搜索 & 查找

二分查找(结果在单调区间上, make assumption value = Ki, check Ki)


POJ 3122, Pie

POJ 1905, Expanding Rods

POJ 3258, River Hopscotch

POJ 3273, Monthly Expense


广度优先搜索(结果与步长相关, 可用来解决每步的权值一样的最短路径问题)

POJ 1753, Flip Game

POJ 2965, The Pilots Brothers' refrigerator

POJ 3026, Borg Maze

POJ 3083, Children of the Candy Corn

POJ 2251, Dungeon Master

POJ 3278, Catch That Cow

POJ 1426, Find The Multiple

POJ 1426, Find The Multiple

POJ 3126, Prime Path

POJ 3414, Pots



POJ 2488, A Knight's Journey

POJ 3083, Children of the Candy Corn

POJ 3009, Curling 2.0

POJ 1321, 棋盘问题

POJ 1416, Shredding Company

POJ 2676, Sudoku

POJ 1129, Channel Allocation


暴力搜索(解空间 < 1,000,000)

枚举解空间, 全排列, 全组合

POJ 2531, Network Saboteur

POJ 3080, Blue Jeans
