
Its our pleasure to share best resources/tools for web developers and designer. Today we are going to share best sites for testing code snippets, these sites provide the best place where web developers can test their code fast and easily. Over the internet, here are some great place to quickly test code and testing a debugging. this is the best way to collaborating with other developers. Also share and get backup of these code.

Every site introduce great features and functionality that make them different form other websites. A few days ago, we had covered some best tools and sites for our readers as best code editor – where developers can edit or modify their code easily, Microsoft visual studio extensions, best sites to learn android programming, javascript tools, jquery plugins and web development tools and many more.


1) ideone

ideone 是一个在线代码编辑、调试工具,允许开发者在线编译、运行代码,支持超过 40 种编程语言。

Ideone is something more than a pastebin; it’s an online compiler and debugging tool which allows to compile and run code online in more than 40 programming languages.



2) Codepad

Codepad 是一个在线编译/解释器,还是一个简单的协作工具。在文本框中粘贴代码片段,Codepad 将会运行它,并会生成一个短 URL,你可以共享给其他人。

codepad is an online compiler/interpreter, and a simple collaboration tool.
Paste your code below, and codepad will run it and give you a short URL you can use to share it in chat or email.



3) jsFiddle

jsFiddle 是一个 web 开发人员的练习场,可以用来在线编辑一些 HTML、CSS、JavaScript 代码片段,并可以将这些代码与其他人分享,或嵌入你的博客等。你还可以选择你自己熟悉的、流行的各种 JavaScript 库来进行开发。此外,jsFiddle 对 XHR 的支持也非常好,还可以模拟一些响应等。



4) CSS Desk

CSSDesk 是一个标准的 CSS 沙盒,该网站分成三栏,可以非常方便的通过在左侧实时修改代码来查看某个 CSS 属性的改变给 HTML 元素带来的影响,甚至可以把整个网站都放到其中进行调试,并将调试完成的文件保存为 HTMl。唯一的遗憾是缺少代码提示,需要手工输入 CSS 属性。



5) Online Code Editor



6) jsBin

JSBin 主要用于帮助测试 JavaScript 和 CSS 代码片段,功能与 jsFiddle 网站一致。



7) Code Google Playground

Google Code Playground 提供了一个在线版的 JavaScript、Ajax 的编辑、开发和调试环境,而且可以方便的访问相应的文档。内置了很多常用的 Google API 的示例和几个 Ajax 库。



8) jsdo it

jsdo it 允许开发者在线编写 JavaScript、HTML5 和 CSS3 代码,并允许在社区中相互分享。

This site is engagement-driven. they offer both, vivid environment for developers to showcase their trendy works on JavaScript and HTML5, as well as community to share their codes and learn from each other.



英文原文:8 Best Way for Testing Code Snippets



