
   安装了KAV6以后,我机器上的一些程序经常性地崩溃 (也让我快崩溃了!)比如IE,Putty,Vsphere Client。总是报一些和kernel32.dll有关的错误,问题窗口如下:




Resolving conflicts with other applications
In some cases, Kaspersky Anti-Virus may cause conflicts with other applications installed on a computer. This is because those programs have built-in self-defense mechanisms that turn on when Kaspersky Anti-Virus attempts to inspect them. These applications include the Authentica plug-in for Acrobat Reader, which verifies access to .pdf files, Oxygen Phone Manager II, and some computer games that have digital rights management tools. 

To fix this problem, check Compatibility mode for programs using self-protection methods in the  Service section of the application settings window. You must restart your operating system for this change to take effect.

If Kaspersky Anti-Virus is installed on the computer running Microsoft Windows Vista or Microsoft Windows Vista x64 resolving problems of  compatibility with other applications is unavailable

However, note that if you select the checkbox, some Kaspersky Anti-Virus features, specifically Office Guard and Anti-Dialer, will not work. If you enable either of these components, compatibility with application self-dense will be disabled automatically. Once enabled, these components will begin running once you restart the operating system.

本文出自 “面朝大海,春暖花开” 博客,谢绝转载!
