ile_object = open(file_name, access_mode='r', buffering=-1)
read(): 直接读取字节到字符串中,最多读取给定数目个字节,默认为-1(读取至末尾)
readline(): 读取打开文件的一行,默认参数-1为读取整行,如果提供size不为-1,则返回size的不完整行。
readlines(): 读取所有的行,生成一个列表
In [79]: with open('test.txt', 'w') as fobj: ....: fobj.write('hello world\n') ....: fobj.write('i love this world\n') ....: fobj.write('and i love python too\n') ....: In [80]: with open('test.txt') as fobj: ....: fobj.read() ....: In [81]: fobj = open('test.txt') In [82]: fobj.read() Out[82]: 'hello world\ni love this world\nand i love python too\n' In [83]: fobj.close() In [91]: fobj = open('test.txt') In [92]: for i in range(4): ....: print fobj.readline() ....: hello world i love this world and i love python too In [93]: fobj.close() In [94]: fobj = open('test.txt') In [95]: lst = fobj.readlines() In [96]: lst Out[96]: ['hello world\n', 'i love this world\n', 'and i love python too\n']实际上用迭代文件最方便:
In [98]: fobj = open('test.txt') In [99]: for line in fobj: ....: print line ....: hello world i love this world and i love python too
file.closed: True表示文件已经关闭,否则为False
file.encoding: 文件所使用的编码
file.mode: 文件打开时使用的访问模式
file.name: 文件名
func(positional_args, keyword_args, *tuple_grp_nonkw_args, **dict_grp_kw_args)positional_args:标准的位置参数
func(positional_args, keyword_args)第二种方式:只有标准参数和元组:
func(positional_args, *tuple_grp_nonkw_args) >>> def func(name, *num): print("name is %s" % name) print("num is") print(num) >>> func("lcj", 1, 2, 3) name is lcj num is (1, 2, 3)备注:这里不要自作聪明的调用func("lcj", (1, 2, 3)),实际上这样元组只有一个参数:
>>> func("lcj", (1, 2, 3)) name is lcj num is ((1, 2, 3),)第三种方式:只有标准参数和字典
>>> def func(name, **dictArgs): print("name is %s" % name) for key, value in dictArgs.items(): print("key is %s, value is %s" % (key, value)) >>> func("lcj", x = 1, y = 2) name is lcj key is x, value is 1 key is y, value is 2第四种方式:全部使用,但是关键字中默认值不提供:
>>> def func(num, age=25, name="lcj", *tupleArgs, **dictArgs): print("num is:%d" % num) print("name is:%s, age is:%d" % (name, age)) print("tuple Args is") print(tupleArgs) for key, value in dictArgs.items(): print("key is:%s, value is:%s" % (key, value)) >>> func(123, 23, "voler", 1, 2, 3, x = 1, y = 2) num is:123 name is:voler, age is:23 tuple Args is (1, 2, 3) key is:y, value is:2 key is:x, value is:1
@deco1(deco_arg) @deco2 def func(): pass<==>
func = deco1(deco_arg)(deco2(func))示例代码:
from time import ctime, sleep def tsfunc(func): def wrappedFunc(): print '[%s] %s called' % (ctime(), func.__name__) return func() return wrappedFunc @tsfunc def foo(): pass foo() sleep(4) for i in range(2): sleep(1) foo()解释器输出如下:
lcj@lcj-Vostro-3800:~$ python test.py [Sat Apr 4 18:46:00 2015] foo called [Sat Apr 4 18:46:06 2015] foo called [Sat Apr 4 18:46:07 2015] foo called
lambda [arg1, [, arg2, ...argN]] : expressionpython允许用lambda关键字创造匿名函数,匿名是因为不需要以标准的方式来声明.
>>> (lambda x, y : x * y)(2, 3) 6filter(func, seq):
>>> from random import randint >>> allNums = [randint(1, 99) for i in range(9)] >>> allNums [29, 3, 67, 81, 13, 36, 64, 92, 4] >>> print(list(filter(lambda x : x % 2, allNums))) [29, 3, 67, 81, 13]
map(func, seq1[,seq2...]):
>>> print(list(map(lambda x, y : x + y, (1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)))) [5, 7, 9]
reduce(func, seq[,init]):
>>> import functools >>> print(functools.reduce(lambda x, y : x + y, range(5))) 10
>>> def counter(start_at): def incr(): start_at[0] += 1 return start_at[0] return incr >>> count = counter([5]) >>> print(count()) 6 >>> print(count()) 7备注:这里之所以用列表因为列表可变,不能使用不可变的数据,如数值,字符串等等.
>>> def simpleGen(): yield 1 yield "2-->punch!" >>> for i in simpleGen(): print(i) 1 2-->punch!而我们可以通过send来向生成器传递参数,用close来退出生成器:
>>> def counter(start_at = [0]): while True: val = (yield start_at[0]) if val is not None: start_at[0] = val else: start_at[0] += 1 >>> count = counter([5]) >>> print(count.__next__()) 5 >>> print(count.__next__()) 6 >>> count.send(9) 9 >>> count.__next__() 10