

  1. JSINQ
    说明:JSINQ is the JavaScript library that allows you to write SQL-like queries against arrays and DOM node lists.(一个类似SQL语法的JS Dom查找库)
  2. Joose
    说明:Joose is a self-hosting meta object system for JavaScript with support for classes, inheritance, mixins, traits, method modifiers and more.(很强大的一个面向对象的JS类库)
  3. jData
    说明:jData is a shared localStorage object interface that can be accessed by any website on the internet and works on Firefox 3+, Webkit 3.1.2/3.2+ nightlies (for some reason not Safari 3.2 stable), and IE8.(兼容各个浏览器的本地数据存储组件)
  4. xLazyLoader
    说明:Lightweight js, css and images preloader.(JS/CSS/Image异步加载和管理组件)
  5. JavaScriptMVC
    说明:the framework that provides a Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern for JavaScript development。(JS版MVC框架)
  6. titaniumapp
    说明:Titanium is the first open platform for building rich desktop applications(使用web技术开发桌面应用)
  7. mxgraph
    说明:mxGraph is the ultimate component for drawing diagrams in a browser. (一个在线绘图的东东,貌似很强大)
  8. getsprockets
    说明:Sprockets is a Ruby library that preprocesses and concatenates JavaScript source files.(一个ruby编写的JS文件合并工具)
  9. Juicer
    说明:a CSS and JavaScript packaging.一个ruby编写的Js/CSS文件合并压缩工具,集成了css优化、jsLint验证等。
  10. GX
    说明:GX is a full-featured, cross-browser, super-tiny (10kb uncompressed) Javascript Animations Framework. Using GX you can create complex animations working with every w3c CSS property.一个10KB左右的优秀JS动画库。
  11. Helene
    说明:A syntax highlighting text editor in javascript.一个JS实现的语法高亮文本编辑器。有一些不错的技术文章可以学习学习
  12. jsDraw2D说明:This is a pure JavaScript library to draw 2D graphics on web pages inside web browser without using SVG or VML. JavaScript developers, web developers and webmasters can take advantage of the library to add graphics drawing functionality to their web applications or websites using the library.一个强大的JS2D绘图框架。
