我参考了ASE12.5.4和ASE15.0.3中的sp_helpdevice的语法完成该过程sp_helpdevice2的编写。分别在ASE v11.0.1, ASE v11.5.1, ASE v11.9.2, ASE v12.5, v12.5.0.3, v12.5.4 平台上进行了测试。
* 此存储过程sp_helpdevice2适用于 ASE v11.x, v12.x,不能用于ASE15.x。实际上ASE15.x中的sp_helpdevice包含设备剩余空间以及设备上所分配的数据库的功能!
* ASE v11.x版本中系统表 sysusages中没有crdate这个表示设备段分配时间的字段,考虑到支持ASEv11.x,为了简单处理,没有在Allocation information 中列出设备段的具体分配时间!
/* * 此存储过程在ASE v11.0.1, ASE v11.5.1,ASE v11.9.2, ASE v12.5, v12.5.0.3, v12.5.4 平台测试通过!适用于 ASE v11.x, v12.x,不能用于ASE15。实际上ASE15.x中的sp_helpdevice完全能够实现该功能! * ASE v11.x版本中系统表 sysusages中没有crdate这个表示设备段分配时间的字段,考虑到支持ASEv11.x为了简单处理,没有在Allocation information 中列出设备段的具体分配时间! */ use sybsystemprocs go if exists(select 1 from dbo.sysobjects where type='P' and name='sp_helpdevice2') drop procedure sp_helpdevice2 go create procedure sp_helpdevice2 @devname varchar(30) = "%" as declare @numpgsmb float declare @numpgsmb2 float declare @Major_Version int set nocount on select @numpgsmb = (1048576. / @@pagesize) select @numpgsmb2 = (1048576. / @@maxpagesize) --select @version_as_num = @@version_as_integer select @Major_Version= convert(int, right(substring(@@version,1,charindex('.',@@version)-1),2) ) if @Major_Version >= 15 or @Major_Version < 11 begin print "this procedure is available for ASE versions from v11.x to v12.5.x, not for ASE15.x!" return (1) end /* See if the device exists.*/ if not exists (select * from master.dbo.sysdevices where name like @devname) begin /* 17610, "No such i/o device exists." */ raiserror 17610 return (1) end /* total size of device */ select d.name, totalsizeMB = (1. + (d.high - d.low)) / @numpgsmb into #totalsize from master.dbo.sysdevices d where d.status & 2 = 2 and name like @devname group by d.name /* Calculate used size in MB */ select d.name, usedsizeMB = isnull(sum(u.size) / @numpgsmb2,0) into #usedsize from master.dbo.sysdevices d, master.dbo.sysusages u where u.vstart >= d.low and u.vstart <= d.high and d.status & 2 = 2 and d.name like @devname group by d.name union select d.name, 0. from master.dbo.sysdevices d where not exists ( select 1 from master.dbo.sysusages u where u.vstart >= d.low and u.vstart <= d.high ) and d.status & 2 = 2 and d.name like @devname set nocount off /* Calculate the free size of device */ select d.name ,TotalSize = str(#totalsize.totalsizeMB,10,2), UsedSize = str(#usedsize.usedsizeMB,10,2),FreeSize = str(#totalsize.totalsizeMB - #usedsize.usedsizeMB,10,2),phyname = convert(varchar(50),d.phyname) from master.dbo.sysdevices d, #totalsize, #usedsize where d.name = #totalsize.name and #totalsize.name = #usedsize.name order by low,high if (select count(*) from master.dbo.sysdevices where name like @devname) = 1 begin print "" print "========================== Allocate Information ==========================" /*if @Major_Version = 12 select dbname = db_name(dbid), "size(MB)"=str(size/@numpgsmb2,10,2), allocated = u.crdate, vstart, lstart from master.dbo.sysusages u, master.dbo.sysdevices d where d.status & 2 = 2 and d.name like @devname and (u.vstart >= d.low and u.vstart <= d.high ) order by dbname,vstart else if @Major_Version = 11 */ select dbname = db_name(dbid), "size(MB)"=str(size/@numpgsmb2,10,2), vstart, lstart from master.dbo.sysusages u, master.dbo.sysdevices d where d.status & 2 = 2 and d.name like @devname and (u.vstart >= d.low and u.vstart <= d.high ) order by dbname,vstart end drop table #totalsize drop table #usedsize go /* grant the execute privilege to public */ grant execute on sp_helpdevice2 to public go