Vrml Scene Graph

Vrml Scene Graph

#VRML V2.0 utf8

Viewpoint {
   fieldOfView 1.57
   orientation -1 0 0 0.79
   position 0.0 5.0 6.0
   description "Inducing Water"
Transform {
 children [
  NavigationInfo {
          type "EXAMINE"
   headlight TRUE
  DEF LocLight PointLight {
   color 1 0.647 0.376
   on TRUE
   location 4.83 4.09 1.12
   intensity 1
  DEF LocLight_1 PointLight {
   color 0.00784 0.698 1
   on TRUE
   location -3.63 3.05 5.12
   intensity 1
  DEF LocLight_2 PointLight {
   color 0.8 0.8 0.8
   on TRUE
   location 1.23 2.93 -5.39
   intensity 1
 Group {
  children [
      Inline {
  url "sphere.wrl"
  bboxSize 4.3 8 4.21
     bboxCenter -0.446 1.2 0
      Inline {
  url "b_dragon.wrl"
   Inline {
  url "d_dragon.wrl"

If  I have  time,I'll post the other souce code & the result running scene graph.

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