[Web Chart系列之二] 各种实现js 图表的library汇总与比较


使用js 在浏览器展现图表, 参考系列一
Web端图形绘制SVG,VML, HTML5 Canvas 技术比较


目前实现web 图表的js library 数量是很多, 此处汇总:
Name  Brief Introduce Browser Support Site URL Comments
$fx()  1.  lightweight
2. compress code
3. js+css
MIT and GPL license
open source
good http://fx.inetcat.com/ 
amcharts  Column, Bar, Line, Area, Step, Smoothed line, Candlestick, OHLC, Pie/Donut, Radar/Polar, XY/Scatter/Bubble charts 
Not open source
arbor force directed Graph not support good in IE http://arborjs.org/
Bluff 1.for ruby
2.Bluff, © 2008–2010 James Coglan
GPL and MIT licenses. http://bluff.jcoglan.com/
Canvas 3D Graph Canvas 3D Graph is a special type of bar graph that plot numbers in 3D
 BSD Licence  http://dragan.yourtree.org/code/canvas-3d-graph/ 3D
Canvas Pie Chart with Tooltips
CanvasXpress based on the <canvas> tag implemented in HTML5 not support good in IE http://canvasxpress.org/
ccchart not support good in IE http://jsgt.org/c/
Cubism 1. base D3
2.  time series chart
not support good in IE
Cytoscape  A lot of plugins are available for various kinds of problem domains, including bioinformatics, social network analysis, and semantic web.  not free,LGPL. good http://www.cytoscape.org/
Cytoscape Web
d3.js not support good in IE http://mbostock.github.com/d3/
DojoX.Charting mobile http://dojotoolkit.org/projects/dojox
Dracula  Graph Dracula is a set of tools to display and layout interactive graphs, along with various related algorithms. https://github.com/strathausen/dracula
dygraphs produces interactive, zoomable charts of time series. It is designed to display dense data sets and enable users to explore and interpret them open source  http://dygraphs.com/ time series
EJSChart(Emprise JavaScript Charts) Not open source http://www.ejschart.com/ Not open source
elycharts Raphaël and jQuery libraries.
line charts with spline support
area and areaspline charts
column/bar charts
combined line/area charts
sparklines and sparkbars
pie charts 
Open-source and Free (even for commercial use) http://elycharts.com/
EXT.JS  not free not free
fgCharting Update to jQuery Visualize
Flot good http://code.google.com/p/flot/ no bubble chart
based on the Prototype Javascript Framework good http://code.google.com/p/flotr/ support not well
flotr2 Flex + flash http://www.humblesoftware.com/flotr2/
google chart good https://developers.google.com/chart/?hl=zh-CN bubble chart not well
gRaphael  base raphael good http://g.raphaeljs.com/
gvChart  base Google Chart Tools
http://www.ivellios.toron.pl/technikalia/2010/06/22/gvchart-plugin-jquery-with-google-charts/ bubble chart not well
highchart not free http://www.highcharts.com/ bubble chart not well
ico  base raphael , line chart https://github.com/alexyoung/ico no bubble chart 
JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit good http://thejit.org/
jqPlot line, bar and pie charts  good http://www.jqplot.com/ bubble chart not well
jQuery Google Charts can't access site http://www.maxb.net/scripts/jgcharts/ support not well
jQuery Sparklines This jQuery plugin generates sparklines  http://omnipotent.net/jquery.sparkline/ sparklines 
jQuery Visualize HTML5 canvas charts driven by HTML table elements https://github.com/filamentgroup/jQuery-Visualize bubble not support
jschart JS Charts lets you create charts in different templates like bar charts, pie charts or simple line graphs.  not open source http://www.jscharts.com/
jsplumb good https://github.com/sporritt/jsPlumb
JSXGraph  interactive geometry, function plotting, charting, and data visualization LGPL – Lesser GNU General Public License. good http://jsxgraph.uni-bayreuth.de/wp/  图展现不好
leigeber  can't access site http://www.leigeber.com/ 
milkchart generate a graph similar to Microsoft Excel. MIT license http://mootools.net/forge/p/milkchart
moochart moochart is a plugin for MooTools 1.2 that draws bubble diagrams on the canvas tag. Future versions might include pie, bar & line graphs. not support good in IE http://moochart.coneri.se/
mootools 1. provide a unique and elegant way to visualize data using Javascript and the <canvas> object
2. from 2008, only two version
MIT-style license. http://mootools.net/
moowheel  plugin MooTools that generates charts from accessible data tables. not good http://labs.unwieldy.net/moowheel/
Morris.js  base raphael , line chart, bar http://www.oesmith.co.uk/morris.js/
Paper.js  runs on top of the HTML5 Canvas. It offers a clean Scene Graph / Document Object Model and a lot of powerful functionality to create and work with vector graphics and bezier curves, not support good in IE http://paperjs.org/
PlotKit PlotKit is a Chart and Graph Plotting Library for Javascript. It has support for HTML Canvas and also SVG via Adobe SVG Viewer and native browser support. http://www.liquidx.net/plotkit/ support not well
Primer http://github.com/mojombo/primer/tree/master support not well
Processing.js not support good in IE http://processingjs.org/
ProtoChart no longer maintained http://code.google.com/p/protochart/
protovis 1.Protovis is no longer under active development.
2. To D3
raphael http://raphaeljs.com/
Reflection ogos, icons and dynamic image content such as forum avatars. http://cow.neondragon.net/stuff/reflection/ 
RGraph  not open source http://www.rgraph.net/ not open source
RGraph2 RGraph是一个基于Raphaeljs完整的点->线图的web实现。 https://github.com/hafeyang/rgraph2.git
sigma sigma.js is an open-source lightweight JavaScript library to draw graphs, using the HTML canvas element. It has been especially designed to: MIT License.  http://sigmajs.org/ view
Smoothie Charts not support good in IE http://smoothiecharts.org/
Style Chart line and bar chart, less support http://chart.inetsoft.com/
Timeline timeline http://timeline.verite.co/
Timeplot Timeplot http://www.simile-widgets.org/timeplot/
TufteGraph not support good in IE http://xaviershay.github.com/tufte-graph/ not support good in IE
Yahoo UI Charts Control  line, marker, area, spline, column, bar and pie charts. good http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/


如何选择一个好的有适用自己的library . 针对各自需求的不同, 评衡的标准也不同。笔者这里给出一些建议的items:

1.No plugin
2. Browser Support
3. UI
4. Performance
5. Free; Open Source
6. Resource

7. othes special function demand

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