[Rust-async-book]--7--Workarounds to Know and Love[翻译](完结)

Rust's async support is still fairly new, and there are a handful of highly-requested features still under active development, as well as some subpar diagnostics. This chapter will discuss some common pain points and explain how to work around them.

Return Type Errors

In a typical Rust function, returning a value of the wrong type will result in an error that looks something like this:

error[E0308]: mismatched types
 --> src/main.rs:2:12
1 | fn foo() {
  |           - expected `()` because of default return type
2 |     return "foo"
  |            ^^^^^ expected (), found reference
  = note: expected type `()`
             found type `&'static str`

However, the current async fn support doesn't know to "trust" the return type written in the function signature, causing mismatched or even reversed-sounding errors. For example, the function async fn foo() { "foo" } results in this error:
但是,当前的async fn支持不知道要“trust”函数签名中写入的返回类型,从而导致不匹配甚至反向探测错误。例如,函数async fn foo(){“foo”}会导致以下错误:

error[E0271]: type mismatch resolving `::Output == ()`
 --> src/lib.rs:1:16
1 | async fn foo() {
  |                ^ expected &str, found ()
  = note: expected type `&str`
             found type `()`
  = note: the return type of a function must have a statically known size

The error says that it expected &str and found (), which is actually the exact opposite of what you'd want. This is because the compiler is incorrectly trusting the function body to return the correct type.

The workaround for this issue is to recognize that errors pointing to the function signature with the message "expected SomeType, found OtherType" usually indicate that one or more return sites are incorrect.
这个问题的解决方法是识别指向带有消息“expected SomeType, found OtherType”的函数签名的错误,这通常表示一个或多个返回站点是不正确的。

A fix to this issue is being tracked in this bug.


Similarly, because the return type from the function signature is not propagated down correctly, values returned from async fn aren't correctly coerced to their expected type.
类似地,因为函数签名的返回类型没有正确地向下传播,所以从async fn返回的值没有正确地强制转换为它们期望的类型

In practice, this means that returning Box objects from an async fn requires manually as-casting from Box to Box.

This code will result in an error:

async fn x() -> Box {

This issue can be worked around by manually casting using as:
这个问题可以解决,通过 使用 as 手动转换:

async fn x() -> Box {
    Box::new("foo") as Box

A fix to this issue is being tracked in this bug.

'?' in 'async' Blocks

Just as in async fn, it's common to use ? inside async blocks. However, the return type of async blocks isn't explicitly stated. This can cause the compiler to fail to infer the error type of the async block.

For example, this code:

let fut = async {

will trigger this error:

error[E0282]: type annotations needed
 --> src/main.rs:5:9
4 |     let fut = async {
  |         --- consider giving `fut` a type
5 |         foo().await?;
  |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot infer type

Unfortunately, there's currently no way to "give fut a type", nor a way to explicitly specify the return type of an async block. To work around this, use the "turbofish" operator to supply the success and error types for the async block:

不幸的是,目前没有办法“give fut a type”,也没有办法显式地指定异步块的返回类型。为了解决这个问题,使用“turbofish”操作符为异步块提供成功和错误类型:

let fut = async {
    Ok::<(), MyError>(()) // <- note the explicit type annotation here

'Send' Approximation

Some async fn state machines are safe to be sent across threads, while others are not. Whether or not an async fn Future is Send is determined by whether a non-Send type is held across an .await point. The compiler does its best to approximate when values may be held across an .await point, but this analysis is too conservative in a number of places today.
一些异步fn状态机可以安全地跨线程发送,而另一些则不能。是否发送异步fn Future取决于是否跨.await点持有非发送类型。编译器尽其所能来估计在.await点上什么时候可以保存值,但是这种分析在今天的很多地方都太保守了。
For example, consider a simple non-Send type, perhaps a type which contains an Rc:

use std::rc::Rc;

struct NotSend(Rc<()>);

