TOJ1034 :
大意是有6种规格的石头,编号从1到6,编号为 i 的石头的价值为 i .现在给出各种石头的数量,问有没有可能得到总价值的一半。
做法: DP, 每种石头价值为v[i],价值为 i ,数量为 num[i] ,通过多重背包看能不能恰好取得总价值的一半。
做法2:这种方法的前提是POJ discuss里的一种做法,即给每个石头的数量mod 8。证明是用抽屉原理证的,很复杂,我没有看。但是这样以来,数量
Code for 1034(Dividing):
TOJ 1670:
大意是一台取款机有N中货币,每种货币面值为 V[i] ,数量为 num[i] , 给出一个价值,为在这个价值之内(包括这个价值)最大能取得多大。
分析:典型的多重背包,给出的价值即为背包容量,每种货币为一种物品,价值为v[i] , 数量为num[i],求能得到的最大价值。
Code for 1670(Cash Mechine):
TOJ1034 :
大意是有6种规格的石头,编号从1到6,编号为 i 的石头的价值为 i .现在给出各种石头的数量,问有没有可能得到总价值的一半。
做法: DP, 每种石头价值为v[i],价值为 i ,数量为 num[i] ,通过多重背包看能不能恰好取得总价值的一半。
做法2:这种方法的前提是POJ discuss里的一种做法,即给每个石头的数量mod 8。证明是用抽屉原理证的,很复杂,我没有看。但是这样以来,数量
Code for 1034(Dividing):
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util. * ;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.MaximizeAction;
public class Main {
public static int f[] = new int [ 20001 * 6 ]; // f[i]表示容量为 i 的背包最多能装的物品的价值
public static int v[] = new int [ 7 ];
public static int num[] = new int [ 7 ];
public static int total,flag,key; //total为 6 种大理石的总价值 ,flag为标记,一旦为1表示可以取得,可以返回了
public static void onezeropack( int cost, int weight) { // 01背包函数,注意循环是从total 到 cost,不要弄反
int i;
for (i = total;i >= cost; i -- ) {
f[i] = Math.max(f[i],f[i - cost] + weight);
if (f[i] == key) { // 如果可以取得总价值一半,flag=1,返回
flag = 1 ;
return ;
public static void finishpack( int cost, int weight) {
int i;
if (flag == 1 ) return ;
for (i = cost;i <= total; i ++ ) {
f[i] = Math.max(f[i], f[i - cost] + weight);
if (f[i] == key) {
flag = 1 ;
return ;
public static void multipack( int cost, int weight, int amount) {
if (cost * amount >= total) {
finishpack(cost, weight);
return ;
if (flag == 1 ) return ;
int k = 1 ;
while (k < amount) { // 该过程即为将一件物品拆分为1,2,4...2^k 件物品进行01背包过程
onezeropack(k * cost, k * weight);
amount -= k;
k *= 2 ;
onezeropack(cost * amount, weight * amount);
public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner in = new Scanner(System. in );
int i,j,cas = 1 ;
while ( true ) {
Arrays.fill(f, 0 );
total = 0 ; flag = 0 ;
for (i = 1 ;i <= 6 ; i ++ ) {
num[i] = in .nextInt();
v[i] = i;
total += i * num[i];
if (num[ 1 ] == 0 && num[ 2 ] == 0 && num[ 3 ] == 0 && num[ 4 ] == 0 && num[ 5 ] == 0 && num[ 6 ] == 0 )
break ;
if (total % 2 == 1 ) flag = 0 ;
else {
key = total / 2 ;
for (i = 1 ;i <= 6 ; i ++ )
multipack(i, i, num[i]);
System. out .println( " Collection # " + cas + " : " );
if (flag == 0 ) System. out .println( " Can't be divided. " );
else System. out .println( " Can be divided. " );
System. out .println();
cas ++ ;
import java.util. * ;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.MaximizeAction;
public class Main {
public static int f[] = new int [ 20001 * 6 ]; // f[i]表示容量为 i 的背包最多能装的物品的价值
public static int v[] = new int [ 7 ];
public static int num[] = new int [ 7 ];
public static int total,flag,key; //total为 6 种大理石的总价值 ,flag为标记,一旦为1表示可以取得,可以返回了
public static void onezeropack( int cost, int weight) { // 01背包函数,注意循环是从total 到 cost,不要弄反
int i;
for (i = total;i >= cost; i -- ) {
f[i] = Math.max(f[i],f[i - cost] + weight);
if (f[i] == key) { // 如果可以取得总价值一半,flag=1,返回
