
Even though there are many steps to this process, you are only actively involved in a couple of those steps. The carrier itself is responsible for driving the process. You are only involved when you need to be;the rest is just "taken care of." This mirrors a powerful design pattern: the Template Method pattern.
        -- 好一个"mirror"!第一次见这个词时,知道它是指"镜子".后来下载东西时,有了"镜像"这个东东,看它的前世(也就是没有被翻译成中文前的词),是"Mirror",这也不理解了,怎么一个Mirror跟下载扯上关系了呢?以后接触网络多了,对这Mirror的理解也逐步加深.
            现在这个mirror作动词用,又差不多是第一次遇见.结合上下文体会到这个mirror用的多好!一系列生活中的现象正好抽象出这个"Template Method pattern",不过要比用"抽象"这个词形象多了.

