/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Zhang Ming (M. Zhang), [email protected] * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or any later version. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at: * http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses */ /***************************************************************************** * advmath.h * * Some advance math functions used in IIR filter design. * * Adapted form "Analog and Digital Filter Design", Les Thede, 2004. * * Zhang Ming, 2010-03, Xi'an Jiaotong University. *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef ADVMATH_H #define ADVMATH_H #include <cmath> #include <complex> namespace splab { inline double acosh( double ); inline double asinh( double ); double arcsc( double, double ); void ellipticFun( double, double, double*, double*, double* ); double ellipticIntegral( double ); void quadradicRoot( complex<double>, complex<double>, complex<double>, complex<double>&, complex<double>& ); #include <advmath-impl.h> } // namespace splab #endif // ADVMATH_H
/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Zhang Ming (M. Zhang), [email protected] * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or any later version. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at: * http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses */ /***************************************************************************** * iir.h * * Infinite Impulse Response. * * This class is designed for designing the IIR filter using bilinear * transform method. The unit of frequency and gain parameters are "Hz" and * "dB", respectively. * * The valid filter types are: * lowpass highpass bandpass bandstop * and the valid approximation method are: * Butterworth Chebyshev Inverse Chebyshev Elliptic * * The filter's coefficients consist of quadratic terms( the linear term can * be viewed as: a + b*z^-1 + 0*z^-2 ). The numerator and denominator * coefficients are stored in "aCoefs" and "bCoefs", respectively. The kth * quadratic term is as follow: * * aCoefs[3k] + aCoefs[3k+1]*z^-1 + aCoefs[3k+2]*z^-2 * ------------------------------------------------------- * bCoefs[3k] + bCoefs[3k+1]*z^-1 + bCoefs[3k+2]*z^-2 * * Zhang Ming, 2010-03, Xi'an Jiaotong University. *****************************************************************************/ #ifndef IIR_H #define IIR_H #include <iomanip> #include <cstdio> #include <dfd.h> #include <advmath.h> namespace splab { using std::ios; using std::setw; using std::setiosflags; using std::setprecision; class IIR : public DFD { public: IIR( const string &select, const string &appMethod ); ~IIR(); void design(); void dispInfo() const; Vector<double> getNumCoefs() const; Vector<double> getDenCoefs() const; private: void freqWrap(); bool orderEst(); void normCoefs(); void unnormCoefs(); void bilinTran(); void freqUnwrap(); void butterCoefs(); void chebyCoefs(); void invChebyCoefs(); void elliptCoefs(); void unnormLP( double freq ); void unnormHP( double freq ); void unnormBP( double BW, double Wo ); void unnormBS( double BW, double Wo ); double frqeResp( double freq ); void calcGain(); string approx; // approximation method double gain; // overall gain Vector<double> aCoefs, // numerator bCoefs, // denominator edgeGain; // gain at edge frquency }; // class IIR #include <iir-impl.h> } // namespace splab #endif // IIR_H
