OCR相当于Windows的注册表。对于Windows而言,所有的软件信息,用户,配置,安全等等统统都放到注册表里边。而集群呢,同样如此,所有和集群相关的资源,配置,节点,RAC数据库统统都放在这个仓库里。如果OCR被破坏则导致集群服务启动异常,需要修复OCR。因此OCR的管理与维护对于整个集群而言,是相当重要的。本文主要描述了Oracle 10g RAC下的OCR的管理与维护。
[python] view plaincopyprint?
oracle@bo2dbp:~> cat /etc/issue
Welcome to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP3 (x86_64) - Kernel \r (\l).
oracle@bo2dbp:~> crsctl query crs activeversion
CRS active version on the cluster is []
oracle@bo2dbp:~> ocrcheck
Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
Version : 2
Total space (kbytes) : 204560
Used space (kbytes) : 6160
Available space (kbytes) : 198400
ID : 1512159503
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw1 <-- OCR (primary)
Device/File integrity check succeeded
Device/File not configured <-- OCR Mirror (not configured)
Cluster registry integrity check succeeded
oracle@bo2dbp:~> more /etc/oracle/ocr.loc
3、dump OCR的内容
oracle@bo2dbp:~> ocrdump
oracle@bo2dbp:~> ls -hltr OCRDUMPFILE
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 44K 2013-01-07 14:13 OCRDUMPFILE
oracle@bo2dbp:~> file OCRDUMPFILE
oracle@bo2dbp:~> ocrdump /tmp/`hostname`_ocrdump_`date +%Y%m%d:%H%M`
oracle@bo2dbp:~> ls /tmp/*ocr*
oracle@bo2dbp:~> ocrdump -stdout -keyname SYSTEM.css -xml >ocrdump.xml
oracle@bo2dbp:~> more ocrdump.xml
<TIMESTAMP>01/07/2013 14:15:42</TIMESTAMP>
<COMMAND>/u01/oracle/crs/bin/ocrdump.bin -stdout -keyname SYSTEM.css -xml </COMMAND>
oracle@bo2dbp:~> ocrdump -stdout -keyname SYSTEM.OCR -xml>ocrdump_bak.xml
oracle@bo2dbp:~> crsctl check crs
CSS appears healthy
CRS appears healthy
EVM appears healthy
oracle@bo2dbp:~> ssh bo2dbs crsctl check crs
CSS appears healthy
CRS appears healthy
EVM appears healthy
ocrconfig -replace ocrmirror <destination_file>
ocrconfig -replace ocrmirror <disk>
oracle@bo2dbp:~> sudo -s rcraw status
root'''''s password:
/dev/raw/raw1: bound to major 8, minor 33
/dev/raw/raw2: bound to major 8, minor 49
/dev/raw/raw11: bound to major 8, minor 113
/dev/raw/raw21: bound to major 8, minor 129
/dev/raw/raw22: bound to major 8, minor 145
oracle@bo2dbp:~> sudo -s /u01/oracle/crs/bin/ocrconfig -replace ocrmirror /dev/raw/raw11
root'''s password:
oracle@bo2dbp:~> ocrcheck
Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
Version : 2
Total space (kbytes) : 204560
Used space (kbytes) : 6184
Available space (kbytes) : 198376
ID : 1512159503
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw1
Device/File integrity check succeeded
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw11 #新的ocr镜像已经被添加
Device/File integrity check succeeded
Cluster registry integrity check succeeded
oracle@bo2dbp:~> ssh bo2dbp ocrcheck
Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
Version : 2
Total space (kbytes) : 204560
Used space (kbytes) : 6184
Available space (kbytes) : 198376
ID : 1512159503
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw1
Device/File integrity check succeeded
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw11 #新的ocr镜像已经被添加
Device/File integrity check succeeded
