2009年马上要过去了,每半个月去查一下讨论是我的功课,所以其实早就知道 c++新标准在 0x(也就是09年)完成已经没有实际可能。但就像爱一个人就总会以为奇迹会为我而生一样,我甚至是“欺骗”我的学生,说c++之父说了,c++ 0x 会在09年出现的……所以,或许就是12月31日吧? 当然,欺骗是在对方不知情情况下才叫欺骗,现在互联网这么发达,学生们的英语水平也比我好……是他们很同情我对c++ 0x 这么痴情啊,所以倒过来“欺骗”我“是啊,是啊。“。
得,Dr.Dobb 网站发表C++老大的文章了:《The C++0x "Remove Concepts" Decision》,也很快有了翻译得不错的中文稿(推荐阅读,相对其它的翻译,此稿翻译得好)。
Even after cutting "concepts," the next C++ standard may be delayed. Sadly, there will be no C++0x (unless you count the minor corrections in C++03). We must wait for C++1x, and hope that 'x' will be a low digit. There is hope because C++1x is now feature complete (excepting the possibility of some national standards bodies effectively insisting on some feature present in the formal proposal for the standard). "All" that is left is the massive work of resolving outstanding technical issues and comments.
Even without "concepts," C++1x will be a massive improvement on C++98, especially when you consider that these features (and more) are designed to interoperate for maximum expressiveness and flexibility. I hope we will see "concepts" in a revision of C++ in maybe five years. Maybe we could call that C++1y or even "C++y!".
妈啊,这前一个Even把俺的心给击碎了,这后一个even,又让我将心比心,想想BS的心其实才是最苦的,可老人家字里行间还是相当冷静,多有鼓励……一时心酸,于是无语……哎,我早就说过了,作为一个程序员,千万别去爱一门语言!(最近身边一帮Java死忠一付患得患失样,现在轮到那我了 :) )