
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL&~E_WARNING&~E_NOTICE);
 * Example for sending and receiving Messages via the System V Message Queue
 * To try this script run it synchron/asynchron twice times. One time with ?type=send and one time with ?type=receive
 * @author          Thomas Eimers - Mehrkanal GmbH
 * This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty;
 * without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1');
echo "Start...\n";

// Create System V Message Queue. Integer value is the number of the Queue
//$queue = msg_get_queue(100379);

$mesg_key = ftok(__FILE__, 'm');
$mesg_id = msg_get_queue($mesg_key, 0666);
$queue = $mesg_id;

// Sendoptions
$serialize_needed=false;  // Must the transfer data be serialized ?
$block_send=false;        // Block if Message could not be send (Queue full...) (true/false)
$msgtype_send=1;          // Any Integer above 0. It signeds every Message. So you could handle multible message
                          // type in one Queue.

// Receiveoptions
$msgtype_receive=1;       // Whiche type of Message we want to receive ? (Here, the type is the same as the type we send,
                          // but if you set this to 0 you receive the next Message in the Queue with any type.
$maxsize=100;             // How long is the maximal data you like to receive.
$option_receive=MSG_IPC_NOWAIT; // If there are no messages of the wanted type in the Queue continue without wating.
                          // If is set to NULL wait for a Message.

// Send or receive 20 Messages
for ($i=0;$i<20;$i++) {
  $message='Hello, This is Flandy,now is '.date("H:i:s",time());     // Transfering Data
  // This one sends
    if (isset($_GET['type'])&&$_GET['type']=='send') {
    if(msg_send($queue,$msgtype_send, $message,$serialize_needed, $block_send,$err)===true) {
      echo "The ".$i." Message has been sent, the messge is ".$message."\n";
    } else {
  // This one received
  } else {
     echo 'Get Messages in the queue: '.$queue_status['msg_qnum']."\n";
     echo "\n";
    if ($queue_status['msg_qnum']>0) {
      if (msg_receive($queue,$msgtype_receive ,$msgtype_erhalten,$maxsize,$daten,$serialize_needed, $option_receive, $err)===true) {
              echo "Received data:".$daten."\n";
      } else {