/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Zhang Ming (M. Zhang), [email protected] * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or any later version. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at: * http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses */ /***************************************************************************** * advmath-impl.h * * Implementationfor advance math functions. * * Zhang Ming, 2010-03, Xi'an Jiaotong University. *****************************************************************************/ /** * Calcutes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x. */ inline double acosh( double x ) { return log( x + sqrt(x*x-1) ); } /** * Calculates the inverse hyperbolic sine of x. */ inline double asinh( double x ) { return log( x + sqrt(x*x + 1) ); } /** * Calculates Jacobian elliptic arctan function using * arithmetic-geometric mean method. */ double arcsc( double u, double k ) { int i, L; double A, B, BT, Y; A = 1; B = k; Y = 1.0 / u; L = 0; for( i=0; i<MAXTERM; ++i ) { BT = A * B; A = A + B; B = 2 * sqrt(BT); Y = Y - BT / Y; if( Y == 0 ) Y = sqrt(BT) * EPS; if( abs(A-B) < (A*EPS) ) break; L = 2 * L; if( Y < 0 ) L++; } if( Y < 0 ) L++; return ( (atan(A/Y) + PI * L) / A ); } /** * Calculates Jacobian elliptic functions using * arithmetic-geometric mean method. */ void ellipticFun( double u, double k, double *sn, double *cn, double *dn ) { int i, imax; double A[MAXTERM], B[MAXTERM], C[MAXTERM], P[MAXTERM]; k = k * k; A[0] = 1; B[0] = sqrt(1-k); C[0] = sqrt(k); for( i=1; i<MAXTERM; ++i ) { A[i] = (A[i-1] + B[i-1]) / 2; B[i] = sqrt( A[i-1] * B[i-1] ); C[i] = (A[i-1] - B[i-1]) / 2; if( C[i] < EPS ) break; } if( i == MAXTERM ) imax = i - 1; else imax = i; P[imax] = pow(2.0,imax) * A[imax] * u; for( i=imax; i>0; i-- ) P[i-1] = (asin(C[i]*sin(P[i])/A[i]) + P[i]) / 2; *sn = sin(P[0]); *cn = cos(P[0]); *dn = sqrt( 1 - k*(*sn)*(*sn) ); } /** * Calculates complete elliptic integral using * arithmetic-geometric mean method. */ double ellipticIntegral( double k ) { int i; double A[MAXTERM], B[MAXTERM], C[MAXTERM]; k = k*k; A[0] = 1; B[0] = sqrt(1-k); C[0] = sqrt(k); for( i=1; i<MAXTERM; ++i ) { A[i] = (A[i-1] + B[i-1]) / 2; B[i] = sqrt(A[i-1]*B[i-1]); C[i] = (A[i-1] - B[i-1]) / 2; if( C[i] < EPS ) break; } return PI / (2*A[i]); } /** * Factoring quadratic equation with complex coefficients. * Equation form is a*x^2 + b*x + c, solutions will be placed * in complex numbers pointers d and e. */ void quadradicRoot( complex<double> a, complex<double> b, complex<double> c, complex<double> &x1, complex<double> &x2 ) { complex<double> a2, ac4, sq; a2 = 2.0 * a; sq = sqrt( b*b - 4.0*a*c ); x1 = ( -b + sq ) / a2; x2 = ( -b - sq ) / a2; }
/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Zhang Ming (M. Zhang), [email protected] * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or any later version. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at: * http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses */ /***************************************************************************** * iir-impl.h * * Implementation for IIR class. * * Zhang Ming, 2010-03, Xi'an Jiaotong University. *****************************************************************************/ /** * constructors and destructor */ IIR::IIR( const string &select, const string &app ) : DFD( select ), approx(app) { bool cond = ( filtType=="lowpass" || filtType=="highpass" || filtType=="bandpass" || filtType=="bandstop" ); assert(cond); cond = ( approx=="Butterworth" || approx=="Chebyshev" || approx=="InvChebyshev" || approx=="Elliptic" ); assert(cond); } IIR::~IIR() { } /** * Calculates the digital FIR coefficients. */ void IIR::design() { freqWrap(); if( orderEst() ) { normCoefs(); unnormCoefs(); bilinTran(); freqUnwrap(); calcGain(); } else cerr << "The filter's order exceeds exceed the range!" << endl; } /** * Displays the design result of filter. */ void IIR::dispInfo() const { int i, j; cout << endl; cout << "\t\t Filter selectivity : " << filtType << endl; cout << "\t\t Approximation method : " << approx << endl; cout << "\t\t Filter order : " << order << endl; cout << "\t\t Overall gain : " << gain << endl; cout << "\t\t Sampling Frequency (Hz) : " << fsamp << endl; // gains and edge frequency if( filtType=="lowpass" ) { cout << "\t\t Passband frequency (Hz) : " << wpass1/TWOPI << endl; cout << "\t\t Passband gain (dB) : " << apass1 << endl; cout << "\t\t Stopband frequency (Hz) : " << wstop1/TWOPI << endl; cout << "\t\t Stopband gain (dB) : " << astop1 << endl; } else if( filtType=="highpass" ) { cout << "\t\t Stopband frequency (Hz) : " << wstop1/TWOPI << endl; cout << "\t\t Stopband gain (dB) : " << astop1 << endl; cout << "\t\t Passband frequency (Hz) : " << wpass1/TWOPI << endl; cout << "\t\t Passband gain (dB) : " << apass1 << endl; } else if( filtType=="bandpass" ) { cout << "\t\t Lower stopband frequency (Hz) : " << wstop1/TWOPI << endl; cout << "\t\t Lower stopband gain (dB) : " << astop1 << endl; cout << "\t\t Lower passband frequency (Hz) : " << wpass1/TWOPI << endl; cout << "\t\t Upper passband frequency (Hz) : " << wpass2/TWOPI << endl; cout << "\t\t Passband gain (dB) : " << apass1 << endl; cout << "\t\t Upper stopband frequency (Hz) : " << wstop2/TWOPI << endl; cout << "\t\t Upper stopband gain (dB) : " << astop2 << endl; } else { cout << "\t\t Lower passband frequency (Hz) : " << wpass1/TWOPI << endl; cout << "\t\t Lower passband gain (dB) : " << apass1 << endl; cout << "\t\t Lower stopband frequency (Hz) : " << wstop1/TWOPI << endl; cout << "\t\t Upper stopband frequency (Hz) : " << wstop2/TWOPI << endl; cout << "\t\t Stopband gain (dB) : " << astop1 << endl; cout << "\t\t Upper passband frequency (Hz) : " << wpass2/TWOPI << endl; cout << "\t\t Upper passband gain (dB) : " << apass2 << endl; } // display coefficients cout << endl << endl << " Numerator Coefficients "; cout << " Denominator Coefficients" << endl << endl ; cout << " N [ 1 z^-1 z^-2 ]"; cout << " [ 1 z^-1 z^-2 ]" << endl; cout << " === ================================="; cout << " =================================" << endl ; for( i=0; i<(order+1)/2; ++i ) { j = i * 3; cout << setw(3) << i+1 << " "; cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed ); cout << setw(6) << setprecision(1) << aCoefs[j+0]; cout << setw(14) << setprecision(8) << aCoefs[j+1]; cout << setw(14) << setprecision(8) << aCoefs[j+2]; cout << setw(10) << setprecision(1) << bCoefs[j+0]; cout << setw(14) << setprecision(8) << bCoefs[j+1]; cout << setw(14) << setprecision(8) << bCoefs[j+2] << endl ; } // display edge frequency response cout << endl << endl << "\t ==================== Edge Frequency Response"; cout << " ====================" << endl; cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed); if( edgeGain.size() == 2 ) { cout << "\t Mag(fp) = " << edgeGain[0] << "(dB)"; cout << " Mag(fs) = " << edgeGain[1] << "(dB)" << endl; } else { cout << "\t Mag(fp1) = " << edgeGain[0] << "(dB)"; cout << " Mag(fp2) = " << edgeGain[1] << "(dB)" << endl; cout << "\t Mag(fs1) = " << edgeGain[2] << "(dB)"; cout << " Mag(fs2) = " << edgeGain[3] << "(dB)" << endl; } } /** * Get the FIR filter's coefficients. */ inline Vector<double> IIR::getNumCoefs() const { return aCoefs; } inline Vector<double> IIR::getDenCoefs() const { return bCoefs; } /** * Pre-warps analog frequency for IIR filtrs. */ void IIR::freqWrap( ) { // Pre-warps critical frequency based on selectivity. if( filtType=="lowpass" || filtType=="highpass" ) { wpass1 = 2*fsamp * tan( wpass1/(2*fsamp) ); wstop1 = 2*fsamp * tan( wstop1/(2*fsamp) ); } else { wpass1 = 2*fsamp * tan( wpass1/(2*fsamp) ); wpass2 = 2*fsamp * tan( wpass2/(2*fsamp) ); wstop1 = 2*fsamp * tan( wstop1/(2*fsamp) ); wstop2 = 2*fsamp * tan( wstop2/(2*fsamp) ); } } /** * Calculate the order of digital IIR filter. */ bool IIR::orderEst() { double kernel, ratio, n, rt, kn, CEIrt, CEIrtq, CEIkn, CEIknq, wp1, wp2, ws1, ws2; // Simplify