FarPoint Spread v7.0.49





FarPoint's Spread - What's New 

What's new in v.7 since v. 6:

  • Multiple Sheets support
  • Cross-sheet Formula Referencing
  • Unicode Support
  • Built-in Support for Moving Rows or Columns, with visual indication
  • New Scientific Notation celltype
  • Improved Number Formatting
  • Faster, improved Sorting
  • More Robust Spread Designer
  • Customize the colors, widths and the heights for the Scroll Bars
  • Double-click the header to automatically resize the column to the widest text
  • Scalable (Percentage) Printing
  • Fit-To-Page Printing
  • Center Horizontal and Center Vertical Printing
  • Control Characters (such as /time, /date) for Printing the Header and Footer
  • Enhanced image type support, including .gif and .jpg
  • Expanded Text Tips Support (allows >1000 characters)
  • LoadTextFile defaults to 32,000 characters when loading a file
  • Hide or show the focus rectangle when the cell has focus
  • Auto-Positioning of the cursor when using EditModePermanent
  • Column Labels Convertible (letters to numbers and numbers to letters)
  • Align Text and Images in the Button Cell
  • Maximum Column Width Calculations Can Include Button Cells
  • Refresh the Data Set without affecting headers
  • Check Box Cell Has Familiar Windows Appearance
  • Event for Scroll Tips
  • DataLoaded event fires when all data has been loaded from the database

What's new in v.7 since v. 3.5:

  • All features listed above, plus...
  • Define multiple column and header rows
  • Merge columns or rows that contain identical data for easier viewing of the data
  • Create a cell span to join multiple cells
  • Use Spread's new Search feature to find specified text or values in a column or row
  • Rotate cell or header text 90 degrees, 180 degrees or 270 degrees
  • Identify any column by giving it a unique name (useful when moving columns)
  • Automatically display negative numbers as red in currency, number, and percent cells
  • Set user-defined tags for a specified cell, column, row, or the entire spreadsheet
  • Type one or more characters to automatically search for an item in the list of a combo box cell
  • New Percent cell type
  • Enhanced Currency cell type
  • Enhanced Number cell type
  • Data can overflow into adjacent empty cells while edit mode is on in a cell
  • Display a spin button in a currency, date, number, percent, or time cell
  • Copy, Move or Swap the data and formatting in a range of columns, rows, or cells in the spreadsheet.

What's new in v.7 since v. 3.0:

  • All features listed above, plus...
  • Define multiple column and header rows
  • Merge columns or rows that contain identical data for easier viewing of the data
  • Create a cell span to join multiple cells
  • Use Spread's new Search feature to find specified text or values in a column or row
  • Rotate cell or header text 90 degrees, 180 degrees or 270 degrees
  • Identify any column by giving it a unique name (useful when moving columns)
  • Automatically display negative numbers as red in currency, number, and percent cells
  • Set user-defined tags for a specified cell, column, row, or the entire spreadsheet
  • Type one or more characters to automatically search for an item in the list of a combo box cell
  • New Percent cell type
  • Enhanced Currency cell type
  • Enhanced Number cell type
  • Data can overflow into adjacent empty cells while edit mode is on in a cell
  • Display a spin button in a currency, date, number, percent, or time cell
  • Copy, Move or Swap the data and formatting in a range of columns, rows, or cells in the spreadsheet.
  • Cells in the Spread control can have notes associated with them
  • The Spread control can display scroll tips as users move the scroll box
  • You can export a range of cells or the entire spreadsheet in XML format to a file or a buffer
  • Users can sort by clicking column headers using built-in sort
  • Users can print a spreadsheet to an owner-defined area of the page, allowing you to print multiple items on a single page.
  • Cells can display ellipsis points when left-aligned text is too long to fit in the cell
  • New mathematical and other functions are provided by the Calc Engine
  • Improved Spread Designer
  • You can set the pop-up calendar text for a specific Spread control
  • You can export a range of cells or the entire spreadsheet in ASCII text format to a file and specify the delimiters you want to use to separate your data in the file
  • 27 methods and 20 events have been enhanced for use in scripting environments

What's new in v.7 since v. 2.5:

  • All features listed above, plus...
  • Define multiple column and header rows
  • Merge columns or rows that contain identical data for easier viewing of the data
  • Create a cell span to join multiple cells
  • Use Spread's new Search feature to find specified text or values in a column or row
  • Rotate cell or header text 90 degrees, 180 degrees or 270 degrees
  • Identify any column by giving it a unique name (useful when moving columns)
  • Automatically display negative numbers as red in currency, number, and percent cells
  • Set user-defined tags for a specified cell, column, row, or the entire spreadsheet
  • Type one or more characters to automatically search for an item in the list of a combo box cell
  • New Percent cell type
  • Enhanced Currency cell type
  • Enhanced Number cell type
  • Data can overflow into adjacent empty cells while edit mode is on in a cell
  • Display a spin button in a currency, date, number, percent, or time cell
  • Copy, Move or Swap the data and formatting in a range of columns, rows, or cells in the spreadsheet.
  • Cells in the Spread control can have notes associated with them
  • The Spread control can display scroll tips as users move the scroll box
  • You can export a range of cells or the entire spreadsheet in XML format to a file or a buffer
  • Users can sort by clicking column headers using built-in sort
  • Users can print a spreadsheet to an owner-defined area of the page, allowing you to print multiple items on a single page.
  • Cells can display ellipsis points when left-aligned text is too long to fit in the cell
  • New mathematical and other functions are provided by the Calc Engine
  • Improved Spread Designer
  • You can set the pop-up calendar text for a specific Spread control
  • You can export a range of cells or the entire spreadsheet in ASCII text format to a file and specify the delimiters you want to use to separate your data in the file
  • 27 methods and 20 events have been enhanced for use in scripting environments
  • Bind the spreadsheet to ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) 2.0 using OLE DB technology
  • Import and export spreadsheet files in Microsoft Excel 97 format (BIFF 8) -- 32-bit versions only
  • Export spreadsheet files as HTML (version 3.2 and greater) files -- 32-bit versions only
  • Use the new Print Preview control to see how your printed spreadsheet will look
  • Enhance a combo box cell using the FarPoint List Pro fpCombo control, available separately
  • Supports OLE drag and drop
  • Load data from or save data to an integer or float array
  • Provide text tips
  • Use one of 74 functions (includes 61 new ones) in your formulas
  • Sort with up to 256 sort keys
  • Disable or change the F2, F3, and F4 special editing keys
  • Set more than one border color and style for the same cell
  • Provide different colors for alternating rows
  • Define a custom mouse pointer for drag-and-drop operations
  • Make the scroll bar track mouse movement throughout the spreadsheet
  • Specify the vertical alignment of the contents in all cell types
  • Customize the background and text color for selected cells
  • Choose whether or not to include headers when copying data to the Clipboard
  • Create a Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 appearance for the control
  • Display short and long day and month names in the popup calendar
  • Recalculate the value of an individual cell
  • Retrieve and set data in float or integer cells as numeric values
  • Query the list of, retrieve information about, or remove custom functions
  • Allow the width of a combo box cell to change based on the width of the widest item
  • Specify the number of rows in the drop-down list of a combo box cell
  • Set the minimum and maximum date ranges (including the century)
  • Calculate the number of pages to print based on the current print settings
  • Query the next page break either by row or column
  • Define the starting page number to print in the header of the first page
  • Specify the order in which pages are printed (down then across or across then down)
  • Fire events when the user changes text while in edit mode, when the list drops down in a combo box cell, when the combo box closes, and when the user selects another item or reselects the same item in a combo box cell
  • Support the IntelliMouse





