
来源Google Opens Up Infographic Tools for Everyone's Use | CoDesign



Google Opens Up Infographic Tools for Everyone's Use


Now, the Public Data Explorer lets you chart any data you might have. Animated bubble charts for everyone!


A great data for data geeks of all stripes: Today, Google has opened up the tools on its Public Data Explorer, so that you can use them to chart any old data set you might have laying around. "If you're a student or a journalist or a teacher, you can upload your data and get the same visualizations that we have for our own product," Ben Yolken, Google's product manager for the Public Data Explorer, tells Co.Design.


The tools were first rolled out a year ago, after the company bought up the Gapminder Trendalizer, a bubble-chart data-viz technology invented by Dr. Hans Rosling, the infographics guru/health researcher/acclaimed TED genius.

  这款工具最初推出与1年前,当时谷歌公司收购了一家掌握气泡图表可视化数据技术的公司Gapminder Trendalizer,其创始人是数据图形教主、生命健康研究员、饱受赞誉的TED天才 汉斯·罗斯林博士

[Dr. Rosling showing off the Gapminder Trendalyzer, upon which Google's Public Data Exporer is based]



Thus, on the PDE site right now, you can see all manner of amazing time-based data animations, such as the relationship between fertility and life expectancy in the last 50 years; 20 years of U.S unemployment data; and even STD transmission in the last 15 years.


[Dr Rosling show how rich the tools are]



Now, to use all these nifty charts, you just have to put your data into a special format developed by Google, which is adapted to each of these visualizations. Afterward, you can share that data with anyone you want as a Google Doc.


But Google isn't trying to supplant Excel or Powerpoint. "This isn't really a generalized table editor, so it doesn't replace a spreadsheet," Yolken tells us. "It's a complement to other systems." (Not to mention a tool that cost Google a tidy sum, and which is now free to use.)

  但Google并不试图通过这一工具取代目前的Excel或者Powerpoint。尤肯表示:“它并不是一个真正意义上的表格编辑器,因此不会取代电子表格。它只是一种辅助工具。” (言下之意:Google花大价钱买下这个产品免费提供给任何人使用,并非要于此跟微软竞争)。

Yolken points that that all these data viz efforts fit in with Google's broader goal of making information -- and not just webpages -- transparent for public use and understanding (and, of course, the unspoken goal of feeding Google's massive cache of user data and keeping more people on Google for more hours). "People are constantly searching for the data we have on the site now," he says. "But data needs tools that allow people to understand and explore it."


Check out the tools here, under "My Datasets" and read Google's announcement about it here.








