















尽可能用约束(包括CHECK、主键、唯一键、外键、非空字段)实现,这种方式的效率最好;其次用触发器,这种方式可以保证无论何种业务系统访问数据库都能维持数据库的完整性、一致性;最后再考虑用自写业务逻辑实现, 自己写业务逻辑在应用程序中定义,容易遗漏,定义时必须按照关系顺序,否则会报错,在处理大量关系是对程序员的细心程度要求比较高























select top 10 * from a where id not in (select top 30 id from a)

select top 10 * from a where id>(select max(id) from (select top 30 id from a ) as a)


12 表中有A B C三列,用SQL语句实现:当A列大于B列时选择A列否则选择B列,当B列大于C列时选择B列否则选择C列。

select (case when a>b then a else b end), (case when b>c then b esle c end)  from table_name




1.表text 有id,name字段,如果name相同的记录只能留下一条,其余的删除有没有这样的sql语句,如何做。

a 将重复的记录记入临时表temp1


b 将不重复的记录记入temp1


c 作一个包含所有不重复的表


d deltect表明


e insert表


f 删除temp1和temp2




student表 s-学号 sn-姓名 sd-单位 sa-年龄

course表 c-课程号 cn课程名

student-course表 s-学号 c-课程号 g-成绩


create table student
s varchar(4) primary key not null,

sn varchar(20) not null,
sd varchar(20) not null,
sa int not null
insert into student values('0001','aaa','aaa',23)
insert into student values('0002','bbb','bbb',22)
insert into student values('0003','ccc','ccc',24)
insert into student values('0004','ddd','ddd',26)
insert into student values('0005','eee','eee',27)
insert into student values('0006','fff','fff',28)
insert into student values('0007','ggg','ggg',29)
insert into student values('0008','hhh','hhh',30)


create table course
c varchar(4) primary key not null,
cn varchar(20) not null
insert into course values('c1','税收基础')
insert into course values('c2','大学英语')
insert into course values('c3','大学语文')
insert into course values('c4','高等数学')
insert into course values('c5','马列')
insert into course values('c6','毛思')
insert into course values('c7','邓理')
insert into course values('c8','计算机')


create table studentcourse
s varchar(4) foreign key references student(s),
c varchar(4) foreign key references course(c),
g int not null
insert into studentcourse values('0001','c1',70)
insert into studentcourse values('0002','c1',90)
insert into studentcourse values('0002','c3',70)

insert into studentcourse values('0003','c1',96)
insert into studentcourse values('0003','c2',71)
insert into studentcourse values('0003','c3',72)
insert into studentcourse values('0003','c4',73)

insert into studentcourse values('0003','c5',88)
insert into studentcourse values('0003','c6',74)
insert into studentcourse values('0003','c7',75)
insert into studentcourse values('0003','c8',77)
insert into studentcourse values('0004','c2',80)
insert into studentcourse values('0004','c5',89)
insert into studentcourse values('0005','c1',60)
insert into studentcourse values('0005','c2',67)
insert into studentcourse values('0005','c3',57)
insert into studentcourse values('0005','c4',77)
insert into studentcourse values('0005','c5',66)
insert into studentcourse values('0006','c3',65)
insert into studentcourse values('0006','c4',69)
insert into studentcourse values('0006','c5',62)
insert into studentcourse values('0007','c3',82)
insert into studentcourse values('0007','c4',88)
insert into studentcourse values('0007','c8',77)
insert into studentcourse values('0008','c6',55)
insert into studentcourse values('0008','c8',78)


a 查询选择课程名为“税收基础”的学号和姓名

select * from student where s in (select s from course,studentcourse where course.c=studentcourse.c and cn='税收基础')


b 查询选修课程号为“c2”的学号,姓名和所有单位

select sn,sd from student,studentcourse where student.s=studentcourse.s and studentcourse.c='c2'


c 不选修课程号为“c5”的学号,姓名和所有单位

select sn,sd from student where s not in (select s from studentcourse where c='c5')


d 查询选修了课程的学号人数

select 学员人数=count(distinct s) from studentcourse


e 查询选修课程超过5门的学号和所有单位

select sn,sd from student where s in (select s from studentcourse group by s having count(distinct c)>5)


f 选修全部课程的学号和所有单位(还没搞懂)

select sn,sd from student where s in
(select s from studentcourse right join course on studentcourse.c=course.c group by s having count(*)=count(s))




student表 sno学号 sname姓名

course表    cno课程号 cname课程名 cteacher任课老师

student course表 sno学号 cno课程号 scgrade成绩


create table s
sno varchar(4) primary key not null,
sname varchar(20) not null,
insert into s values('0001','aaa')
insert into s values('0002','bbb')
insert into s values('0003','ccc')
insert into s values('0004','ddd')
insert into s values('0005','eee')
insert into s values('0006','fff')
insert into s values('0007','ggg')
insert into s values('0008','hhh')


create table c
cno varchar(4) primary key not null,
cname varchar(20) not null,
cteacher varchar(20) not null
insert into c values('c1','税收基础','李明')
insert into c values('c2','大学英语','张平')
insert into c values('c3','大学语文','陈定梅')
insert into c values('c4','高等数学','张海峰')
insert into c values('c5','马列','卢祥宇')
insert into c values('c6','毛思','李书生')
insert into c values('c7','邓理','王稼祥')
insert into c values('c8','计算机','李明')


create table sc
sno varchar(4) foreign key references s(sno),
cno varchar(4) foreign key references c(cno),
scgrade int not null

insert into sc values('0001','c1',50)
insert into sc values('0002','c1',59)
insert into sc values('0003','c1',70)
insert into sc values('0004','c1',96)
insert into sc values('0005','c1',41)
insert into sc values('0006','c1',52)
insert into sc values('0007','c1',43)
insert into sc values('0008','c1',88)
insert into sc values('0002','c2',45)
insert into sc values('0003','c2',85)
insert into sc values('0004','c2',47)
insert into sc values('0005','c2',50)
insert into sc values('0008','c2',89)
insert into sc values('0003','c3',60)
insert into sc values('0004','c3',67)
insert into sc values('0005','c3',57)
insert into sc values('0006','c3',77)


a 没有选择李明老师教授课程的所有学生姓名

select sname from s
where  s.sno not in (select sno from sc,c  where sc.cno=c.cno and c.cteacher='李明')


b 列出两门以上(含两门)不及格课程的学生姓名及平均成绩

select s.sno,s.sname,avgscgrade=avg(sc.scgrade) from s,sc,
(select sno from sc where scgrade<60 group by sno having count(distinct cno)>=2) a
where s.sno=a.sno and a.sno=sc.sno group by s.sno,s.sname


c 列出选过c1号课程又选过c2号课程的所有学生的学号

select s.sno,sname from s,
(select sno from sc,c where sc.cno=c.cno and c.cno in('c1','c2') group by sno having count(distinct sc.cno)=2)
sc where s.sno=sc.sno


d 列出c1号成绩比c2号成绩高的所有学生的学号

select s.sno,s.sname from s,
(select distinct sc1.sno from sc sc1,c c1, sc sc2,c c2 where sc1.cno=c1.cno and c1.cname='税收基础'and
sc2.cno=c2.cno and c2.cname='大学英语' and sc1.scgrade>sc2.scgrade)sc where s.sno=sc.sno


e 列出c1好成绩比c2号成绩高所有学号和c1号和c2号课程的成绩






























