

If you want to implements the Windows explorer like feature in Java swing application, the JListView component meets your requirements exactly.

The JListView component support the 5 different view modes: small icon, large icon, list, thumbnails, details, all these view mode can change on the fly, the methods “JListView.setViewMode” can change the view mode of JListView component.

The JListView component have the MVC design concept, a simple TableModel can be provided for it’s data, a simple CellProvider such IconProvider can be provided for it’s icon. Should write a DefaultCellRenderer subclass for its renderer and DefaultCellEditor subclass for it’s editor. The article “Introduce Cell Renderer” introduce why using the DefaultCellRenderer.

The JListView component use a ListSelectionModel as it’s selection model, you can change the selection model’s mode, it support single selection, single interval selection, multiple interval selection, you can use the following methods to get the selected values:

      JListView.getSelectedValue(); // get the lead selection value
       JListView.getSelectedValues(); // get all selected values

The JListView component provides several methods for it’s editing:
       JListView.isEditing(); // determines whether the JListView is being edited.
       JListView.cancelEditing(); // cancel current editing
       JListView.stopEditing(); // stop the current editing and apply the editing value
       JListView.startEditingAtIndex(); // start the editing at the specified index
       JListview.getEditingInex(); // get the current editing object’s index

The com.zfqjava.swing.model and com.zfqjava.swing.cell package have the FileTableModel and FileProvider, it support the directory list and file icon directly, the following code can create a explorer like GUI:

       JListView listView = new JListView();
       listView.setListData(new FileTableModel(new File(System.getProperty("user.home"))));
       listView.setCellRenderer(new FileCellRenderer());
       listView.setCellEditor(new FileCellEditor());

The JListView component also support row sorting, the TableModel you provided for JListView only need implements the ColumnSorter interface, it can support the row sorting automatically, we want to improve this area after upgrade the JRE version to 1.6.

The JListView component provides several important client property:

“JListView.rowSelectionAllowed” allow the full row can be selected
“JListView.showVerticalLines” shows the vertical lines in details view mode.
“JListView.showHorizontalLines” shows the horizontal lines in details view mode.
“JListView.backgroundImage” sets the background image for JListView component.

For details, you can view the JListView JavaDoc API documentation.

The JListView also support the Drag and Drop, but in JComponentPack 1.1.0 and early version, implements this feature has trick and tips:

       // get JTable and JList
       BasicListViewUI ui = (BasicListViewUI)listView.getUI();
       JTable table = ui.getTable();
       JList list = ui.getList();
       TransferHandler th = new TransferHandler() {             
              public int getSourceActions(JComponent c) {
               return COPY;
              protected Transferable createTransferable(JComponent c) {
                  // just a test
                  Object o = listView.getSelectedValue();
                  if(o != null) {
                     return new StringSelection(o.toString());
                  return null;

In the upcoming version JComponentPack 1.2.0, we have improved this area, so in the new version, implements the drag and drop feature is very simple:

TransferHandler th = new TransferHandler() {
              public int getSourceActions(JComponent c) {
               return COPY;

              protected Transferable createTransferable(JComponent c) {
                  // just a test
                  Object o = listView.getSelectedValue();
                  if(o != null) {
                     return new StringSelection(o.toString());
                  return null;
       listView. setTransferHandler(th);

If you want to implements the Windows explorer like feature in Java swing application, the JListView component meets your requirements exactly.

The JListView component support the 5 different view modes: small icon, large icon, list, thumbnails, details, all these view mode can change on the fly, the methods “JListView.setViewMode” can change the view mode of JListView component.

The JListView component have the MVC design concept, a simple TableModel can be provided for it’s data, a simple CellProvider such IconProvider can be provided for it’s icon. Should write a DefaultCellRenderer subclass for its renderer and DefaultCellEditor subclass for it’s editor. The article “Introduce Cell Renderer” introduce why using the DefaultCellRenderer.

The JListView component use a ListSelectionModel as it’s selection model, you can change the selection model’s mode, it support single selection, single interval selection, multiple interval selection, you can use the following methods to get the selected values:

      JListView.getSelectedValue(); // get the lead selection value
       JListView.getSelectedValues(); // get all selected values

The JListView component provides several methods for it’s editing:
       JListView.isEditing(); // determines whether the JListView is being edited.
       JListView.cancelEditing(); // cancel current editing
       JListView.stopEditing(); // stop the current editing and apply the editing value
       JListView.startEditingAtIndex(); // start the editing at the specified index
       JListview.getEditingInex(); // get the current editing object’s index

The com.zfqjava.swing.model and com.zfqjava.swing.cell package have the FileTableModel and FileProvider, it support the directory list and file icon directly, the following code can create a explorer like GUI:

       JListView listView = new JListView();
       listView.setListData(new FileTableModel(new File(System.getProperty("user.home"))));
       listView.setCellRenderer(new FileCellRenderer());
       listView.setCellEditor(new FileCellEditor());

The JListView component also support row sorting, the TableModel you provided for JListView only need implements the ColumnSorter interface, it can support the row sorting automatically, we want to improve this area after upgrade the JRE version to 1.6.

The JListView component provides several important client property:

“JListView.rowSelectionAllowed” allow the full row can be selected
“JListView.showVerticalLines” shows the vertical lines in details view mode.
“JListView.showHorizontalLines” shows the horizontal lines in details view mode.
“JListView.backgroundImage” sets the background image for JListView component.

For details, you can view the JListView JavaDoc API documentation.

The JListView also support the Drag and Drop, but in JComponentPack 1.1.0 and early version, implements this feature has trick and tips:

       // get JTable and JList
       BasicListViewUI ui = (BasicListViewUI)listView.getUI();
       JTable table = ui.getTable();
       JList list = ui.getList();
       TransferHandler th = new TransferHandler() {             
              public int getSourceActions(JComponent c) {
               return COPY;
              protected Transferable createTransferable(JComponent c) {
                  // just a test
                  Object o = listView.getSelectedValue();
                  if(o != null) {
                     return new StringSelection(o.toString());
                  return null;

In the upcoming version JComponentPack 1.2.0, we have improved this area, so in the new version, implements the drag and drop feature is very simple:

TransferHandler th = new TransferHandler() {
              public int getSourceActions(JComponent c) {
               return COPY;

              protected Transferable createTransferable(JComponent c) {
                  // just a test
                  Object o = listView.getSelectedValue();
                  if(o != null) {
                     return new StringSelection(o.toString());
                  return null;
       listView. setTransferHandler(th);
