Geometric transform (test image: fig3.tif)
Develope geometric transform program that will rotate, translate, and scale an imageby specified amounts, using the nearest neighbor and bilinear interpolationmethods, respectively.
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- sourcePic=imread('fig3.tif');
- %以下为了彩色图像
- %[m,n,o]=size(sourcePic);
- %grayPic=rgb2gray(sourcePic);
- grayPic=sourcePic;
- [m,n]=size(grayPic);
- %比例系数为0.2-5.0
- K = str2double(inputdlg('请输入比例系数(0.2 - 5.0)', '输入比例系数', 1, {'0.5'}));
- %验证范围
- if (K < 0.2) && (K > 5.0)
- errordlg('比例系数不在0.2 - 5.0范围内', '错误');
- error('请输入比例系数(0.2 - 5.0)');
- end
- figure;
- imshow(grayPic);
- width = K * m;
- height = K * n;
- resultPic = uint8(zeros(width,height));
- widthScale = m/width;
- heightScale = n/height;
- for x = 5:width - 5
- for y = 5:height - 5
- xxx = x * widthScale;
- yyy = y * heightScale;
- if (xx/double(uint16(xx)) == 1.0) && (yy/double(uint16(yy)) == 1.0) % if xx and yy is integer,then J(x,y) <- I(x,y)
- resultPic(x,y) = grayPic(int16(xx),int16(yy));
- else % xx or yy is not integer
- a = double(round(xx)); % (a,b) is the base-dot
- b = double(round(yy));
- resultPic(x,y) = grayPic(a,b); % calculate J(x,y)
- end
- end
- end
- figure;
- rotate(resultPic,-20);
- imshow(resultPic);
sourcePic=imread('fig3.tif');%以下为了彩色图像%[m,n,o]=size(sourcePic);%grayPic=rgb2gray(sourcePic);grayPic=sourcePic;[m,n]=size(grayPic);%比例系数为0.2-5.0K = str2double(inputdlg('请输入比例系数(0.2 - 5.0)', '输入比例系数', 1, {'0.5'}));%验证范围if (K < 0.2) && (K > 5.0) errordlg('比例系数不在0.2 - 5.0范围内', '错误'); error('请输入比例系数(0.2 - 5.0)');endfigure;imshow(grayPic);width = K * m; height = K * n;resultPic = uint8(zeros(width,height));widthScale = m/width;heightScale = n/height;for x = 5:width - 5 for y = 5:height - 5 xx = x * widthScale; yy = y * heightScale; if (xx/double(uint16(xx)) == 1.0) && (yy/double(uint16(yy)) == 1.0) % if xx and yy is integer,then J(x,y) <- I(x,y) resultPic(x,y) = grayPic(int16(xx),int16(yy)); else % xx or yy is not integer a = double(round(xx)); % (a,b) is the base-dot b = double(round(yy)); resultPic(x,y) = grayPic(a,b); % calculate J(x,y) end endendfigure;rotate(resultPic,-20);imshow(resultPic);
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- sourcePic=imread(
- %以下为了彩色图像
- %[m,n,o]=size(sourcePic);
- %grayPic=rgb2gray(sourcePic);
- grayPic=sourcePic;
- [m,n]=size(grayPic);
- %比例系数为0.2-5.0
- K = str2double(inputdlg(
- %验证范围
- if (K < 0.2) or (K > 5.0)
- errordlg(
- error(
- end
- figure;
- imshow(grayPic);
- %输出图片长宽
- width = K * m;
- height = K * n;
- resultPic = uint8(zeros(width,height));
- widthScale = n/width;
- heightScale = m/height;
- for x = 5:width-5
- for y = 5:height-5
- xx = x * widthScale;
- yy = y * heightScale;
- if (xx/double(uint16(xx)) == 1.0) && (yy/double(uint16(yy)) == 1.0)
- % if xx and yy is integer,then J(x,y) <- I(x,y)
- resultPic(x,y) = grayPic(int16(xx),int16(yy));
- else
- % xx or yy is not integer
- a = double(uint16(xx));
- % (a,b) is the base-dot
- b = double(uint16(yy));
- x11 = double(grayPic(a,b));
- % x11 <- I(a,b)
- x12 = double(grayPic(a,b+1));
- % x12 <- I(a,b+1)
- x21 = double(grayPic(a+1,b));
- % x21 <- I(a+1,b)
- x22 = double(grayPic(a+1,b+1));
- % x22 <- I(a+1,b+1)
- resultPic(x,y) = uint8( (b+1-yy) * ((xx-a)*x21 + (a+1-xx)*x11) + (yy-b) * ((xx-a)*x22 +(a+1-xx) * x12) );
- end
- end
- end
- figure;
- resultPic = imrotate(resultPic,-20);
- imshow(resultPic);
sourcePic=imread('fig3.tif');%以下为了彩色图像%[m,n,o]=size(sourcePic);%grayPic=rgb2gray(sourcePic);grayPic=sourcePic;[m,n]=size(grayPic);%比例系数为0.2-5.0K = str2double(inputdlg('请输入比例系数(0.2 - 5.0)', '输入比例系数', 1, {'0.5'}));%验证范围if (K < 0.2) or (K > 5.0) errordlg('比例系数不在0.2 - 5.0范围内', '错误'); error('请输入比例系数(0.2 - 5.0)');endfigure;imshow(grayPic);%输出图片长宽width = K * m; height = K * n;resultPic = uint8(zeros(width,height));widthScale = n/width;heightScale = m/height;for x = 5:width-5 for y = 5:height-5 xx = x * widthScale; yy = y * heightScale; if (xx/double(uint16(xx)) == 1.0) && (yy/double(uint16(yy)) == 1.0) % if xx and yy is integer,then J(x,y) <- I(x,y) resultPic(x,y) = grayPic(int16(xx),int16(yy)); else % xx or yy is not integer a = double(uint16(xx)); % (a,b) is the base-dot b = double(uint16(yy)); x11 = double(grayPic(a,b)); % x11 <- I(a,b) x12 = double(grayPic(a,b+1)); % x12 <- I(a,b+1) x21 = double(grayPic(a+1,b)); % x21 <- I(a+1,b) x22 = double(grayPic(a+1,b+1)); % x22 <- I(a+1,b+1) resultPic(x,y) = uint8( (b+1-yy) * ((xx-a)*x21 + (a+1-xx)*x11) + (yy-b) * ((xx-a)*x22 +(a+1-xx) * x12) ); end endendfigure;resultPic = imrotate(resultPic,-20);imshow(resultPic);