the variables. wp1 = wpass1; wp2 = wpass2; ws1 = wstop1; ws2 = wstop2; // Calculate frequency ratio based on filter selectivity. if( filtType == "lowpass" ) ratio = ws1 / wp1; else if( filtType == "highpass" ) ratio = wp1 / ws1; else if( filtType == "bandpass" ) { if( ws1 > (wp1*wp2)/ws2 ) { ws2 = (wp1*wp2) / ws1; wstop2 = ws2; } else { ws1 = (wp1*wp2) / ws2; wstop1 = ws1; } ratio = (ws2-ws1) / (wp2-wp1); } else { if( wp1 > (ws1*ws2)/wp2 ) { wp2 = (ws1*ws2) / wp1; wpass2 = wp2; } else { wp1 = (ws1*ws2) / wp2; wpass1 = wp1; } ratio = (wp2-wp1) / (ws2-ws1); } // Calculate kernel which is used in all calculations. kernel = ( pow(10.0,-0.1*astop1) - 1 ) / ( pow(10.0,-0.1*apass1) - 1 ); // Calculate order and round up to integer value. if( approx == "Butterworth" ) n = log10(kernel) / (2*log10(ratio)); else if( approx == "Chebyshev" || approx == "InvChebyshev" ) n = acosh(sqrt(kernel)) / acosh(ratio); else { rt = 1 / ratio; if( rt > 0.9999 ) return false; kn = 1 / sqrt(kernel); if( kn < 2e-8 ) return false; CEIrt = ellipticIntegral(rt); CEIrtq = ellipticIntegral(sqrt(1-rt*rt)); CEIkn = ellipticIntegral(kn); CEIknq = ellipticIntegral(sqrt(1-kn*kn)); n = ( CEIrt*CEIknq ) / ( CEIrtq * CEIkn ); } if( n > 200 ) return false; order = int( std::ceil(n) ); return true; } /** * Calculate normal filter coefficients. */ void IIR::normCoefs() { // There are 3 coefficients for each quadratic. // First order factors are considered as quadratics. int coefsNum = 3 * ( (order+1) / 2 ); aCoefs.resize(coefsNum); bCoefs.resize(coefsNum); // Calculate coefs based on approximation. if( approx == "Butterworth" ) butterCoefs(); else if( approx == "Chebyshev" ) chebyCoefs(); else if( approx == "InvChebyshev" ) invChebyCoefs(); else elliptCoefs(); } /** * Converts normal lowpass coefficients to unnormalized LP/HP/BP/BS. */ void IIR::unnormCoefs() { double freq, BW, Wo; // Calculate frequency, Wo and BW based on approx method. if( approx == "InvChebyshev" ) { freq = wstop1; Wo = sqrt( wstop1 * wstop2 ); BW = wstop2 - wstop1; } else { freq = wpass1; Wo = sqrt( wpass1 * wpass2 ); BW = wpass2 - wpass1; } // Call unnormal function based on selectivity. if( filtType == "lowpass" ) unnormLP( freq ); else if( filtType == "highpass" ) unnormHP( freq ); else if( filtType == "bandpass" ) unnormBP( BW, Wo ); else unnormBS( BW, Wo ); } /** * Use bilinear transform to convert transfer function * from s-domain to z-domain. */ void IIR::bilinTran() { int i, j, start, numQuads; double f2, f4, N0, N1, N2, D0, D1, D2; f2 = 2 * fsamp; f4 = f2 * f2; numQuads = ( order + 1 ) / 2; // Handle first order factor if present start // indicates if one quad factor handled. start = 0; if( order % 2 ) { N0 = aCoefs[2] + aCoefs[1] * f2; N1 = aCoefs[2] - aCoefs[1] * f2; D0 = bCoefs[2] + bCoefs[1] * f2; D1 = bCoefs[2] - bCoefs[1] * f2; aCoefs[0] = 1.0; aCoefs[1] = N1 / N0; aCoefs[2] = 0.0; bCoefs[0] = 1.0; bCoefs[1] = D1 / D0; bCoefs[2] = 0.0; gain *= (N0 / D0); start = 1; } // Handle quadratic factors. j indexes quad factors // since each quad factor has three coefs. for( i=start; i<numQuads; ++i ) { j = 3 * i; N0 = aCoefs[j]*f4 + aCoefs[j+1]*f2 + aCoefs[j+2]; N1 = 2 * ( aCoefs[j+2] - aCoefs[j]*f4 ); N2 = aCoefs[j]*f4 - aCoefs[j+1]*f2 + aCoefs[j+2]; D0 = bCoefs[j]*f4 + bCoefs[j+1]*f2 + bCoefs[j+2]; D1 = 2 * ( bCoefs[j+2] - bCoefs[j]*f4 ); D2 = bCoefs[j]*f4 - bCoefs[j+1]*f2 + bCoefs[j+2]; aCoefs[j] = 1.0; aCoefs[j+1] = N1 / N0; aCoefs[j+2] = N2 / N0; bCoefs[j] = 1.0; bCoefs[j+1] = D1 / D0; bCoefs[j+2] = D2 / D0; gain *= (N0 / D0); } } /** * Unwarps analog frequency for IIR filtrs. */ void IIR::freqUnwrap() { if( filtType=="lowpass" || filtType=="highpass" ) { wpass1 = 2*fsamp * atan( wpass1 / (2*fsamp) ); wstop1 = 2*fsamp * atan( wstop1 / (2*fsamp) ); } else { wpass1 = 2*fsamp * atan( wpass1 / (2*fsamp) ); wpass2 = 2*fsamp * atan( wpass2 / (2*fsamp) ); wstop1 = 2*fsamp * atan( wstop1 / (2*fsamp) ); wstop2 = 2*fsamp * atan( wstop2 / (2*fsamp) ); } } /** * Calculates normal Butterworth filter coefficients. */ void IIR::butterCoefs() { int m, a, b; double R, epsilon, theta, sigma, omega; // Make calculations of necessary constants. epsilon = sqrt( pow(10.0,-0.1*apass1) - 1.0 ); R = pow( epsilon, -1.0/order ); // Initialize gain to 1.0, start indices at 0. gain = 1.0; a = 0; b = 0; // Handle odd order if necessary. if( order % 2 ) { aCoefs[a++] = 0.0; aCoefs[a++] = 0.0; aCoefs[a++] = R; bCoefs[b++] = 0.0; bCoefs[b++] = 1.0; bCoefs[b++] = R; } // Handle all quadratic terms. for( m=0; m<order/2; ++m ) { // Calculate angle first, then real and imag position. theta = PI*( 2*m + order+1 ) / ( 2*order ); sigma = R * cos(theta); omega = R * sin(theta); // Set the quadratic coefficients. aCoefs[a++] = 0.0; aCoefs[a++] = 0.0; aCoefs[a++] = sigma*sigma + omega*omega; bCoefs[b++] = 1.0; bCoefs[b++] = -2*sigma; bCoefs[b++] = sigma*sigma + omega*omega; } } /** * Calculaets normal Chebyshev coefficients. */ void IIR::chebyCoefs() { int m, a, b; double D, epsilon, phi, sigma, omega; // Make calculations of necessary constants. epsilon = sqrt( pow(10.0,-0.1*apass1) - 1.0 ); D = asinh(1/epsilon) / order; // Handle odd order if necessary. a = 0; b = 0; if( order % 2 ) { gain = 1.0; aCoefs[a++] = 0.0; aCoefs[a++] = 0.0; aCoefs[a++] = sinh(D); bCoefs[b++] = 0.0; bCoefs[b++] = 1.0; bCoefs[b++] = sinh(D); } else gain = pow( 10.0, 0.05*apass1 ); // Handle all quadratic terms. for( m=0; m<order/2; m++ ) { // Calculate angle first, then real and imag position. phi = PI * ( 2*m+1 ) / ( 2*order ); sigma = -1 * sinh(D) * sin(phi); omega = cosh(D) * cos(phi); // Set the quadratic coefs. aCoefs[a++] = 0.0; aCoefs[a++] = 0.0; aCoefs[a++] = sigma*sigma + omega*omega; bCoefs[b++] = 1.0; bCoefs[b++] = -2 * sigma; bCoefs[b++] = sigma*sigma + omega*omega; } } /** * Calculates normal inverse Chebyshev coefficients. */ void IIR::invChebyCoefs() { int m, a, b; double D, epsilon, mag2, phi, zero, sigma, omega; // Make calculations of necessary constants. epsilon = 1 / sqrt( pow(10.0,-0.1*astop1) - 1.0 ); D = asinh( 1/epsilon ) / order; // Initialize gain to 1.0, start indices at 0. gain = 1.0; a = 0; b = 0; // Handle odd order if necessary. if( order % 2 ) { aCoefs[a++] = 0.0; aCoefs[a++] = 0.0; aCoefs[a++] = 1 / sinh(D); bCoefs[b++] = 0.0; bCoefs[b++] = 1.0; bCoefs[b++] = 1 / sinh(D); } // Handle all quadratic terms. for( m=0; m<order/2; m++ ) { // Calculate angle first, then real and imag position. phi = PI * ( 2*m+1) / ( 2*order ); sigma = -1 * sinh(D) * sin(phi); omega = cosh(D) * cos(phi); // Calculate inverse of pole locations and zero location. mag2 = omega*omega + sigma*sigma; omega = -1 * omega / mag2; sigma = sigma / mag2; zero = 1. / cos(phi); // Set the quadratic coefficients. mag2 = omega*omega + sigma*sigma; aCoefs[a++] = 1.0; aCoefs[a++] = 0.0; aCoefs[a++] = zero * zero; bCoefs[b++] = 1.0; bCoefs[b++] = -2 * sigma; bCoefs[b++] = mag2; gain *= mag2 / (zero*zero); } } /** * Calculates normal elliptic coefficients. */ void IIR::elliptCoefs() { int m, a, b, odd; double kernel, ratio, epsilon, kn, rt, sigma, omega, zero, CEIrt, CEIkn, vo, fm, SP, CP, DP, SN, CN, DN; // Make calculations of necessary constants. epsilon = sqrt( pow(10.0,-0.1*apass1) - 1.0 ); // Calculate frequency ratio based on filter selectivity. if( filtType == "lowpass" ) ratio = wstop1 / wpass1; else if( filtType == "highpass" ) ratio = wpass1 / wstop1; else if( filtType == "bandpass" ) ratio = (wstop2-wstop1) / (wpass2-wpass1); else ratio = (wpass2-wpass1) / (wstop2-wstop1); // Calculate values used in future