
Buzz Letter - November Edition

Preview 6 is live!

The latest version of Buzzword includes some features we know many of you have been waiting for - word count, hyperlinks, and support for special characters.

As you probably heard, we announced in early October that Virtual Ubiquity has signed an agreement to be acquired by Adobe Systems. The acquisition is expected to close very soon. For more information on the announcement, please view our blog entry. (http://blog.buzzword.com/?p=29)

And now, back to the Preview notes...

Remember to clear your browser cache before you try out the new version. If you would like instructions on clearing your cache, go to: http://about.buzzword.com/support/emptycache.html(去这儿了解详情)

New Domain, New Bookmark!
Buzzword is now on its namesake domain - http://www.buzzword.com. Please update your bookmark, if you've set one.BUZWORD有了新的域名,如果你保存过书签那么请你更新此书签到上面的URL

Word Count
Buzzword now counts your words as you write, so you'll always have an up-to-date count. Students frequently need a word count for essays, journalists for articles or the rest of us for more everyday tasks ("Tell us in 25 words or less...").You'll see the number in the lower right portion of the sharing bar, next to the History icon. BUZWORD将自动为你计算你所写文章的字数。这一点将很有用

Hyperlinks and Buzzword Document URLs
Hyperlinks to web sources are useful to create references and expand the reach of the reader. Buzzword now allows you to enter hyperlinks including regular web addresses (www, http, https), mail to: addresses, and ftp. For example, we can link directly to the Buzzword discussion forum (http://forum.buzzword.com) or create a mailing link for feedback.超链接可以用来引用WEB上其他站点的内容,现在BUZWORD将允许输入正常的超链接以引用他人的内容

Each Buzzword document now shows its address in your browser when the document is open. You can copy and paste this URL into an email or IM, or another document. For example, you might want to remind reviewers to take another look at your document via email, giving them a link. The same sharing rules apply; users will need to sign in to Buzzword before they can see the document. Even though it's possible to forward an email with the document URL, no one can access the document unless you have shared the document with that person. Another use for a document URL is to link to a Buzzword document within a Buzzword document, creating an inter-related set of documents.

Special Characters
Need to enter the Euro sign? maybe a copyright symbol? Special characters are now included in Preview 6. 需要输入罗马字符,数学符号,在第六预览里面包含了对特殊字符的支持

Units of Measure
Centimeters are now part of Buzzword. You can now select centimeters or points (in addition to inches) to display measurements in the Page Setup dialog; the ruler and dimensioners when resizing images or table columns/rows will display in the units you've selected as well.页面的设置里面你可以选择单位为里面或PT,在标尺里调整页面将更加容易

It's Easier to Share!
Buzzword makes sharing documents with colleagues or teachers quick and easy. Click the Share button and type in an email address. If your sharing list has grown quite long - ours certainly have - it can take a while to scroll through the list and find the people you want. Preview 6 lets you type the first letter of the email address, and then shows you the first person in the list who matches that letter. For example, if [email protected] is on your list, when you type N, the list scrolls to the N addresses. Typing Na takes you to the first email that matches those two letters, in this case Nancy! SHARE按钮使得共享更加容易

Getting Images into Buzzword
Preview 6 has made it easier to copy images and paste them into Buzzword. You can now copy images from web sites or other sources and paste them into Buzzword. Please see the Help file for more details.启用粘贴复制将图片贴入文档,详细情况查看用户手册

And, please, keep the feedback coming!
Your comments, ideas and suggestions are invaluable! We're very interested in your feedback - not just the good news, but any areas you think we need to improve. Please let us know what you think! ([email protected] or http://forum.buzzword.com) 同时期待您的反馈

The Buzzword Team

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135 Beaver St., Waltham 02452

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