的
Do you have an appointment? 您有预约吗
I do not. 没有
Tell him it's Raymond Reddington. 告诉他我是雷蒙德·雷丁顿
Ressler. Washington field office. 雷斯勒华盛顿外勤办公室
I'm the case agent on Reddington. 我是负责雷丁顿一案的探员
When did this happen? 什么时候发生的
Under an hour ago. 不到一小时之前
We confirm it's actually him? 确认是他了吗
It's him all right. Prints match. Tattoos. 是他指纹相符还有纹身
He even volunteered classified 他甚至自愿提供了08年
details about a Brussels mission in '08. 布鲁塞尔任务中的机密内容
- What happened in Brussels? - Sir? -在布鲁塞尔发生了什么-长官
We tried to kill him, sir. 我们试着杀掉他长官
It really is him. 真的是他啊

Came in with a briefcase 他进来时拿着一个公文包
containing every alias he's ever used. 里面装着他用过的所有化名
Most of 'em we've never even heard of. 大多数我们从来都没听说过
What does he want? 他想要什么
Don't know. Won't talk. 不知道他不肯说
He's a stone. 他就像块石头
Call lab services. 给实验室打电话
Have them fit him with an AlphaChip RFID tag. 让他们给他装上射频识别芯片
Assemble a full intel review. 整理一份完整的内部调查资料
NSA. CIA. 包括国安局和中情局的资料
What exactly do you want to know? 你具体想要知道什么
Everything. 全部
Raymond "Red" Reddington attended the Naval Academy. "红魔"雷蒙德·雷丁顿曾就读于海军军官学校
Top of his class. Graduated by the time he was 24. 班里的尖子生二十四岁时毕业
He was being groomed for admiral. 本打算培养成高级军官
Then in 1990, Reddington's coming home 然后1990年雷丁顿说要回家
to see his wife and his daughter for Christmas. 和妻女一起过圣诞
He never arrives. 但他就此消失了
This highly respected officer 这位受人尊敬的军官
up and disappears from the face of the earth-- 从此人间蒸发
until four years later 直到四年后
when classified NOFORN documents start showing up in Maghreb, 一批不对外公开的机密文件出现在了马格里布
Islamabad, Beijing. 伊斯兰堡以及北京
These leaks were traced to Reddington. 文件的泄露追溯到雷丁顿
This guy's an equal opportunity offender, 这家伙是个无差别犯罪者
a facilitator of sorts, 类似催化剂的角色
who's built an enterprise brokering deals 通过为其他罪犯提供中介交易
for fellow criminals. 建立了自己的帝国
He has no country. 他不投靠任何国家
He has no political agenda. 没有任何政治目的
Reddington's only allegiance is to the highest bidder. 雷丁顿唯一效忠的是最高出价者
They call him something in the papers. 他们在文件中给他起了个名字
"The concierge of crime." 犯罪世界的管理员
He's online. 他在线上了
Evidently someone with the authority 很明显有权利
to make decisions has arrived. 做决定的人到了
I think I smell the stench of your cologne, Agent Cooper. 我好像闻到你古龙水的臭味了库珀探员
Smells like hubris. 有种傲慢的味道
Get these feeds fixed. I want him up here. Come on. 把信号弄好我要跟他对话快点
You must have many questions, 你一定有很多疑问

so let's begin with the most important one-- why I'm here. 我们就先从最重要的开始我为什么来这里
Remember the 1986 attack 还记得1986年大马士革的
on the U.S. Embassy in Damascus, 美国大使馆袭击事件吗
the abduction of the six foreign nationals 1997年阿尔及尔法国领事馆的
from the French consulate in Algiers in '97, 六名外籍人士绑架事件
or the 2002 breach of the Krungthai Bank in Bangkok? 还有2002年曼谷的泰京银行抢劫事件
You see these events as unrelated. 在你看来这些事件是毫无关联的
I can tell you one man is responsible for all three. 但我可以告诉你这三起案件都是一人所为
His name is Ranko Zamani. 那个人叫兰科·扎马尼
You want him. I want him. 你想抓他我也想抓他
So let's say for the moment our interests are aligned. 所以不如说目前我们的利益是一致的
Ranko Sinisa Zamani. 兰科·西尼撒·扎马尼
Serbian national educated in the U.S. 塞尔维亚国籍在美国接受教育
Ranko Zamani's been dead for six years. 兰科·扎马尼已经死了六年了
- He's a non-existent threat. -Then a dead man -他已经不是威胁了-那就是一个死人
just stepped off United 283 from Munich to Dulles. 刚刚乘美联航283从慕尼黑飞到了杜勒斯机场
He entered the country under the name Sacha M. Chacko. 他用萨沙· M·查科这个名字入境的
- Cleared customs at 10:56 A.M. - Listen up, people. -10:56通过海关-大家听着
