2021-06-07 [问题] Node.js Error: ENOSPC: no space left on device


一个Node.js应用运行时出现了错误 , Error: ENOSPC: no space left on device

应用场景: Linux ext4, 在某个目录下,会经常写入一个小文件,数量是很大的,百万级别。


(1) 使用 docker system prune -af
这个只是去删除docker images

(2) 修改linux fs 最大user watches数量
默认为 8*1024=8192
cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches

EXT4-fs warning
index full, reach max htree level :2
Large directory feature is not enabled on this filesystem


This "large directory" feature allows for exceeding the current limit of roughly 10 million entries allowed in a single directory with EXT4. The revised limit wasn't mentioned.

This feature increases the limit on the number of files
per directory by raising the maximum size of directories
and, for hashed b-tree directories (see dir_index), the
maximum height of the hashed b-tree used to store the
directory entries.

// 查看是否打开了large directory feature
sudo tune2fs -l /dev/sdc | grep large_dir
// 打开 large directory feature , /dev/sdc为磁盘的设备名称
sudo tune2fs -O large_dir /dev/sdc


xfs文件系统由于是Dynamically Allocated inodes, 似乎也支持目录下的无限个文件。

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