spoj149 Fencing in the Sheep

spoj149 Fencing in the Sheep


#include  < iostream >
< cstdlib >
< cstdio >
< algorithm >

using   namespace  std;

struct  point
int  x,y;
100005 ],c[ 100005 ];

bool  b[ 100005 ];

int  ii;

int  dj( int  x1, int  y1, int  x2, int  y2)
long   long  tmp = ( long   long )(x1) * x2 + ( long   long )(y1) * y2;
if  (tmp == 0 return   0 ;
return  tmp > 0 ? 1 : - 1 ;

int  cj( int  x1, int  y1, int  x2, int  y2)
long   long  tmp = ( long   long )(x1) * y2 - ( long   long )(x2) * y1;
if  (tmp == 0 return   0 ;
return  tmp > 0 ? 1 : - 1 ;

bool  check( const  point  & p)
int  t = cj(a[ii].x,a[ii].y,p.x,p.y);
if  (t > 0 return   true ;
if  (t < 0 return   false ;
return  dj(a[ii].x,a[ii].y,p.x,p.y) > 0 ;

bool  cmp( const  point  & p, const  point  & q)
bool  b1 = check(p),b2 = check(q);
if  (b1 &&! b2)  return   true ;
if  ( ! b1 && b2)  return   false ;
return  cj(p.x,p.y,q.x,q.y) > 0 ;

int  main( void )
int  res,n,m,i,j,k,t,u,g;
" %d " , & u);
while (u -- )
= 0 ;
" %d%d " , & n, & t);
for (i = 0 ;i < n;i ++ )
" %d%d " , & a[i].x, & a[i].y);
for (m = 0 ,i = 0 ;i < t;i ++ )
" %d%d " , & c[m].x, & c[m].y);
if  (c[m].x == 0 && c[m].y == 0 )
++ ;
else  m ++ ;
= 0 ;
while (cj(a[ii].x,a[ii].y,a[(ii + 1 ) % n].x,a[(ii + 1 ) % n].y) == 0 )
++ ;
+ m,cmp);
for (i = 0 ;i < m;i ++ )
= true ;
for (k = 0 ,i = ii;i < n;i ++ )
= i + 1 ;
if  (j == n)
= 0 ;
if  (cj(a[i].x,a[i].y,a[j].x,a[j].y) == 0 )
continue ;
while  (cj(a[i].x,a[i].y,c[k].x,c[k].y) >= 0
&& cj(c[k].x,c[k].y,a[j].x,a[j].y) > 0 )
if  (b[k] && cj(a[j].x - a[i].x,a[j].y - a[i].y,c[k].x - a[i].x,c[k].y - a[i].y) >= 0 )
++ ;
= false ;
= (k + 1 ) % m;
= k;
while  (cj(a[i].x,a[i].y,c[k].x,c[k].y) >= 0
&& cj(c[k].x,c[k].y,a[j].x,a[j].y) >= 0 )
if  (b[k] && cj(a[j].x - a[i].x,a[j].y - a[i].y,c[k].x - a[i].x,c[k].y - a[i].y) >= 0 )
++ ;
= false ;
= (k + 1 ) % m;
= g;
" %d\n " ,res);
return   0 ;

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