HDU 5610 Baby Ming and Weight lifting 暴力

Problem Description
Baby Ming is fond of weight lifting. He has a barbell pole(the weight of which can be ignored) and two different kinds of barbell disks(the weight of which are respectively  a and b), the amount of each one being infinite.
Baby Ming prepare to use this two kinds of barbell disks to make up a new one weighted C(the barbell must be balanced), he want to know how to do it.

HDU 5610 Baby Ming and Weight lifting 暴力_第1张图片


In the first line contains a single positive integer  T, indicating number of test case.
For each test case:
There are three positive integer a,b, and C.
For each test case, if the barbell weighted  C can’t be made up, print Impossible.
Otherwise, print two numbers to indicating the numbers of a and b barbell disks are needed. (If there are more than one answer, print the answer with minimum a+b)
Sample Input
1 2 6
1 4 5
Sample Output
2 2
 1 #include<cstdio>
 2 #include<cmath>
 3 #include<cstring>
 4 #include<iostream>
 5 using namespace std;
 6 int n,a,b,c;
 7 bool bo,bo1;
 8 int main(){
 9     scanf("%d",&n);
10     while(n--)
11     {
12         bo=false;
13         bo1=false;
14         scanf("%d %d %d",&a,&b,&c);
15         if (c%2!=0)
16         printf("Impossible\n");
17         else
18         {
19             c=c/2;
20         if (a>b)
21         {
22         swap(a,b);
23         bo1=true;
24         }
25         for(int i=1000;i>=0;--i)
26         {
27             for(int j=1000;j>=0;--j)
28             {
29                   if (b*i+a*j==c&&bo1==true)
30                   {
31                   printf("%d %d\n",2*i,2*j);
32                   bo=true;
33                   break;
34                   }else if(b*i+a*j==c){
36                   printf("%d %d\n",2*j,2*i);
37                 bo=true;
38                 break;
39     }
40             }
41             if (bo==true)
42             break;
43         }
44         if (bo!=true)
45         printf("Impossible\n");
46     }
47     }
48     return 0;
49 }


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