last.y = y;
// Image_ScrollBar.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "highgui.h" #include "cv.h" #include <iostream> #define default_width 640 #define default_height 480 //图片超过次界限时认为是大图片 const char * filename= "big.jpg"; CvPoint first = cvPoint(0,0); CvPoint last = cvPoint(0,0);//鼠标按下和抬起时的点 CvRect rect;//显示的图像在原图中的区域 int src_x = 0; int src_y = 0;//ROI左上角点 IplImage * img; int img_width,img_height;//读入的图片的宽高 int window_height ; int window_width ;//窗口的宽高 IplImage * dst_image;//显示的图片 using namespace std; void on_mouse(int event ,int x, int y,int flags, void* param){ switch(event){ case CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN: { first.x = x; first.y = y; } case CV_EVENT_LBUTTONUP: { last.x = x; last.y = y; src_x -= last.x - first.x; src_y -= last.y - first.y; if(src_x < 0)src_x = 0; else if(src_x > img_width - window_width)src_x = img_width - window_width; else ; if(src_y < 0 ) src_y = 0; else if(src_y > img_height - window_height)src_y = img_height - window_height; else; cout<<"左上角点:"<<endl; cout<<"x:"<<src_x<<endl; cout<<"y:"<<src_y<<endl; rect = cvRect(src_x, src_y,window_width , window_height); cvSetImageROI(img , rect); //将矩形区内的图像复制出来 cvCopy(img,dst_image); cvResetImageROI(img); cvShowImage("image", dst_image); } } } int main(){ img = cvLoadImage(filename,1); img_width = img->width; img_height = img->height; //如果图片没有大于默认大小,则可以直接调用opencv的显示函数 if(img_height <= default_height && img_width <= default_width){ cvNamedWindow("image",CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cvShowImage("image",img); cvWaitKey(0); cvReleaseImage(&img); cvDestroyAllWindows(); return 0; } //如果存在长或宽大于默认值,则需要添加滚动条 //如果不添加滚动条,直接拖动也可以实现 //记录鼠标的拖动 else{ window_height = default_height; window_width = default_width; //假如列或者宽小于默认值,则需要调整 if(img_height < default_height){window_height = img_height;} if(img_width < default_width){ window_width = img_width; } //设置ROI,将ROI内的区域拷贝出来 dst_image = cvCreateImage(cvSize(window_width,window_height),img->depth,img->nChannels); rect = cvRect(src_x, src_y,window_width,window_height); cvSetImageROI(img , rect); //将矩形区内的图像复制出来 cvCopy(img,dst_image); cvResetImageROI(img); cvNamedWindow("image",CV_WINDOW_NORMAL); cvResizeWindow("image",window_width,window_height); cvShowImage("image", dst_image); //下面开始处理鼠标事件 //鼠标buttondown和buttonup分别记下其位置,然后由此可以计算出移动的距离 cvSetMouseCallback("image",on_mouse ,0); cvWaitKey(0); cvReleaseImage(&img); cvDestroyAllWindows(); } return 0 ; }