QString QDir::dirName() const
Returns the name of the directory; this is not the same as the path, e.g. a directory with the name "mail", might have the path "/var/spool/mail". If the directory has no name (e.g. it is the root directory) an empty string is returned.
No check is made to ensure that a directory with this name actually exists; but see exists().
See also path(), filePath(), absolutePath(), and absoluteFilePath().
QString QDir::canonicalPath() const
Returns the canonical path, i.e. a path without symbolic links or redundant "." or ".." elements.See also path(), absolutePath(), exists(), cleanPath(), dirName(), and absoluteFilePath().
QString QDir::rootPath() [static]
Returns the absolute path of the root directory.
For Unix operating systems this returns "/". For Windows file systems this normally returns "c:/".
See also root(), drives(), currentPath(), homePath(), and tempPath().
QFileInfoList QDir::drives() [static]
Returns a list of the root directories on this system.
On Windows this returns a list of QFileInfo objects containing "C:/", "D:/", etc. On other operating systems, it returns a list containing just one root directory (i.e. "/").
See also root() and rootPath().
QDir QDir::root() [static]
Returns the root directory.
The directory is constructed using the absolute path of the root directory, ensuring that its path() will be the same as its absolutePath().
See rootPath() for details.
See also drives(), current(), home(), and temp().
QDir QDir::current() [static]
Returns the application's current directory.
The directory is constructed using the absolute path of the current directory, ensuring that its path() will be the same as its absolutePath().
See also currentPath(), setCurrent(), home(), root(), and temp().
QString QDir::currentPath() [static]
Returns the absolute path of the application's current directory. The current directory is the last directory set with QDir::setCurrent() or, if that was never called, the directory at which this application was started at by the parent process.
QString QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() [static]
Returns the directory that contains the application executable.
For example, if you have installed Qt in the C:\Qt directory, and you run the regexp example, this function will return "C:/Qt/examples/tools/regexp".
On Mac OS X this will point to the directory actually containing the executable, which may be inside of an application bundle (if the application is bundled).
Warning: On Linux, this function will try to get the path from the /proc file system. If that fails, it assumes that argv[0] contains the absolute file name of the executable. The function also assumes that the current directory has not been changed by the application.