Mac OSX:当Time Machine备份时禁止Spotlight

下面是一个实用的例子,用来说明如何禁止和启动Spotlight服务,他适用于OS X 10.5 Leopard系统:
它的目的是,因为在Time Machine备份数据的时候,Spotlight默认是索引所有的Volume上的数据,这样他干扰了Time Machine的备份工作,使工作变慢。
mdutil -i off /Volumes/backup
mdutil -i on /Volumes/backup

Disable Spotlight during Time Machine backups
Running a daemon every minute seems like overkill. Why not rename /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd and install a script in its place:

mdutil -i off /Volumes/backup
mdutil -i on /Volumes/backup

That should turn off spotlight indexing immediately before backupd runs, and turn it back on when the backup is finished.

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