calculations. kernel = ( pow(10,-0.1*astop1) - 1 ) / ( pow(10,-0.1*apass1) - 1 ); rt = 1 / ratio; kn = 1 / sqrt(kernel); // Calculate ellip integrals, vo and ellipFun. CEIrt = ellipticIntegral(rt); CEIkn = ellipticIntegral(kn); vo = ( CEIrt / (CEIkn*order) ) * arcsc( 1/epsilon, kn ); ellipticFun( vo, sqrt(1-rt*rt), &SP, &CP, &DP ); // Handle odd order if necessary. a = 0; b = 0; odd = order % 2; if( odd ) { gain = 1.0; aCoefs[a++] = 0.0; aCoefs[a++] = 0.0; aCoefs[a++] = SP * CP / (1-SP*SP); bCoefs[b++] = 0.0; bCoefs[b++] = 1.0; bCoefs[b++] = SP * CP / (1-SP*SP); } else gain = pow( 10.0, 0.05*apass1 ); // Handle all quadratic terms. for( m=0; m<order/2; ++m ) { // Make intermediate calculations. fm = CEIrt * ( 2*m+1+odd ) / order; ellipticFun( fm, rt, &SN, &CN, &DN ); // Calculate real and imag coordinates of poles. sigma = -1*CN*DN*SP*CP / ( 1 - DN*DN*SP*SP ); omega = SN*DP / ( 1 - DN*DN*SP*SP ); zero = 1 / (rt*SN); // Set the quadratic coefficients. aCoefs[a++] = 1.0; aCoefs[a++] = 0.0; aCoefs[a++] = zero*zero; bCoefs[b++] = 1.0; bCoefs[b++] = -2*sigma; bCoefs[b++] = sigma*sigma + omega*omega; gain *= (sigma*sigma + omega*omega) / (zero*zero); } } /** * Converts normal lowpass coefs to unnormal lowpass * coefficients at a specific frequency. */ void IIR::unnormLP( double freq ) { int qd, cf, qdStart; // Handle first order, if odd; set qdStart. if( order % 2 ) { aCoefs[2] *= freq; bCoefs[2] *= freq; qdStart = 1; } else qdStart = 0; // Handle quadratic factors, qd indexes through // quadratic factors, cf converts to coef number. for( qd=qdStart; qd<(order+1)/2; ++qd ) { cf = qd * 3; aCoefs[cf+1] *= freq; aCoefs[cf+2] *= (freq*freq); bCoefs[cf+1] *= freq; bCoefs[cf+2] *= (freq*freq); } } /** * Converts normal lowpass coefs to unnormal highpass * coefficients at a specific frequency. */ void IIR::unnormHP( double freq ) { int qd, cf, qdStart; // Handle first order, if odd; set qdStart if( order % 2 ) { gain *= ( aCoefs[2] / bCoefs[2] ); aCoefs[2] = freq*aCoefs[1] / aCoefs[2]; aCoefs[1] = 1.0; bCoefs[2] = freq / bCoefs[2]; qdStart = 1; } else qdStart = 0; // Handle quadratic factors, qd indexes through // quadratic factors, cf converts to coef number. for( qd=qdStart; qd<(order+1)/2; ++qd ) { cf = qd * 3; gain *= ( aCoefs[cf+2] / bCoefs[cf+2] ); aCoefs[cf+1] *= ( freq / aCoefs[cf+2] ); aCoefs[cf+2] = freq * freq *aCoefs[cf] / aCoefs[cf+2]; aCoefs[cf] = 1.0; bCoefs[cf+1] *= ( freq / bCoefs[cf+2] ); bCoefs[cf+2] = freq * freq * bCoefs[cf] / bCoefs[cf+2]; bCoefs[cf] = 1.0; } } /** * Converts normal lowpass coefficients to unnormal * bandpass coefficients at a specific frequency. */ void IIR::unnormBP( double BW, double Wo ) { int qd, ocf, ncf, qdStart, numCoefs, orgQuads, orgOrder; complex<double> A, B, C, D, E; Vector<double> orgNum, orgDen, newNum, newDen; // Store orig number of quadratics and order, // new order will be twice original. orgOrder = order; orgQuads = (orgOrder + 1)/2; order = orgOrder * 2; orgNum = aCoefs; orgDen = bCoefs; numCoefs = 3 * orgOrder; newNum.resize(numCoefs); newDen.resize(numCoefs); // If orgOrder odd, convert first order factor to // quadratic, qdStart indic start pt for loop. if( orgOrder % 2 ) { newNum[0] = orgNum[1]; newNum[1] = BW * orgNum[2]; newNum[2] = orgNum[1] * Wo * Wo; newDen[0] = orgDen[1]; newDen[1] = BW * orgDen[2]; newDen[2] = orgDen[1] * Wo * Wo; qdStart = 1; } else qdStart = 0; // Each orig quad term will be converted to two new // quadratics via complex quadratic factoring. for( qd=qdStart; qd<orgQuads; ++qd ) { ocf = qd * 3; ncf = qd * 6 - qdStart * 3; // For numers which DON'T have s^2 or s terms. if( orgNum[ocf] == 0.0 ) { newNum[ncf] = 0.0; newNum[ncf+1] = sqrt(orgNum[ocf+2]) * BW; newNum[ncf+2] = 0.0; newNum[ncf+3] = 0.0; newNum[ncf+4] = sqrt(orgNum[ocf+2]) * BW; newNum[ncf+5] = 