flag = 1 ;
return ;
public static void finishpack( int cost, int weight) {
int i;
if (flag == 1 ) return ;
for (i = cost;i <= total; i ++ ) {
f[i] = Math.max(f[i], f[i - cost] + weight);
if (f[i] == key) {
flag = 1 ;
return ;
public static void multipack( int cost, int weight, int amount) {
if (cost * amount >= total) {
finishpack(cost, weight);
return ;
if (flag == 1 ) return ;
int k = 1 ;
while (k < amount) { // 该过程即为将一件物品拆分为1,2,4...2^k 件物品进行01背包过程
onezeropack(k * cost, k * weight);
amount -= k;
k *= 2 ;
onezeropack(cost * amount, weight * amount);
public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner in = new Scanner(System. in );
int i,j,cas = 1 ;
while ( true ) {
Arrays.fill(f, 0 );
total = 0 ; flag = 0 ;
for (i = 1 ;i <= 6 ; i ++ ) {
num[i] = in .nextInt();
v[i] = i;
total += i * num[i];
if (num[ 1 ] == 0 && num[ 2 ] == 0 && num[ 3 ] == 0 && num[ 4 ] == 0 && num[ 5 ] == 0 && num[ 6 ] == 0 )
break ;
if (total % 2 == 1 ) flag = 0 ;
else {
key = total / 2 ;
for (i = 1 ;i <= 6 ; i ++ )
multipack(i, i, num[i]);
System. out .println( " Collection # " + cas + " : " );
if (flag == 0 ) System. out .println( " Can't be divided. " );
else System. out .println( " Can be divided. " );
System. out .println();
cas ++ ;
TOJ 1670:
大意是一台取款机有N中货币,每种货币面值为 V[i] ,数量为 num[i] , 给出一个价值,为在这个价值之内(包括这个价值)最大能取得多大。
分析:典型的多重背包,给出的价值即为背包容量,每种货币为一种物品,价值为v[i] , 数量为num[i],求能得到的最大价值。
Code for 1670(Cash Mechine):
#include < cstring >
int f[ 100002 ],v[ 12 ],num[ 12 ],cost[ 12 ];
int total,n;
int max( int a, int b){ return a > b ? a:b;}
void OneZeroPack( int cost, int value){
int i,j;
for (i = total;i >= cost; i -- )
f[i] = max(f[i],f[i - cost] + value);
void completePack( int cost, int weight){
int i;
for (i = cost;i <= total; i ++ )
f[i] = max(f[i],f[i - cost] + weight);
void multiPack( int cost, int weight, int amount){
if (cost * amount >= total){
return ;
int k = 1 ;
while (k < amount){
OneZeroPack(k * cost,k * weight);
amount -= k;
k *= 2 ;
OneZeroPack(cost * amount,amount * weight);
int main(){
int i,j,k;
while (scanf( " %d%d " , & total, & n) != EOF){
memset(f, 0 , sizeof (f));
for (i = 1 ;i <= n; i ++ ){
scanf( " %d%d " , & num[i], & cost[i]);
v[i] = cost[i];
for (i = 1 ;i <= n; i ++ )
printf( " %d\n " ,f[total]);
#include < cstring >
int f[ 100002 ],v[ 12 ],num[ 12 ],cost[ 12 ];
int total,n;
int max( int a, int b){ return a > b ? a:b;}
void OneZeroPack( int cost, int value){
int i,j;
for (i = total;i >= cost; i -- )
f[i] = max(f[i],f[i - cost] + value);
void completePack( int cost, int weight){
int i;
for (i = cost;i <= total; i ++ )
f[i] = max(f[i],f[i - cost] + weight);
void multiPack( int cost, int weight, int amount){
if (cost * amount >= total){
return ;
int k = 1 ;
while (k < amount){
OneZeroPack(k * cost,k * weight);
amount -= k;
k *= 2 ;
OneZeroPack(cost * amount,amount * weight);
int main(){
int i,j,k;
while (scanf( " %d%d " , & total, & n) != EOF){
memset(f, 0 , sizeof (f));
for (i = 1 ;i <= n; i ++ ){
scanf( " %d%d " , & num[i], & cost[i]);
v[i] = cost[i];
for (i = 1 ;i <= n; i ++ )
printf( " %d\n " ,f[total]);