Cluster registry integrity check succeeded
oracle@bo2dbp:~> more /etc/oracle/ocr.loc
#Device/file getting replaced by device /dev/raw/raw11
ocrmirrorconfig_loc=/dev/raw/raw11 #可以看到增加了ocrmirror位置
oracle@bo2dbp:~> ssh bo2dbs cat /etc/oracle/ocr.loc
#Device/file getting replaced by device /dev/raw/raw11
oracle@bo2dbp:~> sudo -s /u01/oracle/crs/bin/ocrconfig -replace ocrmirror /dev/raw/raw21
root'''s password:
oracle@bo2dbp:~> ocrcheck
Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
Version : 2
Total space (kbytes) : 204560
Used space (kbytes) : 6184
Available space (kbytes) : 198376
ID : 1512159503
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw1
Device/File integrity check succeeded
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw21 #可以看到原来的raw11已经被替代了
Device/File integrity check succeeded
Cluster registry integrity check succeeded
不论是移动primary ocr还是mirror ocr,其依赖的ocr必须存在。也就是说必须要有两份ocr存在,否则收到PROT-16: Internal Error
使用下面的命令移动primary ocr
ocrconfig -replace ocr <destination_file>
ocrconfig -replace ocr <disk>
现在我们将primary ocr移动到之前的raw11上
oracle@bo2dbp:~> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/raw/raw11 bs=1024k count=210
dd: writing `/dev/raw/raw11': No space left on device
200+0 records in
199+0 records out
209698816 bytes (210 MB) copied, 5.39183 seconds, 38.9 MB/s
oracle@bo2dbp:~> sudo -s /u01/oracle/crs/bin/ocrconfig -replace ocr /dev/raw/raw11
oracle@bo2dbp:~> ocrcheck
Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
Version : 2
Total space (kbytes) : 204560
Used space (kbytes) : 6184
Available space (kbytes) : 198376
ID : 1512159503
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw11 #可以看到,此处之前的raw1被新的raw11代替
Device/File integrity check succeeded
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw21
Device/File integrity check succeeded
Cluster registry integrity check succeeded
使用下面的命令移动mirror ocr,关于mirro ocr的移动此处不做演示
ocrconfig -replace ocrmirror <destination_file>
ocrconfig -replace ocrmirror <disk>
ocrconfig -repair ocr device_name #修复primary ocr,
ocrconfig -repair ocrmirror device_name #修复mirror ocr
在前面的一个示例中我们将primary 的ocr用原来的raw1变成了raw11,在这个操作期间,节点2已经意外宕机。
bo2dbs:/u01/oracle/crs/log/bo2dbs # more /etc/oracle/ocr.loc
#Device/file /dev/raw/raw11 getting replaced by device /dev/raw/raw21
bo2dbs:/u01/oracle/crs/bin # ./crsctl start crs
Attempting to start CRS stack
The CRS stack will be started shortly
bo2dbs:/u01/oracle/crs/bin # ./crsctl check crs
Failure 1 contacting CSS daemon
Cannot communicate with CRS
Cannot communicate with EVM
bo2dbs:/u01/oracle/crs/bin # ps -ef | grep d.bin | grep -v grep #没有看到任何集群相关的进程
bo2dbs:/u01/oracle/crs/bin # tail -2 /u01/oracle/crs/log/bo2dbs/alertbo2dbs.log #查看日志文件
2013-01-07 17:13:49.153
[client(12071)]CRS-1009:The OCR configuration is invalid. Details in /u01/oracle/crs/log/bo2dbs/client/css37.log.
bo2dbs:/u01/oracle/crs/bin # more /u01/oracle/crs/log/bo2dbs/client/css37.log #查看日志文件
Oracle Database 10g CRS Release Production Copyright 1996, 2005 Oracle. All rights reserved.
