SSD04 Practical Quiz 1 个人解答

Take Assessment: Practical Quiz 1


An Interactive Panel

This assignment, similar to Exercise 4, is to create a small Visual Basic interface using buttons and labels.  This interface will allow three integer values to be incremented and decremented using the buttons, as shown below. These values correspond to yards , feet , and inches respectively. Two buttons should be placed next to each integer display: one to increment the value, and one to decrement the value.   The first integer value, representing yards, should be kept within the range 0 to 9.  The second integer value, representing feet, should be kept within the range 0 to 2. The remaining integer, representing inches, should be kept within the range 0 to 11.  "OK" and "Cancel" buttons should also be provided.  Pressing either of these buttons should simply close the interface.  (Closing the interface can be accomplished by the code: "unload <formName> " where "<formName> " is replaced by the name of your form.)


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