0.0; } // For numers which DO have s^2 and s terms. else { A = complex<double>( orgNum[ocf], 0.0 ); B = complex<double>( orgNum[ocf+1], 0.0 ); C = complex<double>( orgNum[ocf+2], 0.0 ); quadradicRoot( A, B, C, D, E ); A = complex<double>( 1.0, 0.0 ); B = - D * complex<double>( BW, 0.0 ); C = complex<double>( Wo*Wo, 0.0 ); quadradicRoot( A, B, C, D, E ); newNum[ncf] = 1.0; newNum[ncf+1] = -2.0 * real(D); newNum[ncf+2] = norm(D); newNum[ncf+3] = 1.0; newNum[ncf+4] = -2.0 * real(E); newNum[ncf+5] = norm(E); } A = complex<double>( orgDen[ocf], 0.0 ); B = complex<double>( orgDen[ocf+1], 0.0 ); C = complex<double>( orgDen[ocf+2], 0.0 ); quadradicRoot( A, B, C, D, E ); // Make required substitutions, factor again. A = complex<double>( 1.0, 0.0 ); B = - D * complex<double>( BW, 0.0 ); C = complex<double>( Wo*Wo, 0.0 ); quadradicRoot( A, B, C, D, E ); // Make required substitutions, factor again. newDen[ncf] = 1.0; newDen[ncf+1] = -2.0 * real(D); newDen[ncf+2] = norm(D); newDen[ncf+3] = 1.0; newDen[ncf+4] = -2.0 * real(E); newDen[ncf+5] = norm(E); } aCoefs = newNum; bCoefs = newDen; } /** * Converts normal lowpass coefficients to unnormal * bandstop coefficients at a specific frequency. */ void IIR::unnormBS( double BW, double Wo ) { int qd, ocf, ncf, qdStart, numCoefs, orgQuads, orgOrder; complex<double> A, B, C, D, E; Vector<double> orgNum, orgDen, newNum, newDen; // Store orig number of quadratics and order, // new order will be twice original. orgOrder = order; orgQuads = (orgOrder + 1)/2; order = orgOrder * 2; orgNum = aCoefs; orgDen = bCoefs; numCoefs = 3 * orgOrder; newNum.resize(numCoefs); newDen.resize(numCoefs); // If orgOrder odd, convert first order factor to // quadratic, qdStart indic start pt for loop. if( orgOrder % 2 ) { gain *= (orgNum[2] / orgDen[2]); newNum[0] = 1.0; newNum[1] = BW * orgNum[1] / orgNum[2]; newNum[2] = Wo * Wo; newDen[0] = 1.0; newDen[1] = BW * orgDen[1] / orgDen[2]; newDen[2] = Wo * Wo; qdStart = 1; } else qdStart = 0; // Each orig quad term will be converted to two new // quadratics via complex quadratic factoring. for( qd=qdStart; qd<orgQuads; qd++ ) { ocf = qd * 3; ncf = qd * 6 - qdStart * 3; gain *= (orgNum[ocf+2] / orgDen[ocf+2]); // For numers which DON'T have s^2 or s terms. if(orgNum[ocf] == 0) { newNum[ncf] = 1.0; newNum[ncf+1] = 0.0; newNum[ncf+2] = Wo * Wo; newNum[ncf+3] = 1.0; newNum[ncf+4] = 0.0; newNum[ncf+5] = Wo * Wo; } // For numers which DO have s^2 and s terms. else { A = complex<double>( orgNum[ocf], 0.0 ); B = complex<double>( orgNum[ocf+1], 0.0 ); C = complex<double>( orgNum[ocf+2], 0.0 ); quadradicRoot( A, B, C, D, E ); A = complex<double>( 1.0, 0.0 ); B = - 1.0/D * complex<double>( BW, 0.0 ); C = complex<double>( Wo*Wo, 0.0 ); quadradicRoot( A, B, C, D, E ); newNum[ncf] = 1.0; newNum[ncf+1] = -2.0 * real(D); newNum[ncf+2] = norm(D); newNum[ncf+3] = 1.0; newNum[ncf+4] = -2.0 * real(E); newNum[ncf+5] = norm(E); } A = complex<double>( orgDen[ocf], 0.0 ); B = complex<double>( orgDen[ocf+1], 0.0 ); C = complex<double>( orgDen[ocf+2], 0.0 ); quadradicRoot( A, B, C, D, E ); // Make required substitutions, factor again. A = complex<double>( 1.0, 0.0 ); B = - 1.0/D * complex<double>( BW, 0.0 ); C = complex<double>( Wo*Wo, 0.0 ); quadradicRoot( A, B, C, D, E ); // Make required substitutions, factor again. newDen[ncf] = 1.0; newDen[ncf+1] = -2.0 * real(D); newDen[ncf+2] = norm(D); newDen[ncf+3] = 1.0; newDen[ncf+4] = -2.0 * real(E); newDen[ncf+5] = norm(E); } aCoefs = newNum; bCoefs = newDen; } /** * Calculates response for IIR filters. */ double IIR::frqeResp( double freq ) { int c, q; double omega, omega2, rea, img, tmp, mag; // Initialize magnatude. mag = gain; // Pre-calculate omega and omega squared. omega = TWOPI * freq / fsamp; omega2 = 2 * omega; // Loop through