聚类是机器学习、数据挖掘相关的一类很常见的问题。关于聚类算法的介绍这里就不多写了,因为无论是教科书还是网络上都有太多的资料了。这里,用一个《Programming Collective Intelligence》中的聚类例子,写几个经典聚类算法的实现,分别是hierachiclaCluster、kmeans、kmedoids。
Hierachical clustering :
kmeans clustering :
kmedoids clustering :
clusterBase.py 用来导入数据
from math import sqrt def importData(FIFE = 'blogdata.txt') : blogwords = [] blognames = [] f = open(FIFE, 'r') words = f.readline().split() #//remove '\r\n' for line in f: blog = line[:-2].split('\t') blognames.append(blog[0]) blogwords.append([int(word_c) for word_c in blog[1:]] ) return blogwords,blognames def pearson_distance(vector1, vector2) : """ Calculate distance between two vectors using pearson method See more : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearson_product-moment_correlation_coefficient """ sum1 = sum(vector1) sum2 = sum(vector2) sum1Sq = sum([pow(v,2) for v in vector1]) sum2Sq = sum([pow(v,2) for v in vector2]) pSum = sum([vector1[i] * vector2[i] for i in range(len(vector1))]) num = pSum - (sum1*sum2/len(vector1)) den = sqrt((sum1Sq - pow(sum1,2)/len(vector1)) * (sum2Sq - pow(sum2,2)/len(vector1))) if den == 0 : return 0.0 return 1.0 - num/den
#/usr/bin/python from clusterBase import importData,pearson_distance class bicluster: def __init__(self, vec, left=None,right=None,distance=0.0,id=None) : self.left = left self.right = right self.vec = vec self.id = id self.distance = distance def hcluster(blogwords,blognames) : biclusters = [ bicluster(vec = blogwords[i], id = i ) for i in range(len(blogwords)) ] distances = {} flag = None; currentclusted = -1 while(len(biclusters) > 1) : min_val = 2; biclusters_len = len(biclusters) for i in range(biclusters_len-1) : for j in range(i + 1, biclusters_len) : if distances.get((biclusters[i].id,biclusters[j].id)) == None: distances[(biclusters[i].id,biclusters[j].id)] = pearson_distance(biclusters[i].vec,biclusters[j].vec) d = distances[(biclusters[i].id,biclusters[j].id)] if d < min_val : min_val = d flag = (i,j) bic1,bic2 = flag newvec = [(biclusters[bic1].vec[i] + biclusters[bic2].vec[i])/2 for i in range(len(biclusters[bic1].vec))] newbic = bicluster(newvec, left=biclusters[bic1], right=biclusters[bic2], distance=min_val, id = currentclusted) currentclusted -= 1 del biclusters[bic2] del biclusters[bic1] biclusters.append(newbic) return biclusters[0] ''' Print the tree structure, save as a jpeg image file. ''' from PIL import Image, ImageDraw def getheight (clust) : if clust.left == None and clust.right == None :return 1 return getheight(clust.left) + getheight(clust.right) def getdepth(clust) : if clust.left == None and clust.right == None :return 0 return max(getdepth(clust.left),getdepth(clust.right)) + clust.distance def drawdendrogram(clust,labels,jpeg='clusters.jpg') : h = getheight(clust) * 20 w = 1200 depth = getdepth(clust) scaling = float(w-150) / depth img = Image.new('RGB',(w,h),(255,255,255)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) draw.line((0,h/2,10,h/2),fill=(255,0,0)) drawnode(draw,clust,10,(h/2),scaling,labels) img.save(jpeg,'JPEG') def drawnode(draw, clust, x, y, scaling, labels) : if clust.id < 0 : h1 = getheight(clust.left) * 20 h2 = getheight(clust.right) * 20 top = y - (h1+h2)/2 bottom = y + (h1+h2)/2 #line length ll = clust.distance * scaling draw.line((x,top+h1/2,x,bottom-h2/2),fill=(255,0,0)) draw.line((x,top+h1/2,x+ll,top+h1/2),fill=(255,0,0)) draw.line((x,bottom-h2/2,x+ll,bottom-h2/2),fill=(255,0,0)) drawnode(draw,clust.left, x+ll, top+h1/2,scaling, labels) drawnode(draw,clust.right,x+ll, bottom-h2/2,scaling,labels) else : draw.text((x+5,y-7),labels[clust.id],(0,0,0)) if __name__ == '__main__' : #pearson_distance blogwords,blognames = importData() clust = hcluster(blogwords,blognames) print clust #drawdendrogram(clust,blognames,jpeg='blogclust.jpg')