The lab just pulled a latent print from the airline arm rest. 实验室刚从航班的扶手上提取了潜指纹
Nine points of comparison. 九点匹配
Zamani's alive. 扎马尼还活着
You have my attention. 你引起我的注意了
Were you wrong? 你错了吗
I was wrong. 我错了
Yes, you were wrong. 对你是错了
At least it's not the first time. Familiar territory. 至少这不是第一次似曾相识啊
Now, I'll give you Zamani, but first-- 我会让你抓到扎马尼但首先
No "But firsts." You don't decide anything. 不谈条件你什么都无权决定
Agent Cooper, you've overestimated your authority. 库珀探员你高估自己的权利了
I said I'll help you find Zamani, and I will. 我说会帮你们找到扎马尼我一定会办到
But from this point forward, 但从现在开始
there's one very important rule: 有一条规则非常重要
I speak only with Elizabeth Keen. 我只跟伊丽莎白·基恩对话
Who the hell's Elizabeth Keen? 伊丽莎白·基恩是谁
Oh, buddy. 哥们
Seriously, dude? 开什么玩笑
- Babe, what time is it? - I don't know. -亲爱的几点了-不知道
What time you gotta be there? 你要几点到
- Oh, crap. - What's up? -糟了-怎么了
- Crap! - What? -糟了-怎么了
No! My first day! 不今天是第一天啊
Babe, are you good? You need help? 你没事吧需要帮忙吗
I missed the bus, babe. 我错过公车了亲爱的
I'm gonna need to take the car. 我要把车开走
You can't take the car. I need the car. 你不能把车开走我也需要车
I've got field trip planning committee. 我有实地考察计划委员会的工作要做
You took the dog out, right? 你溜过狗了吗
I did. 溜过了
For the field trip: 关于实地考察
Air and Space or the D.C. Zoo? 去航空航天博物馆还是华盛顿动物园
- The zoo's gender neutral. - All right. -动物园比较中性化-好的
Good thinkin'. We're out of milk. 好主意牛奶喝完了
- Oop. Sorry. - Is this pee? -抱歉-这是尿吗
I'm standing in pee, babe. 宝贝我现在站在尿里
- He's your dog, too. - Ok, yeah, thanks a lot. -它也是你的狗狗-好吧非常感谢
I'm gonna smell like a urinary tract infection 我工作第一天就要带着一股
on my first day! 尿道发炎的味道
Hey, don't forget 不要忘了
we got the last adoption meeting today. 今天我们还要参加最后一次领养见面会
One-thirty. 一点半
Hey, you heard me, right? One-thirty. 听到了吗一点半
Yep. One-thirty. Last meeting. 听到了一点半最后一次见面会
I'm in the car. You got the keys? 我先上车你有钥匙吗
- Yeah, in my pocket. - I got your coffee. -有在我口袋里-我帮你拿了咖啡
No more peeing, dude. 老兄不要再乱尿喔
What? 怎么了
We both woke up seven minutes ago. 我们俩七分钟前起床
I'm pretty sure my pants are on backwards 我敢肯定我穿反了裤子
and I can barely see straight. 而且还睡眼朦胧
But you are somehow dressed, 可你已经穿戴整齐
composed, 泰然自若
and as beautiful as the day I met you. 漂亮得就像我遇见你的那一天
- I think I'm forgetting something. - Yeah. -我好像忘拿了什么-是的
You know I'm not gonna let this job 你知道我不会让这份工作
come between us and our family, right? 妨碍到你我之间的对吗
I know. 我知道
We want a family, we're going to have a family. 我们要组织一个家庭我们就会做到
Wait. Were you serious about that kid thing? 等等小孩的事你是认真的吗
Because I got stuff goin-- 因为我有事要
Mama. 妈妈
Today's the day. 就是今天
Yeah, I know. 我知道
Man, I am so proud of you. 我真为你骄傲
- Thanks. - You worked so hard for this. -谢谢-你为此付出了这么多努力
Are you nervous? 紧张吗
No. But I am very late. 不紧张但是我迟到很久了
Agent Keen. 基恩探员
Donald Ressler. 我是唐纳德·雷斯勒
Washington field office. 隶属华盛顿外勤办公室
I need you to come with me right away. 我需要你立刻跟我走
Babe, I don't think I'm gonna need to take the car. 宝贝看来我不需要用车了
Agent Keen. Am I getting that right? 基恩探员我没叫错吧
- Yes, sir. - Harold Cooper. -没错长官-哈罗德·库珀
Assistant Director of Counterterrorism. 反恐司助理司长
Yes, sir. I know who you are, sir. 是的长官我知道您
So, uh...can you tell us what's going on? 你能告诉我们是怎么回事吗
I wish I could. 但愿我能
I can tell you that... 我只能告诉您
I've been vetted by the agency like everyone else, 我和每个人一样接受了审查
you know, same background checks, psych profiles. 同样的背景调查以及精神档案
I'm sure OPR's trolling my digital footprint right now, 我肯定职责办正在调查我的各种记录