Variables of type NotSend can briefly appear as temporaries in async fns even when the resulting Future type returned by the async fn must be Send:
在异步fn中,即使异步fn返回的结果 Future type 必须为Send,NotSend类型的变量也可能短暂地显示为临时变量:

async fn bar() {}
async fn foo() {

fn require_send(_: impl Send) {}

fn main() {

However, if we change foo to store NotSend in a variable, this example no longer compiles:

async fn foo() {
    let x = NotSend::default();
error[E0277]: `std::rc::Rc<()>` cannot be sent between threads safely
  --> src/main.rs:15:5
15 |     require_send(foo());
   |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^ `std::rc::Rc<()>` cannot be sent between threads safely
   = help: within `impl std::future::Future`, the trait `std::marker::Send` is not implemented for `std::rc::Rc<()>`
   = note: required because it appears within the type `NotSend`
   = note: required because it appears within the type `{NotSend, impl std::future::Future, ()}`
   = note: required because it appears within the type `[static generator@src/main.rs:7:16: 10:2 {NotSend, impl std::future::Future, ()}]`
   = note: required because it appears within the type `std::future::GenFuture<[static generator@src/main.rs:7:16: 10:2 {NotSend, impl std::future::Future, ()}]>`
   = note: required because it appears within the type `impl std::future::Future`
   = note: required because it appears within the type `impl std::future::Future`
note: required by `require_send`
  --> src/main.rs:12:1
12 | fn require_send(_: impl Send) {}
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: aborting due to previous error

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.

This error is correct. If we store x into a variable, it won't be dropped until after the .await, at which point the async fn may be running on a different thread. Since Rc is not Send, allowing it to travel across threads would be unsound. One simple solution to this would be to drop the Rc before the .await, but unfortunately that does not work today.
这个错误是正确的。如果我们将x存储到一个变量中,它将在.await之后被删除,此时async fn可能正在另一个线程上运行。因为Rc不发送,所以允许它跨线程传输是不可靠的。解决这个问题的一个简单方法是在.await之前删除Rc,但不幸的是,这在现在不起作用。

In order to successfully work around this issue, you may have to introduce a block scope encapsulating any non-Send variables. This makes it easier for the compiler to tell that these variables do not live across an .await point.

async fn foo() {
        let x = NotSend::default();

Recursion 递归

Internally, async fn creates a state machine type containing each sub-Future being .awaited. This makes recursive async fns a little tricky, since the resulting state machine type has to contain itself:

在内部,async fn创建一个状态机类型,其中包含每个子Future being.awaited。这使得递归异步fn有点棘手,因为生成的状态机类型必须包含自身:

// This function:
async fn foo() {
// generates a type like this:
enum Foo {

// So this function:
async fn recursive() {

// generates a type like this:
enum Recursive {

This won't work-- we've created an infinitely-sized type! The compiler will complain:

error[E0733]: recursion in an `async fn` requires boxing
 --> src/lib.rs:1:22
1 | async fn recursive() {
  |                      ^ an `async fn` cannot invoke itself directly
  = note: a recursive `async fn` must be rewritten to return a boxed future.

In order to allow this, we have to introduce an indirection using Box. Unfortunately, compiler limitations mean that just wrapping the calls to recursive() in Box::pin isn't enough. To make this work, we have to make recursive into a non-async function which returns a .boxed() async block:

use futures::future::{BoxFuture, FutureExt};

fn recursive() -> BoxFuture<'static, ()> {
    async move {

async in Traits

Currently, async fn cannot be used in traits. The reasons for this are somewhat complex, but there are plans to remove this restriction in the future.

In the meantime, however, this can be worked around using the async_trait crate from crates.io.
不过,在此期间,可以使用crates.io中的async_trait crate来解决这个问题。

Note that using these trait methods will result in a heap allocation per-function-call. This is not a significant cost for the vast majority of applications, but should be considered when deciding whether to use this functionality in the public API of a low-level function that is expected to be called millions of times a second.

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