
在日前结束的Kungfu Rails大会上,来自台湾的著名Rails人张文钿(ihower)为大家带来了一个关于Rails最佳实践的分享,演讲结束后Rails3的核心开发者Yehuda Katz主动索要幻灯片,其内容之精彩已不言而喻。


rails_best_practices是一个Gem,它会根据ihower在Kungfu Rails大会上的Rails最佳实践的演讲内容,检查Rails应用程序文件的质量。它是一个静态代码解析工具。


sudo gem install rails_best_practices --source http://gemcutter.org
rails_best_practices .


Lesson 1. Move code from Controller to Model
  • Move finder to named_scope
  • Use model association
  • Use scope access
  • Add model virtual attribute
  • Replace Complex Creation with Factory Method
  • Move Model Logic into the Model
Lesson 2. RESTful Conventions
  • Overuse route customizations
  • Needless deep nesting
  • Not use default route
Lesson 3. Model
  • Keep Finders on Their Own Model
  • Love named_scope
  • the Law of Demeter
  • Use Observer
Lesson 4. Migration
  • Isolating Seed Data
  • Always add DB index
Lesson 5. Controller
  • Use before_filter
Lesson 6. View
  • Move code into controller
  • Move code into helper
  • Replace instance variable with local variable

Ruby5不久前在2009年11月17日的Podcast中介绍了rails_best_practices,而railscasts.com的Ryan Bates也已开始关注该项目,相信随着rails_best_practices的日益完善,会有更多的人投来关注的目光。