from clusterBase import importData, pearson_distance import random def print_matchs(matchs) : for i in range(len(matchs)) : print i , '---->', for item in matchs[i] : print item, print print '-'*20 def kmeans(blogwords, k) : min_max_per_word = [ [min([row[i] for row in blogwords]), max([row[i] for row in blogwords])] for i in range(len(blogwords[0]))] # generate k clusters randomly clusters = [] for i in range(k) : cluster = [] for min_, max_ in min_max_per_word : cluster.append(random.random() * (max_ - min_) + min_) clusters.append(cluster) lables = [] matchs = [ [] for i in range(k)] lastmatchs = [ [] for i in range(k)] rounds = 100 while rounds > 0 : matchs = [ [] for i in range(k)] print 'round \t',rounds for i in range(len(blogwords)) : bestmatch_cluster = None min_distance = 2.1 for j in range(k) : dis = pearson_distance(clusters[j], blogwords[i]) if dis < min_distance : min_distance = dis bestmatch_cluster = j matchs[bestmatch_cluster].append(i) print_matchs(matchs) print_matchs(lastmatchs) if matchs == lastmatchs : break lastmatchs = [[ item for item in matchs[i] ] for i in range(k)] #move the centroids to the average of their members for j in range(k) : avg = [0.0 for i in range(len(blogwords[0])) ] for m in matchs[j] : vec = blogwords[m] for i in range(len(blogwords[0])) : avg[i] += vec[i] avg = [ item / len(matchs[j]) for item in avg] clusters[j] = avg rounds -= 1 if __name__ == '__main__' : blogwords,blognames = importData() kmeans(blogwords,5)
''' Another clusting method , k-medoids. See more : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-medoids The most common realisation of k-medoid clustering is the Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) algorithm and is as follows:[2] 1. Initialize: randomly select k of the n data points as the medoids 2. Associate each data point to the closest medoid. ("closest" here is defined using any valid distance metric, most commonly Euclidean distance, Manhattan distance or Minkowski distance) 3. For each medoid m For each non-medoid data point o Swap m and o and compute the total cost of the configuration 4. Select the configuration with the lowest cost. 5. repeat steps 2 to 4 until there is no change in the medoid. ''' from clusterBase import importData, pearson_distance import random distances_cache = {} def totalcost(blogwords, costf, medoids_idx) : size = len(blogwords) total_cost = 0.0 medoids = {} for idx in medoids_idx : medoids[idx] = [] for i in range(size) : choice = None min_cost = 2.1 for m in medoids : tmp = distances_cache.get((m,i),None) if tmp == None : tmp = pearson_distance(blogwords[m],blogwords[i]) distances_cache[(m,i)] = tmp if tmp < min_cost : choice = m min_cost = tmp medoids[choice].append(i) total_cost += min_cost return total_cost, medoids def kmedoids(blogwords, k) : size = len(blogwords) medoids_idx = random.sample([i for i in range(size)], k) pre_cost, medoids = totalcost(blogwords,pearson_distance,medoids_idx) print pre_cost current_cost = 2.1 * size # maxmum of pearson_distances is 2. best_choice = [] best_res = {} iter_count = 0 while 1 : for m in medoids : for item in medoids[m] : if item != m : idx = medoids_idx.index(m) swap_temp = medoids_idx[idx] medoids_idx[idx] = item tmp,medoids_ = totalcost(blogwords,pearson_distance,medoids_idx) #print tmp,'-------->',medoids_.keys() if tmp < current_cost : best_choice = list(medoids_idx) best_res = dict(medoids_) current_cost = tmp medoids_idx[idx] = swap_temp iter_count += 1 print current_cost,iter_count if best_choice == medoids_idx : break if current_cost <= pre_cost : pre_cost = current_cost medoids = best_res medoids_idx = best_choice return current_cost, best_choice, best_res def print_match(best_medoids, blognames) : for medoid in best_medoids : print blognames[medoid],'----->', for m in best_medoids[medoid] : print '(',m,blognames[m],')', print print '---------' * 20 if __name__ == '__main__' : blogwords, blognames = importData() best_cost,best_choice,best_medoids = kmedoids(blogwords,8) print_match(best_medoids,blognames)