2013-01-07 17:13:49.153: [ OCRRAW][190773584]proprioini: OCR configuration on disk 1 isn't valid
2013-01-07 17:13:49.153: [ OCRRAW][190773584]proprinit: Could not open raw device
2013-01-07 17:13:49.153: [ default][190773584]a_init:7!: Backend init unsuccessful : [26]
2013-01-07 17:13:49.153: [ CSSCLNT][190773584]clsssinit:
Unable to access OCR device in OCR init.PROC-26: Error while accessing the physical storage
bo2dbs:/u01/oracle/crs/bin # ./ocrconfig -repair ocr /dev/raw/raw11
bo2dbs:/u01/oracle/crs/bin # more /etc/oracle/ocr.loc
#Device/file /dev/raw/raw1 getting replaced by device /dev/raw/raw11
bo2dbs:/u01/oracle/crs/bin # ./crsctl start crs
Attempting to start CRS stack
The CRS stack will be started shortly
bo2dbs:/u01/oracle/crs/bin # ./crsctl check crs
CSS appears healthy
CRS appears healthy
EVM appears healthy
bo2dbs:/u01/oracle/crs/bin # ps -ef | grep d.bin | grep -v grep
root 14459 5067 0 17:33 ? 00:00:01 /u01/oracle/crs/bin/crsd.bin reboot
oracle 14512 5065 0 17:33 ? 00:00:00 /u01/oracle/crs/bin/evmd.bin
oracle 15128 14426 0 17:33 ? 00:00:01 /u01/oracle/crs/bin/ocssd.bin
bo2dbs:/u01/oracle/crs/bin # ./crs_stat -t | grep bo2dbs
ora....SM2.asm application ONLINE ONLINE bo2dbs
ora....BS.lsnr application ONLINE ONLINE bo2dbs
ora....BS.lsnr application ONLINE ONLINE bo2dbs
ora.bo2dbs.gsd application ONLINE ONLINE bo2dbs
ora.bo2dbs.ons application ONLINE ONLINE bo2dbs
ora.bo2dbs.vip application ONLINE ONLINE bo2dbs
ora....g2.inst application ONLINE ONLINE bo2dbs
# Authro : Robinson Cheng
# Blog : http://blog.csdn.net/robinson_0612
移除pirmary ocr或者ocr mirror
ocrconfig -replace ocr
ocrconfig -replace ocrmirror
bo2dbs:/u01/oracle/crs/bin # ps -ef | grep d.bin
oracle 5745 5092 0 17:52 ? 00:00:00 /u01/oracle/crs/bin/evmd.bin
root 5902 5094 0 17:52 ? 00:00:02 /u01/oracle/crs/bin/crsd.bin reboot
oracle 6420 5795 0 17:52 ? 00:00:01 /u01/oracle/crs/bin/ocssd.bin
root 8870 18345 0 18:01 pts/0 00:00:00 grep d.bin
bo2dbs:/u01/oracle/crs/bin # ssh bo2dbp ps -ef | grep d.bin
The authenticity of host 'bo2dbp (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 2a:77:4f:eb:46:5b:07:4a:12:23:5c:69:b2:cd:15:ec.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'bo2dbp' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
oracle 5837 5122 0 17:54 ? 00:00:00 /u01/oracle/crs/bin/evmd.bin
root 5907 5124 0 17:54 ? 00:00:02 /u01/oracle/crs/bin/crsd.bin reboot
oracle 6672 5756 0 17:54 ? 00:00:01 /u01/oracle/crs/bin/ocssd.bin
bo2dbs:/u01/oracle/crs/bin # ./ocrcheck
Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
Version : 2
Total space (kbytes) : 204560
Used space (kbytes) : 6184
Available space (kbytes) : 198376
ID : 1512159503
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw11 #primary ocr
Device/File integrity check succeeded
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw21 #mirror ocr
Device/File integrity check succeeded
Cluster registry integrity check succeeded
bo2dbs:/u01/oracle/crs/bin # ./ocrconfig -replace ocr #移除ocr
bo2dbs:/u01/oracle/crs/bin # more /etc/oracle/ocr.loc
#Device/file /dev/raw/raw11 being deleted
bo2dbs:/u01/oracle/crs/bin # ocrcheck
-bash: ocrcheck: command not found
bo2dbs:/u01/oracle/crs/bin # ./ocrcheck
Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows :
Version : 2
Total space (kbytes) : 204560
Used space (kbytes) : 6184
Available space (kbytes) : 198376
ID : 1512159503
Device/File Name : /dev/raw/raw21 #可以看到原来的mirror ocr变成了primary ocr
Device/File integrity check succeeded
Device/File not configured
Cluster registry integrity check succeeded