coefficients for each quadratic. for( q=0; q<(order+1)/2; q++ ) { c = 3*q; rea = aCoefs[c] + aCoefs[c+1]*cos(omega) + aCoefs[c+2]*cos(omega2); img = -aCoefs[c+1]*sin(omega) - aCoefs[c+2]*sin(omega2); tmp = sqrt( rea*rea + img*img ); mag *= tmp; rea = bCoefs[c] + bCoefs[c+1]*cos(omega) + bCoefs[c+2]*cos(omega2); img = -bCoefs[c+1]*sin(omega) - bCoefs[c+2]*sin(omega2); tmp = sqrt(rea*rea + img*img); mag /= tmp; } // Convert magnitude response to dB. if( mag < EPS ) mag = EPS; mag = 20 * log10(mag); return mag; } /** * Calculate the response at edge freqency. */ void IIR::calcGain() { // Determine the edge frequency. if( filtType=="lowpass" || filtType=="highpass" ) { double f1 = wpass1 / TWOPI, f2 = wstop1 / TWOPI; edgeGain.resize(2); edgeGain(1) = frqeResp( f1 ); edgeGain(2) = frqeResp( f2 ); } else { double f1 = wpass1 / TWOPI, f2 = wpass2 / TWOPI, f3 = wstop1 / TWOPI, f4 = wstop2 / TWOPI; edgeGain.resize(4); edgeGain(1) = frqeResp( f1 ); edgeGain(2) = frqeResp( f2 ); edgeGain(3) = frqeResp( f3 ); edgeGain(4) = frqeResp( f4 ); } }
/***************************************************************************** * iir_test.cpp * * IIR class testing. * * Zhang Ming, 2010-03, Xi'an Jiaotong University. *****************************************************************************/ #define BOUNDS_CHECK #include <iostream> #include <iir.h> using namespace std; using namespace splab; int main() { // string fType = "lowpass"; // double fs = 1000, // fpass = 200, // apass = -3, // fstop = 300, // astop = -20; // string method = "Butterworth"; // string method = "Chebyshev"; // string method = "InvChebyshev"; // string method = "Elliptic"; // IIR iir( fType, method ); // iir.setParams( fs, fpass, apass, fstop, astop ); // string fType = "highpass"; // double fs = 1000, // fstop = 200, // astop = -20, // fpass = 300, // apass = -3; // string method = "Butterworth"; // string method = "Chebyshev"; // string method = "InvChebyshev"; // string method = "Elliptic"; // IIR iir( fType, method ); // iir.setParams( fs, fstop, astop, fpass, apass ); // string fType = "bandpass"; // double fs = 1000, // fstop1 = 100, // astop1 = -20, // fpass1 = 200, // fpass2 = 300, // apass1 = -3, // fstop2 = 400, // astop2 = -20; // string method = "Butterworth"; // string method = "Chebyshev"; // string method = "InvChebyshev"; // string method = "Elliptic"; // IIR iir( fType, method ); // iir.setParams( fs, fstop1, astop1, fpass1, fpass2, apass1, fstop2, astop2 ); string fType = "bandstop"; double fs = 1000, fpass1 = 100, apass1 = -3, fstop1 = 200, fstop2 = 300, astop1 = -20, fpass2 = 400, apass2 = -3; // string method = "Butterworth"; // string method = "Chebyshev"; // string method = "InvChebyshev"; string method = "Elliptic"; IIR iir( fType, method ); iir.setParams( fs, fpass1, apass1, fstop1, fstop2, astop1, fpass2, apass2 ); iir.design(); iir.dispInfo(); cout << endl; return 0; }
Filter selectivity : bandstop Approximation method : Elliptic Filter order : 4 Overall gain : 0.153272 Sampling Frequency (Hz) : 1000 Lower passband frequency (Hz) : 100 Lower passband gain (dB) : -3 Lower stopband frequency (Hz) : 200 Upper stopband frequency (Hz) : 300 Stopband gain (dB) : -20 Upper passband frequency (Hz) : 400 Upper passband gain (dB) : -3 Numerator Coefficients Denominator Coefficients N [ 1 z^-1 z^-2 ] [ 1 z^-1 z^-2 ] === ================================= ================================= 1 1.0 -0.45087426 1.00000000 1.0 -1.44482415 0.70572930 2 1.0 0.45087426 1.00000000 1.0 1.44482415 0.70572930 ==================== Edge Frequency Response ==================== Mag(fp1) = -3.00000000(dB) Mag(fp2) = -3.00000000(dB) Mag(fs1) = -36.87418446(dB) Mag(fs2) = -36.87418446(dB) Process returned 0 (0x0) execution time : 0.078 s Press any key to continue.