ACM-ICPC 模板代码(自用)

View Code
 1 #include <iostream>

 2 #include <fstream>

 3 #include <stdio.h>

 4 using namespace std;



 7 void fout(char n)

 8 {

 9     string cppname=" .cpp";

10     cppname[0]=n;

11     string inname=" .in";

12     inname[0]=n;

13     string pname="//freopen(\"\",\"r\",stdin);";

14     pname[11]=n;

15     ofstream out1(cppname.c_str());

16     ofstream outa(inname.c_str());

17     out1<<"#include <vector>"<<endl;

18     out1<<"#include <list>"<<endl;

19     out1<<"#include <map>"<<endl;

20     out1<<"#include <set>"<<endl;

21     out1<<"#include <deque>"<<endl;

22     out1<<"#include <stack>"<<endl;

23     out1<<"#include <memory.h>"<<endl;

24     out1<<"#include <bitset>"<<endl;

25     out1<<"#include <algorithm>"<<endl;

26     out1<<"#include <functional>"<<endl;

27     out1<<"#include <numeric>"<<endl;

28     out1<<"#include <utility>"<<endl;

29     out1<<"#include <sstream>"<<endl;

30     out1<<"#include <iostream>"<<endl;

31     out1<<"#include <iomanip>"<<endl;

32     out1<<"#include <cstdio>"<<endl;

33     out1<<"#include <cmath>"<<endl;

34     out1<<"#include <cstdlib>"<<endl;

35     out1<<"#include <ctime>"<<endl;

36     out1<<"#include <cstring>"<<endl;

37     out1<<endl;

38     out1<<"using namespace std;"<<endl;

39     out1<<endl;

40     out1<<endl;

41     out1<<"int main()"<<endl;

42     out1<<"{"<<endl<<pname<<endl;

43     out1<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl<<endl;

44     out1<<"    return 0;"<<endl;

45     out1<<"}"<<endl;


47 }

48 int main()

49 {

50     int a,b=0;

51     char bb;

52     string s1,s2;

53     printf("*******************************************************************\n");

54     printf("**                  UESTC_ACM-ICPC  auto code tool               **\n");

55     printf("*******************************************************************\n");

56     printf("**                  only for  kevinSWAT                          **\n");

57     printf("*******************************************************************\n");


59     while(1)

60     {

61         cout<<"          the last number of problems:";

62         cin>>bb;

63         if(bb>='A' &&bb<='Z')b=bb-'A'+1;

64         else if(bb>='a'&&bb<='z')b=bb-'a'+1;

65         if(b>=1 &&b<=26)break;

66         else b=0;

67     }

68     cout<<"In this content,there are "<<b<<" problems yet!"<<endl;

69     for(char n='a'; n<=b+'a'-1; n++)

70         fout(n);

71     return 0;

72 }
